PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I like how the reason the Horde exists was laid out in that one book or whatever before BFA and everyone just memory holes it like the BFA plot did.

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Good writing?
Lol, what’s that when it comes to faction/racial lore? :V

Yeah the ‘moral conviction’ Tushui should’ve left after the Purge of Dalaran, was real weird when they didn’t

The so-called “Purge” of Dalaran is nothing but a liberal Hordoid propaganda against morally upstanding protectors of the Light, Azeroth and the Alliance that is Silver Covenant. These fake news of alleged “war crimes” are all pushed by the orc-saurok elite that tries to control the world from the shadows. Wake up!

Also, it didn’t happen, and if it did, Covenant wasn’t involved, and if it was involved, it wasn’t as bad as you heard, and if it was that bad, the Sunreavers clearly deserved it.

(Now wait for Midnight to actually say this unironically and make Aethas apologize to Vereesa)


I mean they basically already did that with Aethas+Jaina with the little trading post thing, so yeah, wouldn’t surprise me.

Unless Vereesa dies in Dalaran in TWW…

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And given there’s also the tidbit during Alliance side of the Purge where Vereesa acts as the more concerned party about their methods, I think there might be a non-zero chance that all the evil stuff SC did may have been the case of “Stonetalon Garrosh” and it’s not going to be ever brought up before all Thalassian elves unite again.

Magister Hathorel once again seething as he’s depicted as a villain once more.


Apologies, I forgot that is a valid reason to just start genociding her race and go Scorched Earth on their lands.

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God forbid women have hobbies :roll_eyes:


sometimes you just girl boss too hard and i don’t think thalyssra can be blamed for that

imagine being confined to one city for 10,000 years and having recently beaten a crippling addiction. you just want to get out there and experience the world you know, take out some of that long repressed angst


Please just not those kind of Elf-woman hobbies😩
Azshara had a genociding hobby, and we know how that ended up(A zillion different kind of Elves and we’re still finding more)

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I’d joke that we just have to turn over random rocks to find yet another variety of elf but then we got these cave bat-elves…


The worst consequence of genocide: Thalassian elf variants becoming a thing


Let’s try to focus on the actual representation of the factions in the War Within, rather than filling this thread with yet another tired red-versus-blue debate.

This is how the earthen assigned to the Alliance are handled.

This is how the earthen assigned to the Horde are handled.

Something important to note is that the earthen do not join either faction in either case. They are being sent to explore the lands of the factions and learn their stories, so that this information can be brought back to the earthen later on, so that they may become more enlightened around the world. They are honoured guests, not faction members.

As much as I am unsatisfied with the Horde ambassador’s greeting for the earthen, it’s in-character for Ambassador Blackguard. He has always been disrespectful and irate, compared to the earnest and cheerful Ambassador Moorgard in Stormwind City.

If I have an issue, it’s that the Alliance are declared “endlessly curious,” while the Horde are the ones “bound by tradition,” which disagrees with how Blizzard itself describes the factions on their very own website.

The Alliance are the ones “driven by tradition” and who seek to protect their kingdoms and cultures that have stood for centuries, if not millennia, while the majority of the Horde are building new societies after the destruction of their old ones.

So, I think whoever assigned those traits in that quest text might’ve assigned them back to front.


The factions don’t have an identity anymore, which is why Blizzard struggles with characterizing them and can’t make up their mind.

By this point, “Alliance” and “Horde” are completely arbitrary labels for playable races that basically exist in the game for legacy reasons (and because faction-themed merchandise still sells).


It’s true though, Goblins are bound by tradition. The tradition of capitalism.


Moolah talks baby.

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Why would the Tushui leave the Alliance over something that happened in a neutral nation?

For that reason, why did Lor’themar blame the Alliance for what happened to the blood elves in a neutral nation?

That’d be like the Alliance blaming the Horde for what the Scourge did because Ner’zhul is an orc.

Remind me please :frowning:

It’s also opposite of how Thalyssra described the Alliance and Horde. And why she chose the Horde in the end (no matter how nonsensical it was).

The trolls have been living the same for thousands of years, the same goes for the tauren, nightborne, blood elves, pandaren.

If anything the Horde up until recently had more established and ancient nations than the Alliance!

Valid and based.

Jk ofc XD

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if the alliance general populace knew it, they almost certainly would

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