PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

The draenei were moving into certain spots alongside the Nelves, as were the worgen. The elves can leave and the other two can fill in the gap.

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hear me out

why not both (which is sort of how it’s portrayed in game and pretty sure in lore anyway)

okay avatar wan.


I studied under the turtle pope to master Story Bending techniques that you can’t even imagine.


what if a group of night elven revolutionaries simply decided to overthrow the oppressive governments of azeroth (the alliance and horde)

and started their own faction

No, pretty sure the complaint was that, in-game, no one can use Surumar properly, because it’s always populated by hostile ‘content’ mobs.

The only real city-sized city in game, eternally out of reach :pensive:


Also, you can offer objective critique of BFA/SL faction writing being a damn mess and making little to no sense without being anti/pro/factionoid or whatever people are accusing each other of being here. Almost like bad writing is bad and unsatisfying overall.

Several people need to go outside and get some sun, good grief.


Those are two separate complaints, but I’ve seen a number of takes that it is bad that the formerly “neutral” capitals are now specifically Horde in-lore and therefore their “territory”. They were especially prevalent around the time the NB/HM allied races were released and also BfA.

Suramar being packed full of hostile NPCs without a peaceful post-Nighthold phase is hella lame, I think everyone agrees on that one.


Was rooting for an updated Hyjal personally :pensive:


was my ideal outcome too

maybe if it were updated and single-layer it’d also make roleplaying possible without going through several layers of instance hell because two people in your DM group decided to do the questing but reached different points and one hasn’t started it at all (you’ve completed all of the quests)


Lukewarm take that WoW needs an entire-world update to Current Time and just use that Bronze Dragon or even the Caverns of Time for the ‘old world’.

Because right now it’s all a mess, and Blizzard are cowards.


That would definitely be closer to the general theme of nature worshippers opposed to deforestation. Small hamlets would be more ecologically sustainable as well as defensible; sometimes, large areas of territory or obvious major population centers can be a strategic weakness.


I feel so sorry for new players, the entire timeline and story must be a ball ache to get to grips with. Yo talk to Chromie who you should remember from all your past adventures and pick a point in time to level! ! !

That and the world map looks so fracking dumb. Lmao.


I feel personally attacked by this regardlessly accurate comment

whenever people mention they started playing in BFA or somewhere I just think ‘oh my god why and how’


New players get dumped from Exile’s Reach directly into BfA, they don’t get the standard chromie time stuff - that’s only for people who already did it once.

They then go from BfA (which they level through to level 60, likely missing out 90% of max level content, including all the patch content) into Dragonflight.

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Wish they’d just scale it like the chronicles map where a lot of the islands are small and not Lordaeron sized.


Which means about 80%~ of the in-game content might as well not exist. Because it’s ‘all about the new shiny’ and no thought has been given to making and keeping everything current or at least relevant.

It’s a damn design mess, end of.

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It’s why I think the Caverns of Time are a missed opportunity, you could technically move the world forwards and shift dungeons entirely and have old content and dungeons be accessible through them.

For example, if they were to update Tirisfal they could update Scarlet Monestary to be Forsaken held, meanwhile they could generate a new Scarlet dungeon elsewhere – Stratholme or whatever. But if you wanted to do SM, hell even the /vanilla/ iterations you just go there.

I wont lie, I don’t really expect another world update outside of the sheer jankiness that came with Arathi and Darkshore. And I just feel like it’s a shame, the game genuinely needs a breath of fresh air and moving forwards.


Yeah, memes and the funny coincidence of a fire dragon being the next patch villain aside, I think they’ve ought to be less afraid of just adding things to the old world rather than sticking stuff to the new expansions just because.

It will be pretty weird for roleplay if they make the new home of the Night Elves be in the Dragon Isles, and even if it’s not, and the world tree is just there so the Night Elves can regain their immortality, there is still the problem that all 5 aspects need to bless it for that to happen, and there’s currently only four of them, one of which (Nozdormu) might just flip and die before that happens; and that’s without mentioning the fact that that place is going to be a phase-riddled messy quest hub for the next year and a half and maybe some.

I just hope it’s less clunky than the addition of Tirisfal’s updated phase, which was added as an update to how the Forsaken and Tirisfal are doing, only for the phase and its story to be outdated about 2 months later with the timeskip, and not only that, but also incredibly barren, broken, and so clunky that it almost makes Orgrimmar’s layout look RP friendly by comparison - and for the unlocking of this phase to be character specific, and for it to be locked behind a +60 Shadowlands quest.

I just genuinely wish that they made things a little easier for roleplayers, regardless of what people think is ‘fair’ or not when it comes to dark fantasy storytelling. It’s almost like they’re trying on purpose to get people to not roleplay any race that isn’t a human, as you need entire lists of quests spread out throughout different expansions to roleplay quite a few races without phasing away from half your RP group.


Don’t forget they don’t currently have their “Aspectral Powers” so the blessing wouldn’t really come to much.
By the time they get that back, we may be in a 5 Aspect phase.

The tree may just cause all souls of Nelves to get insta Ardenwealded when they die and let them cross over for a bit at it’s site.

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