PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

My peeve is that these are SCROLLS and you’d think this would be the perfect opportunity to make INSCRIPTION a little more interesting and worthwhile, but no… gotta give it to Enchanters, who definitely aren’t in high demand through the entire game.



There has to be one dev at blizz who is master of the Toys system who just hates fun.


Wasn’t that actually confirmed?


I wonder if it will be a “fixed” look, or like with the Orb of Sin’dorei , your altered look will depend on the original one… :thinking:
If the later, then oooooh boy, this will be a long trial and error to find a nice combination

Classic modern writing, the answer is there out in the open but characters never just ask.

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You can use the barber with the orb now, just need to swap each bit and check. If it works in the same way, it’d be cool.

So, how do we feel about the nerubians, of all races, being a civilisation with some depth instead of universally serving as enemies?

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If there is one thing I want, nay NEED to know its whomever that is so I can ask them directly “Why?”

Its good, they finally get some more depth.
they were already estranged from their fellow bug people when they abandoned old god worship, now we learn there is different kingdoms with their own rulers and politics as well.


I like them, the ones in TWW are very clearly painted as their own separate culture from Azjol-Nerub.

I hope we get to see/work with the Azjol-Nerub ones too at some point tho!

Aren’t they already deep enough, living down there?

Always struck to me that way. We helped non-undead nerubians as early as in Wotlk during questing.

Hopefully we won’t have “good” nerubians to help this time. I mean, even without the Old Gods they’re still a Void-bound race of monsters, especially with how close they are to the mantid now.

me describing void elves


Around 30 minutes after entering their zone we meet a Nerubian who befriended Anduin and gives us their pheromones that will act like the Suramar illusion in the city.

We will then meet other disgruntled/disgraced Nerubians in the city and recruit them to our insurgenc- zzzZZZZZzzzzz

The Niffen dev back up to their tricks.


Anduin: Exists

Literally every single gloomy (gothy) female villain with a sultry voice within 500 mile radius: Fu fu fu…


I’m curious how they’ll work out their link with Maldraxxi. Or if we’ll see no references at all.

For Yogg’s sake, please no.


This is a thing.

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