PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Pandaren farmer RPers eating good tonight.


Prolly gonna use them as tools for exorcism or whatnot as a Halfhill bumpkin.

Major, major spoilers.


Three primary points there seem to be:

  • Alleria’s internal struggle with the temptation of the Void seems to be a big focus, with some hints that she may potentially fall later on, leading to Midnight.
  • The Horde does have more than Thrall to represent it, Lilian Voss shows up too, though she seems to only play a minor role according to the one cutscene that features her.
  • Once again, the Titans are shown to be somewhat oppressive and overbearing, with mechanisms in place to punish their creations, should they dare to deviate from their original directives.

We’re back

It’s so over.

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banshee shriek


I too wish they just forgot about her. She’s terrible.


Kill the entire horde roster at this point.


Is Voss the same for someone in the writers’ room as Jaina and Anduin are for Golden? We’re 7 expansions past her character arc, let her rot in peace with the rest of the Forsaken council.


But you’re on the Horde roster!

Did I stutter?


My primary take away from this is:
It seems like Anduin is going down in a similar way to his dad.
I hope it mirrors Variens last stand to some extend, that cutscene was awesome.

My biggest take away is it doesn’t seem like we’re seeing a great deal of Horde characters, even with those in the plot.


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Bro…that’s hardcore. I salute.

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Also that Talanji picture seems to have now been confirmed as a placeholder for the harronir leader, so the hopes of troll stuff has likewise plummeted.

Say what you will about WoD’s orc focus but
a) It still had the draenei as a major part of like…every zone, except Nagrand.
b) Khadgar (a distinctly Alliance coded character) was the core of the ‘B’ plot with the legendary quest chain.

Horde doesn’t seem to be getting even that much in TWW, and WoD is the platonic ideal of a Horde expansion.


To be fair, who would want their creation to dare to deviate from their original directives?
They were made with a purpose, to be tools, devices not to populate the world
(It is a bit like the Angels and Humanity situation, strictly speaking the Angels were made to serve, life and freedom was Humanity’s privilige. Well as long as they too obey…)
Giving them sentinence and free will was a mistake and I’m not even sure it was intended, just their A.I. “spontaneously evolved” in to one
The difference between Ra and M.O.T.H.E.R. is a good example - I think the original plan for them was what M.O.T.H.E.R. is look like and behave. Obedient droid constructs, designed to do various tasks and orders
I could be wrong - but if I were an advanced Alien I wouldn’t want my creation break free from my command. I would fear one day it would and would do anything to prevent it
And you don’t even have to be an advanced Alien , just look around, everyone is worried our tools developing sentinence and ends up in a SkyNet situation

Based off of all of the previous Titanforged that we’ve been exposed to, free will seems to be the rule among them, not the exception. Before any of them were ever corrupted by any Old God influence, they experienced love and pride and fear and jealousy and grief.

Creating entities with the capacity to be people, only to force them to serve as a servant caste with plenty of countermeasures in place to punish them should they ever deviate from their intended purpose, doesn’t seem like a good action, at least from my 21st century western perspective.

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It is a bit bizarre that we’re now breaking this 30-year precedent with the Earthern it seems, despite the Keepers, Watchers, etc., all being shown to experience all the same emotions any Humanoid being would experience ever since they were made. Not really sure how they’re going to explain breaking the precedent, or even why, because I can’t really see a way to explain it coherently beyond “haha, lol, the earthern here were just different xD” which is. . .incredibly quirky as explanations go.

That or they’ll just have it happen and refuse to elaborate or actually answer why it happens here and not any other time we see a Titanforged.

It seems a little more complex than that, but we don’t have enough information to say much about it. What we know about the Edicts so far is:

  • The Edicts seem to be a set of rules and instructions passed down by the Titans, that these earthen must follow.
  • The earthern are mortal, in a way. After a certain amount of time, they shut down and must be rebooted, devoid of memory when they are reawakened.
  • The Oathsworn are a group who strictly follow the Edicts to the letter, no matter the cost.
  • The Unbound are a group who have abandoned the Edicts to live their own lives free from Titanic duty.
  • The Machine Speakers are a group who bend the rules of the Edicts but still perform their duties.
  • The Edicts seem to be contained on a console of some sort, which the Earthen destroy later on, to rid themselves of the Edicts forever.
  • The system reacts to the destruction of the Edicts console by deploying a gigantic construct to destroy the wayward facility.

Based on this information, I’m putting together a general narrative, but this is headcanon until it all gets proven.

The Edicts serve as the basic personality template that every earthen is imprinted with upon being awakened after their factory reset.

Every “new” earthen comes into being with the same mindset, the same set of directives, the same rules and the same duty that they have to follow, thanks to the Edicts.

After the awakening, deviation is possible. Earthen are perfectly capable of losing faith in the Edicts and abandoning their duty, or bending the rules in order to perform their work in inhospitable environments. These earthen are still sapient, even if they are imprinted with the Edicts upon awakening. They still have free will. This is what allows the Unbound and Machine Speakers to exist.

However, due to story developments, it seems as though all of the Earthen have decided to rid themselves of the Edicts for good. We don’t know the reason why, but they no longer wish for newly awakened earthen to be imprinted with these rules and this duty. All earthen will effectively come into existence Unbound.

But the Titanic system that they have been maintaining doesn’t like this, so when the machinery for imprinting the earthen with the Edicts is destroyed, the system deploys a construct to punish an entire facility which has gone rogue and is no longer capable of following the Edicts.

Keep in mind, all of this is just a theory based off of what we know about the War Within so far, but it does seem to me that these earthen are perfectly sapient like most other Titanforged, they just have these Edicts that they are imprinted with upon awakening, that compels them to perform their Titanic duty.

Why do they have the Edicts when other Titanic facilities don’t have similar systems for their Titanforged? If I have to guess, it might be because Khaz Algar does not seem to have a Keeper to oversee operations at the facility.
Or who knows, it might be a system put in place by a particularly tyrannical Keeper we have yet to meet, rather than by the will of the Titans themselves.

In my opinion, it has the potential to be a very interesting and perhaps even good narrative, but we need more details.


Perhaps you are right
I built up my theory from Hephaestus’s Αυτοματος Αυτοματοι - Automatos Automatoi
The Horses of the Cabeiri were pair of fire-breathing horses which Hephaistos cast out of bronze for his sons, the Caucasian Eagle was the giant eagle cast out of bronze by Hephaistos to torture the chained Titan Prometheus, the Golden Celedones were singing maidens sculpted out of gold by Hephaistos for the first mythic shrine of Apollon at Delphoi, the pair of watchdogs one crafted out of gold and the other out of silver by Hephaistos for the palace of King Alkinous of the Phaiakians, te two fire-breathing bulls scupted out of bronze by Hephaistos for Aeetes King of Kolkhis or the Golden Tripods, a set of twenty wheeled tripods crafted by Hephaistos out of gold for the feasts in the Olympian gods. They were endowed with self-animation and wheeled themselves in and out of the halls of the gods as they were required.
Or of course Telos, a giant sculpted out of bronze by Hephaistos and presented to Europa Queen of Krete as a wedding present
It is funny, how the Iliad, a nearly three-thousand years old scripture describes Hephaestus having robots serving him in his forge
These robots were made of gold and resemble women… :smirk:

"Hephaestus left his forge and hobbled on. Handmaids ran to attend their master, all cast in gold but a match for living, breathing girls. Intelligence fills their hearts, voice and strength their frames, from the deathless gods they’ve learned their works of hand. They rushed to support their lord as he went bustling on.”

It is strange some Titan Forged developed advanced inteligence, others… not really
As adventruers we kill “lesser” Titan forged left and right who are either doing their job and attacking us or either malfunctioning and attackging us, or just there to be attacked, but they don’t really show any real and deep inteligence

I agree
Would be interesting to see this story unfolds

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