PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Are you referring to how the spider people made buildings and cultural works in the likeness of spiders inspired by visions of Maldraxxus and not because they themselves are in fact spiders?

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Garrosh is shedding a happy tear in Orcish Hell right now.

Nice that they remember that Geya’rah exists. I’ll accept that as a minor win, even if the demographics there are a bit skewed. Gorgonna getting featured is neat too, hopefully she sees more of the spotlight in the future.

I’d like to know the context though.


Its post-the [arrival of the Horde and Alliance Armada’s joined together] cutscene.

It really doesn’t mean anything but the fact that Turalyon’s the only one with a titled position (Goranna’s ‘Warsong Clan’ is just a faction title) is…I dunno, it’s just a thing I noticed.

Anduin’s makes sense. He gave up everything. What excuse do the rest of them have? No Lord Admiral for Jaina? Chieftain of the Mag’har for Geya’rah? Husband of the Frostwolf Farseer for Thrall? Naaru Vorer for Alleria?


Oh wow, this is more Sons of Lothar leaders in a single in-game screenshot than we ever had before since Beyond the Dark Portal.


Could be their way of trying to separate the story-critical characters from their leadership roles, so they can try to develop them as your trusty companions in your quest to save Azeroth, rather than the more important characters who hog all of the spotlight and that you just do grunt work for.

It could be an attempt to turn them into WoW’s Scions of the Seventh Dawn, though they’ll need to do more to accomplish that. So far, 90% of War Within’s story seems to revolve around following Alleria, Anduin and Magni as their stories unfold. Not certain if Thrall or any other Horde character gets featured at all past the Isle of Dorn story, but that’s not the point.


“If we hide their titles, maybe the players will forget that every single one of them except for Anduin and Kurdran are faction leaders.”

I hope that’s not the case. Jaina shouldn’t be Lord Admiral but they made their bed and now they gotta lie in it…


They’re going to sleep on the floor and keep putting her into the story. Her mother will look after the house (island nation).

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This is completely irrelevant but there’s discourse going around about High Elves in TWW and I’d just like to once again mention how much I hate the Silver Covenant as a concept, in that they are a very specific subfaction (Dalaran-Alliance High Elves) that has nevertheless dominated all High Elf stuff since their introduction in Wrath.

Between the Outland HElves, the lodges, and other scattered ones that have no interest in being the military (ethnic cleansing) arm of Vereesa Windrunner, there’s room for a multitude, if they were given the room to do so. But they’re not. They never are. Vereesa is the leader of the High Elves, seemingly because Blizzard simply forgot or doesn’t care to interrogate all the other little groups out there. Made worse because the Silver Covenant is explicitly not a ‘faction’, it’s an ‘army’. It’s a militant group.

And that has implications!!!

Maybe Midnight will actually do something with that but idk I kinda doubt it.

tl;dr I am once again peeved that examining our existing factions and groups is left to the wayside in favour of yet another new land and playable race and etc. etc. etc.


There has to be a critical mass, right? Eventually, won’t they reach a point where Azeroth is so full of unexplained sentient species and disconnected factions that there would be no further point in creating more?

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having come back to wow after replaying stories in the other mmos out there its a problem thats starting to become keenly annoying to me. gw2, swtor, xiv and eso can introduce new characters and groups and even races without overwriting and detracting from those existing. those existing will often remain lore relevant with consistent updates for years and years. shocker that you can make the new without disgracing whats there.

then coming back to blizzard and wow… looking at how long its been since some factions, some playable races got an actual lore update, a status update…any kind of relevance is just. demoralising.

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My headcanon is that Outland elves are Silver Covenant (the ranger part of it, the mages are from Dalaran), which is how Vereesa managed to get such a big support base: They were willing to serve her because they were loyal to her sister.

However, the fact that SC is a military group is IMO precisely why it appears so often: It can afford to. Rangers of Quel’Danil have to protect their home and who knows what’s going on in Allerian Stronghold, and even if the scattered Alliance helves had any representatives, they would represent a small population that doesn’t even have a settlement of their own. When something relevant to high elves happens on some new continent, Vereesa Windrunner is the only one who can send something resembling a force to deal with it.

Also, pretty much all the content about high elves since Wrath has been tied to Dalaran (4.1 being the exception). It makes sense that we see the faction of high elves tied to Dalaran more often than factions of elves tied to Vanilla or TBC zones when Wrath and Legion have it as capital, and MoP and War Within involve it heavily.

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Ara ara…

:spider: :egg:


no thank you

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Welcome to the pain of the Silver Hand finally being confirmed as ‘No, they’re still there’ in Legion, only for it to become a Homogeneous Mass…

(For context, some people pre-Legion got very weird about me having Kayt still be a Knight of the Silver Hand, insisting that only the Argent Crusade existed at that point.
I thumbed my nose at them.)

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Thus Andy learned, after much trial and error, that he’s a leg guy.


“Added in patch 11.0”

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Dangerously close to feet but within reasonable proximity to a$$.

Very interesting…


There will always be a Lich King new race.

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