PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

if void elf paladins get changed visuals before tauren i swear to god


They’re closer to getting regular paladins at this point, judging by Aeonara

Which is insane.

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They should chain together the pieces of Outland, attach 'em to the Naaru dimensional transporters, and warp teleport them onto the “far side of Azeroth” so I never again need to hear speculation about what’s there: It’s Draenor, and we put it there.


It has come horrifically to my attention that post-10.2.7 Telogrus is neutral to both Alliance and Horde and can be visited by both. The fact that it features Horde NPCs is now an even more ominous portent. Nevermind the Horde guys who show up for the Draenei heritage in the Exodar.

What on earth are they doing.


Not the first time the player character enters opposite’s faction land in a non hostile manner. Wasn’t Horde in Exodar in Legion? Those belf npcs are pretty much clear their parted their way with Silvermoon

Who? That one half orc who himself says he was risen among the Draenei?


Are you okay?


So that´s why they felt weirdly out of place. I was wondering why there are suddenly two blood elves there who say how QT joining Horde is such a tragedy when we´re in the most peaceful era of WoW ever.

Now, why did they become void elves instead of joining high elves is beyond me. There´s literally whole factions of Alliance Thalassian elves that don´t rely on being corrupted by the Void to be members of the Alliance.

They´re a result of era when Blizzard was in their “We know best” phase. At that time they also expressed opinion that they aren´t fans of having identical races on Alliance and Horde (before anyone mentions pandaren, I believe they also said they weren´t fans of that decision in hindsight, before changing their mind again and introducing more neutral races).
They also had the weird idea to have void elves be former blood elves instead of high elves, pleasing nobody because the high elf fans simply kept asking for high elves who still existed in lore in larger numbers than void elves.
You´d think if someone´s goal is to shut up the high elf fans without giving them high elves, they´d at least craft the story in a way that would remove high elves from the picture.


Is my honest reaction to all the lore of this patch, save perhaps the Draenei heritage Auchindoun bits.


In that case, maybe take a step back a bit and have a breather. You don’t want to become a nelf twitter poster :frowning: It’s not as bad as you think it is.

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Adding to the book of grudges against Danuserhead storytelling in Blizzard.

  • NEVER have characters talk about their emotions ever again in cinematics.
  • NEVER have the villain say “ENOUGH!” during a fight ever again.
  • NEVER foreshadow any events with “What is to come” or old god whispers again so we don’t need to suffer WoWhead peanutbrains speculations.

The list may yet grow.

At least it’s not as much on the nose as J.K Rowling naming minorities in her books.


“We have much to talk about INSERT CHARACTER HERE” (Walks off-screen. Next time you see them they have one sentence to say “It was good to finally talk with INSERT CHARACTER HERE but there will be more time to come as well.” )

I hate it so much.


So not only do we have Void Elf paladins, but we also have Void Elf Darkfallen and Void Elves with green eyes now.

how do i become a void elf tauren

There is a way…

arthas, deathwing, and chen stormstout are BANNED :no_good_woman:

no more EMOTIONS in my cinematics!!!

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Wait, where?

I’m glad we agree Nerathion.

Peace in our time 2024

A NPC named Ennas the Faithfallen.

the faithfallen is such a hillarious title i’m sorry


That’s not a void elf with green eyes, that’s a blood elf who left QT. He was brainwashed back in TBC in the Bazaar.