PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I was simply making a meme Distantpeak. Why you gotta ride a brother like this HUH? I thought we were tight.

Damn, Akamito is once again my favourite tauren. Scraping the barrel here.


We mustn’t forget Chaosorder Breathwing who’s also making an appearance in that screenshot.


Anyway the two blood elves which were being mind controlled in the Bazaar are now void elves.


I guess they really were evil all along. May the Sun’s radiance burn away their devilry.


Here’s what I find interesting. Metzen returns, and suddenly abandoned plots from Legion are moving again. Alleria and to some extent Turalyon are back in the spotlight after spending three expansions doing absolutely nothing. We get a trip down the 7.3 memory lane. Locus-Walker makes a reappearance with new revelations about ethereal lore. Dalaran gets new story developments…

It adds more fuel to the theory that the Worldsoul Saga is Metzen’s sequel to Legion, specifically, perhaps a refined version of the story with which he’d have immediately followed Legion if he hadn’t quit the company by then.


Protest Dark Magicks in Silvermoon
Succumb to Dark Magicks and join the Alliance
Huh? Are they aware they could have just. . .joined the Alliance without those extra steps?


To be fair, that’s what they were protesting about; not being with the Alliance (they were too busy blowing up Arcane Sanctums). But the woman’s text goes on about how she wont be controlled by anyone from thr Magisters to Alleria.



This is so confusing.

Thats an even bigger mistake. You can do so much better.
I mean he and I are the only options. But still, nothing is an improvement.

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If I didn’t want to be controlled I would simply not tie my mind, body, and soul to the Void. :+1:


Could have just moved to Dalaran tbh.
I still find void elves weird and am not overly fond of their lore.


We are so back.

It’s so over.


The Horde got two cool races and the Alliance got two “who asked for this?” races.

I still maintain that Legion should have introduced three allied races: Broken draenei for Alliance, Highmountain tauren for Horde, and nightborne for both factions.


Snipping their text because a lot of it is whatever but the main bits of their protest are;

Lyria Skystrider says: My brothers and sisters. Listen to me. We must speak of the survival of our people. We have narrowly survived one calamnity, but I fear the next shall destroy us. Can you not see what is happening? Open your eyes. It is laid bare for all to see. What is this new alliance? Why have we betrayed our allies of old, only to take up with the enemies of all that live?

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I think Elves are just transcosmic, fluid in the ways of aligning themselves with whatever cosmic power they feel like having at one moment. Or two, or three.
Elves are like the Eevee of Pokémon.

I dislike how the Alliance were more sympathetic to them, well no, that’s irrelevant and not quite right. But rather I don’t really like how it seemingly isn’t even highlighted how the void elves got a warmer welcome and more sympathy than the blood elves did - the hypocrisy of it isn’t even a footnote anywhere.

But then again, I’m convinced they’re the cop out for high elves. So whatever.


They are.
But with bad hair lines.


“If you want high elves, the Horde is right there for you.”


I dunno, the idea of a Velf paladin is cool to. Though it would require changed visuals.

Still think it’s neat-o.

Honestly they could have whatever remained of Argus
Really… this is like if the Orcs would want to reclaim Outland and chain together the floating parts to have a planet of their own again :roll_eyes: