PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Eh, they made it far enough with just three of them blessing it the last time.


Teldrassil got two… Then went up in flames.

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That one doesn’t count.

Know what would be really nice? An intensity slider for enchantments.


I hoped they’d “enchant” Nordrassil with the ardenseed. We have enough (death) World and Great Tree’s already, Blizzard’s addicted to them.

I’d go one step further and think Blizzard should update Outland, Northrend, Cataclysm zones, Pandaria, Broken Isles and even WoD too.

Pull them all to present day, reuse all those dungeons and raids with updated lore and enemies (but keep the current layouts to ease the work), make Draenor a Breaker VS Light warzone were our characters can choose to help (or level in another continent etc).


They abondened Darkshore per Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, though :frowning:

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Counter-ish argument:

It would be really cool if the next chapter in the Black Dragonflight story would take us back to a severely warped and crumbling Outland to further expand on Sabellian’s story while also giving some well-deserved love and attention to the Netherwing.


remember the scene in wrathgate where alexstrasza just breathed on the blighted parts and like, cleared it all

and then it’s sort of referenced in the cinematic (or idk was some cinematic quality twitter clip i forgot the dragonflight’s actual cinematic) where she breathed on some barren land and like, forest regrow immediately

and im just saying, darkshore


This would require Blizzard to care about night elves beyond just dunking on them constantly.


They should’ve just asked her to do that to Lordaeron too instead of having whatever crap was going on with the [redacted SL zone] stuff.

They could’ve played it off as her repaying some old favour to Tyr or some :poop:


true but i dont play anything other than nelves so i dont even know what’s the state of lordaeron

apparently the undeads got an updated version (that got outdated due to timeskip, but still updated post bfa??? wow, imagine that) of tirisfal lmao, first i heard of it


Darkshore, Desolace, Duskwood, Felwood, Plaugelands… Others.
They’re lazy.


Further proof that Alexstrasza really is just a self-important megalomaniac lizard.

“Wait, y’all have individual goals and dreams?”

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“Well if we fix everything, what will the mortals and other Flights aspire to?”

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Replying to myself, but honestly I just really want to see the night elves get a win without any other conditions. Just once.

One time where it all goes their way, things work out and there is no additional flaw that ruins it. No more “Well you manage X but then another X dies or you lose Y or Z is released/accomplishes their goals too.”

Just one unconditional victory.


To be honest, the Exploring Azeroth books are unreliable and you shouldn’t hold them up to limit how you roleplay your concept one way or another. There is nothing wrong with doing this, and I will not criticise anyone who does - it’s just that these books are clearly unreliable and all around deny a lot more roleplay opportunities than they create them.

This is the same line of books that said that the Dark Portal was there for thousands of years, mentioned an NPC that had been deleted weeks prior to the book’s release, said that the forsaken had lost the entire southern half of Silverpine to the worgen only for it to be revealed in 9.2 that they had such a level of control over it that they still had troops inside Gilneas; among other things.

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Even worse; it’s half-baked. Quite literally so. They added the new parts of the phase on top of the old one, which means that only 1/3rd has been updated. Besides the being outdated part, these are the problems that came along with it:

·The Capital City is still empty as hell. Except for the main section before the throne room and the portal room, the rest of the city is completely and absolutely empty of NPCs and buildings.

·The guards of Brill are just renamed Cataclysm Deathguards instead of their own NPCs, which means that they are still level 30, and get easily killed by every skeleton NPC out there, meaning that you can barely RP in the town without attracting a bunch of hostile mobs.

·You only unlock it per-character, rather than account-wide, which means that you need to do the Shadowlands intro and get to level 60 before you’re even able to do the quest that would allow you to roleplay there.

·Due to it being just an updated Brill and Capital City slapped on top of the old phase, the other parts are still the same as they were in Cataclysm, with such fine examples like Deathknell still having val’kyr, and Scarlet Crusade NPCs being bugged out in the lake close to the undead farm where you pass to go to Brill.

So, not only did they decide to do an update while knowing full well that it was about to be severely outdated, they literally just updated Brill a little, removed Blight from Lordaeron, slapped a new NPC or two here and there, and called it a full zone update.

tl;dr: i’m tired boss


To be the devi…I mean, Golden´s advocate, the Exploring Azeroth book she wrote (focused on EK) didn´t have these glaring inconsistencies and tried to show updated view of the world. It´s only in Kalimdor and Northrend ones where utter BS like millenia old Dark Portal came up and they just turned into “writer did a flyover in-game and described what he saw”.
Stuff like Southshore being taken by Alliance or Fenris and Shadowfang being taken by Bloodfang are based on BfA mission table stuff and make some sense given how Cataclysm never had Forsaken take Fenris, and with Shadowfang it was unclear who took it as both sides have quests there.


End this not-queen high priestess farce and establish the kaldorei anarcho-primitivist free territories.

The actual shal’dorei get their own phase as a starting area.

Tirisfal is the most broken zone in the game.

The best the kaldorei can get is a much humbled Tyrande moving on from hate, a statement Hope tree and being left the hell alone and forgotten rather than being wrung for fresh tears as needed.

Let them join the gnomes, draenei and others in the lore void of forgotten stories to be used once in a while for a gimmick quest while the game moves forward with fresh, new ideas.


It’s about 4x4m, not worth noting really. The phase Dark Irons get for Shadowforge is superior, but still small