i stand by my theory that midnight will see illidan coming out of the sunwell de-fel’d
Give me closure on the Illidan/Maiev star-crossed ship already.
Wasn’t his scars after all…
Maiev: “I’m gay.”
If she gets a buff, tatted girlfriend who’s all suspiciously smug and smirky.
Hero Talents are… conflicting, for me.
Like, I like the idea of an evergreen system that’s not just the tired, tired old ‘bolt another 5-10 levels on the cap and call it good’ that we’ve had to drudge through time after time after time. Something with depth and horizontal/aternate progression? Sign me the heck up!
What I don’t like is the “-and lets tie things that are VERY thematic heavy in here as well!”
Like… no? Don’t do that? Put the theme stuff in glyphs and the tailor and stuff that’s accessible to everyone to, y’know, make the RP part of RPG functional?
I dunno. It’s just frustrating how things are one step forward, one step back, and then… do a handstand, I guess?!
Just wait to see what they do with them in Midnight…
I guess I’m just after consistency. I wouldn’t mind universal specific fantasies or universal generic fantasies. The mixing and matching just feels like some specs are being given a lot of love while others are nothing but an afterthought.
I don’t see anything conflicting. To me it’s that some heroics have cool visuals attatched, some don’t, and far too many of them are either tone-deaf or too specific. Like, the Shado-Pan are far more than monks in-lore, but their representation is one of the blankest heroic classess that’s available for everyone instead of giving Pandaren something specific that isn’t an invasion for the first time in ages. So it’s like with covenants, just with no cosmetics attatched: you pick the best for your spec or you suffer.
Can’t be too mad about specs if I care about RP the most. Thus my concern rests with the notion of seeing “validated” san’layn and so on and so forth.
Can be scared of the wannabe Shado-Pan everywhere.
I never thought of this before, but you’re right. Now I have something new to worry about. Thanks a lot, Katy!
Absolutely bizarre that I read Packmaster and it turns out its just kill command and survival dps buffs/CD reductions and. . .nothing remotely pet-related whatsoever.
You’re welcome, citizen
(Seriously, though, I don’t undertstand why they neglect a perfectly functional system like glyphs etc?)

Wasn’t his scars after all…
my theory to evoke a sense of confused rage from people is he’ll return as elunes champion, his horns tats hooves and wings will be more malf core and i know someone somewhere will want to strangle me for even having the thought xx

my theory to evoke a sense of confused rage from people is he’ll return as elunes champion, his horns tats hooves and wings will be more malf core and i know someone somewhere will want to strangle me for even having the thought xx
i knew you’d see the vision

Absolutely bizarre that I read Packmaster and it turns out its just kill command and survival dps buffs/CD reductions and. . .nothing remotely pet-related whatsoever.
My main issue with Pack Leader is the lack of flavour in comparison to other trees with a much stronger theme. I disagree with your particular assertion. I mean, let’s look at the abilities.
Vicious Hunt improves Kill Command, the most frequently used pet-related ability for BM and Survival alike. That seems pet-related.
Pack Coordination causes your next Barbed Shot, Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite after a Kill Command to trigger an attack from your pet. That seems pet-related.
Howl of the Pack causes your pet’s critical strikes to increase their critical strike damage for the next six seconds. That seems pet-related.
Wild Attacks makes every third attack from your pet a guaranteed critical strike. That seems pet-related.
Den Recovery, Tireless Hunt and Cornered Prey are not pet-related.
Frenzied Tear causes your pet’s basic attacks to have a 20% chance to enhance Kill Command. It’s RNG which is a little annoying, but that seems pet-related.
Covering Fire is only pet-related for BM and not for Survival, while Scattered Prey, Cull the Herd and Furious Assault are not pet-related.
Beast of Opportunity causes you to summon an additional pet for a short period of time upon using Coordinated Assault or Bestial Wrath. That seems pet-related.
Pack Assault makes Vicious Hunt and Pack Coordination stack twice and makes them always active during Coordinated Assault and Call of the Wild. As Vicious Hunt and Pack Coordination are both pet-related, so is this.
In the end, the majority of Pack Leader talents are pet-related, including the capstone and keystone talents. There’s something to be said about potential balance issues or how passive the tree is, as it doesn’t add anything to change how hunter plays, but it definitely strikes me as a pet-related tree. So, I disagree with your claim that there’s “nothing remotely pet-related whatsoever” about it.

In the end, the majority of Pack Leader talents are pet-related
It might be semantical depending on the viewpoint but they’re pet-adjacent imo, yes they require the usage of a pet however the pet could just as well not exist and they could just be direct damage abilities and it would change little to nothing about their function and purpose. You could argue this for a few other classes as well but that’s a wider-scope problem too, not a good thing.
When I saw Pack Leader I expected a variety of unique influences on pets, given that both survival and beastmaster make a big deal out of the NPC Pet System they utilise and intertwine into their rotations. I expected maybe the chance to have more pets permanently, or abilities summoning pets from your stable more often for far-longer periods of time, or other unique additions to the Pet Ability System such as “Beast Cleave”'s introduction, and it doesn’t offer any of these. Thus, I have to say, it isn’t very pet-oriented, it simply affects some pet-related abilities that would function the same without the Pet if they were changed into simple, direct damage buttons without a Pet’s involvement.
I do wholeheartedly agree though that,

Pack Leader is the lack of flavour in comparison to other trees with a much stronger theme
because it definitely does fall far behind the character (Rexxar) that I think its trying to emulate, who, again, is always shown with multiple, permanently active pets with their own unique little abilities; that’s sort of what I expected from this so its deeply disappointing that its just damage buffs, CD reductions, and some buff-related skills. There’s no real fantasy to this Hero Spec, no thematicism, no flavour.
I’m afraid that hunters already have a piano of skills, not to mention that pet command interface is anything but intuitive or making sense. No, if there was an option for a hunter or a warlock to bring an RTS into WoW, I’d likely be maining at least one of them, but it’d be too much however we’d like it.
Realising that there’s more Aldrachi-themed hero specs than there are tauren+troll themed