PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I don´t recall ever seeing Alliance airships with zeppelin balloon. Overall it looks like it could easily fit gnomes or goblins. Both races have planes of their own and the additional bits can be both helicopter-like (gnomes) or zeppelin-like (goblins).


I’m sure they’ll add the mighty Thalassian skyship fleet from Moonguard-NA with the next expansion!


Yeah if you slap the red paint, Horde emblem and zeppelin parts on itll look pretty much like a Horde zeppelin mount.

nope mostly due to zeppelins being a goblin invention. even when used all the way in classic by the neutral steamwheedles it was solely the horde with access to them. makes it fitting that its more of a goblin themed customisation

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Don’t forget the duct tape and super glue if it’s goblin design.


Alliance airships: expending ridiculous amounts of fuel to spin turbines necessary to allow the ship lift, terrible for the environment, probably creates a second Cataclysm due to the materials required and elements angered gathering them.

Horde Airships: fill balloon with air lol :slight_smile:

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what about that big firey engine room downstairs elenthas

what is that for

don’t let those goblins fool you that they are net zero on their carbon emissions


That’s for the kitchen.

Gourmet chefs on board very horde airship, ensuring our loyal soldiers are kept well taken care of. Bellies full and souls satisfied.

Where are the Alliance kitchens? Nowhere. Disgraceful. They probably subsist on hardtrack and jerky.

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We are, and I cannot stress this enough, so back

great time to be a gremlin race afficionado


That explains everything. Thank you, no further questions.

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It’s a bit of a shame that you can’t change the colour of the metal, so the silvery blue metal and the shining gold does look like it suits an Alliance contraption more than a Horde one. If we could change that to black iron and gunmetal, then that would be ideal.

But being able to replace the wings with rockets, the top with a balloon, the symbol with the Horde’s emblem and the blue with red takes it 90% of the way to looking like a goblin flying machine, so it’s not so bad at all.

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Quel’Thalas being a focus in midnight is, potentially, one of the sharpest double edged swords to be offered. On one hand, i can’t wait for all the sick HD assets and transmogs and zones getting an actual move forward… but on the others it could be permenantly dumpstered and left like that forever because its content now sweaty x… or it’s left in this forever stasis bubble for the same reason. With the same quests being labelled current content in na book 10 years from now.

Maybe if i set my expectations in the Mariana Trench it wont be so bad eh?


You just made me remember that Blizzard even on RP realms now permanently keeps current content zones phased until at the very least the end of the expansion, meaning everyone will probably be waiting 1.5 years to actually RP out Midnight because:

  1. Silvermoon will be filled with OOCers (:face_vomiting:)
  2. Quel’Thalas will be immensely phased
  3. Given the zone changing world-events Dragonflight has going on, there’s probably going to be rotating void invasions that make half of QT purple and hellish for a few days at a time

Or a contraption made from metal and wood. It’s too clean like it came right off the conveyor belt at Mechagon.

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the bazaar 2 electric boogaloo

Well earned by story progression and used up after after a decade of being the narrative hub 'round which all things turn.

The true meme war, trading blows with nothing gained.

Lest we forget, originally a subterranean species.

I have a lot less to cynically gripe about since DF released and no longer being reliably correct about blizz doing the worst, laziest thing is robbing me of satisfaction.

Is quite a lot of time for cultures to grow, change and diverge. Hell, 200 years does a number on real life humanity.

See: Imperial system.

All the “pear” shaped 150cm tall women in stormwind.

The term Gnomanity is already in use.

And fill it with plague bombs to make a wasteland below.

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this but unironically

why did we get draenei wrestling when we could’ve gotten Thalassian skyship fleet from the US RPers instead??

Welcome to the life of a nelfposter, where what you’ll get has a very high chance of being absolute trashfire, but you also can’t complain about it or you’ll receive dozens of comments about how other races aren’t getting anything! Hope you’ll like whatever they’ll do with DarkshoreTeldrassilQuel’thalas!

To not be too much of a doomer, I do hope Blizzard has learnt at least somewhat from the BfA-era that permanent limbo zones in cyclic phases are not fun and instead exacerbated the Cataclysm effect of affected zones. Maybe Blizzard will actually do it well this time?

Of course, the best practise with Blizzard games is to be incredibly pessimistic and doompost, because when your expectation is the worst, you can never be disappointed and only be positively surprised. It sucks that it’s the way it is, but hey - it worked out for nelfposters in 10.2! Sure, there were some stinkers (Shandris x Voss), but from what I’ve seen overall the reception had been of very pleasant surprise, ala ‘wait, this isn’t actually bad? I actually like this?’

Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:


Completely ineffective when dealing wih some folk who’ll not recognise getting literal years of horde narrative focus but responding with reflexive outrage when the next chapter of the slow burn (ha!) Kaldorei Tragedy drops.


WoD was ten years ago.

Time to let it go.

WoD was ten years ago, but people shifting goalposts for their complaints about night elf representation still happens today. :pensive::fist: