PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Through the Light(and some turncoat Eredar) everything is possible!

They have all facets of the Cosmology work together, they are near-immortal creatures, so they have infinite time.

It might be a broken world, it might take millions of years, but Argus can be reclaimed and restored!

Ngl, I kinda dig the new draenei lore!

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That logic doesn’t work when you have the Outlands.

What are the opinions of the Troll heritage questline?

I thought it was alright, at first. A bit rushed with all the teleporting around even for unnecessary distances. They must think we’re super lazy.

I didn’t like the twist at the end though and it kind of made me feel indifferent about the questline as a whole. It’s like Blizzard can’t help themselves to put betrayal in everything they write.

What could have been a nice short story of bringing back forgotten Loa and having a Darkspear pride moment, it’s just all a big coincidence that there’s also a bad gall who happens to have some evil plan in the same moment.

Also, what’s up with all the boots we dig from the junk piles? There’s too much footwear on Echo Isle!

Haven’t done it yet but seen most of the screenshots.

It’s not terrible, which was the first concern. I appreciate the inkling of development given to Rokhan - mentioning the Stranglethorn exodus, the new Loa are befitting (Lukou is 90% how the troll community has imagined her in the past, which is nice!)

I just get reaaally jealous at the love poured into the Draenei one, with every single NPC no matter how miniscule or insignificant getting characterization and an appearance in a big Kosh’arg-esque feast.

Canonizing the dismal lack of story development of the tribe as having fallen on bad times post-BFA is interesting, does recontextualize my own headcanons built during that void period.

I understand how Jani would fit, but it also feels he got in because of the meme value - his characterization was heavily based on the brutality of the caste system in Zandalar, but maybe he’ll get focus as the Keeper of Secrets and Survival/Scavenging.

I couldn’t help but hear Jani being pronounced as Johnny the whole time. Which made me think of Joanie Sommers’ song ‘Johnny get angry’.

So Kalecgos’s successor on the Council of Six is Drenden.

Shame it’s another human, even if he’s a former member (from Day of the Dragon, all the way back in Warcraft 2 days). The Kirin Tor got a lot more racially diverse in recent years, as seen in Dragonflight.

I am quite satisfied with Draenei heritage.

  • New Shattrath to be build
  • Auchindoun reclaimed and Path of Glory to be scrapped.
  • Hatuun is gonna be Velen’s advisor, which should greatly improve situation of Krokuls (Time to replace them in mines with Man’ari I guess XD)
  • partial success in integration of the Lost Ones.
  • Bloodmyst cleansed
  • Penitent Man’ari are know public knowledge, but they are mostly on Argus with Krokuls and Army of the Light cleansing Argus of the rest of the Legion, few are permitted on Azeroth but under supervision. Their recruitment is strict.
  • Dornaa still have a kid model somehow
  • Pretty much every part of Draenei society appeared - Vindicators, Anchorites, Rangari, Artificers, Krokuls, Lost Ones, Auchenai, Lightforged, but also Death Knights and Penitents.
  • Draenei finally got a holiday to celebrate
  • Many nice cameos, altough there are characters I would like to see and they weren’t there, but nothing can be perfect.
  • An overall great update on what the goats are up to now

Some wondering

  • At least 2 followers from AU Draenor appeared, somehow.
  • Dornaa is still kid (How long it takes for Draenei to reach adulthood? This might mess with one of my character’s age)
  • Kalimdor and Outand update incoming? Flying in Draenei and Belf zones?

I expected far worse, I was sure we would get a Man’ari huging contest, but this was great!


A human that has been otherwise barely known and missing, reappearing under suspicious conditions? One that is taking the place on a Council that was occupied by Kalecgos and Korialstrasz?

That ain’t a human.
That’s a black dragon in disguise.

(or it could be Xalatath)


Its Xal’atath, but that unfortunately, much like the Random Void Elf Light Paladins introduced in this patch, begs a helluva lot more questions than it ever answers. Why was this M.I.A K.I.A Archmage just welcomed back to the Council no questions asked after 40 years? Not a single ward detected something wrong? Nobody had any questions about his reappearance just as a deceptive void being starts causing problem in Azeroth? Seriously? Not even the Guardian? Not even Alleria?

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Circling back round to that “Is she stupid?” question…

Honestly I blame them writing elves as pointy eared humans rather than veterans of millenia of fighting.

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Well, they do yet have to cycle through all the colors. They’ll be getting a bronze next you know.

(Hopefully not Chromie. Or at least, not the Dragonflight take on her.)

Incidentally, Modera is the only member of the Council of Six to hear the Radiant Song, and Jaina can find no connection between those who claim to hear it. It seems to be random.

To me, it means that it’s okay for your RP character to claim they hear the Radiant Song, and it’s also okay for them to claim they don’t.

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But Meron, if they were more prepared then how can the story happen? Someone has to weaken Dalaran’s defenses so the spider people can web-slam it into the ground in the prepatch.


It’s even better if your character pretends to be hearing the song just so they feel included and important.


Random Void Elf : So when I hear voices everyone loses their sh- but when other people do it’s fine?!


I have to extend this to the Velves as a whole and Locus-Walker now because his lessons cinematic this patch is quite literally:
“You must completely surrender to the Void to maintain control of it” and uhhhhh all I can say is that hasn’t ever worked for the last 20 years of WoW lore so I’m not sure why he’s saying that as the “Master of Edged Edginess and Darkness and Shadows”.


Oh no, I went through this back in Kingdom Hearts 1, I’m on to your games, Locus Walker. You won’t turn me into a Heartless.


But Meron, how can Midnight happen if we don’t have multitudes of Elves giving in to the void completely, who can then jump into the Sunwell and turn it into the Turbovoid Fountain?

How can the story happen if we don’t have a legion of characters being stupid?

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Say fellas, did somebody mention the door to the void?


That would require them to write a single intelligent character. Don’t be silly Akamito.