PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Looks a whole lot better than it did before.

I figured the “cosmic Void” visuals were here to stay after Sarkareth, but I didn’t expect players to have some.


Pretty slick phoenix.


Sunfury Arcane Mages are also all about “Summoning Phoenixes.” I wonder if that means theirs will be the colours of the Arcane (purple/white.)

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I do hope so, otherwise I might aswell roll a Sunfury Fire Mage :frowning:

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Huh, so Magni will loose his Diamondform, apparently…

I suppose the Alliance will get a leader back, or he’ll stay neutral? :weary:

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On one hand, I wouldn’t mind if he actually croaked after having a quest chain with Dagran. - On the other hand, him staying alive and getting to know Dagran better and helping raise him is also okay.

That is if they don’t just forget to give us any answers to who sits on the throne, what it means for the various clan(s) and what not. Please don’t leave that thread hanging… please.


I mean, what does it mean for the Council of Three Hammers; it was formed due to Magni “dying” and Moira claiming Ironforge, as Dagran was Magni’s heir.

But now that the King of Ironforge will return as a being of flesh and blood, without a greater cause and loyalty to Azeroth as her Speaker, what is stopping him from rightfully reclaiming his throne?

So many questions we won’t get answered, most likely :frowning: (Also Magni can reclaim his Crown and not much would change for Dagran, anyways)


Considering the way Genn, Malfurion & Tyrande were grandfathered out of the current story, I’d eat my own shoes if Magni doesn’t abdicate because of Dagran’s yet-to-be-seen heroics in the depths of Khaz Algar.


Magni would be the first WoW Character to have an actual grandchild replace him, rest have been replaced by their sons/daughters lmao…

Even Rastakhan with his 250+ years


I partially hope we see them get to learn one another better and him parting his throne to his great grand child could be awesome, especially if they pay it any attention ingame with quest lines and the whole zhe-bang.


Well then.

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I freaking love these sets.

2th one is easy to combine with the Darkshore Warfront set!

Even if it wasn’t… I love the whole cultist-vibe!


Finally, Levey can indulge in her Shivarra “cosplay”.

Also… Man, it’s one of the first set meant for clothie that doesn’t include a bloody robe. Last one I remember is the Priest one from the bleh Zereth Mortis’s raid.

Only if i get to indulge in it too

Xerxes-vibes with bare chest and golden chains. It’s gonna match great with elven aesthetics but definitely Zandalari, too.


Bonus points if he will act and sound like Rannan Korren. The dwarf races will never recover.

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Idk why but Dagran Thaurissan’s model just cracks me up every time i see it.

They couldn’t have made him more nerdy looking if they wanted to.


By looks alone he reminds of Anduin.
time will tell if he acts like him as well.

I’m imagining you saying that with your hood pulled low over your face…now I’m worried.

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