PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

But that’s literally why the Sons of Lothar were formed. To stop the first Horde remnants, IE Ner’zhul from invading other worlds or Azeroth again.

but were they or anyone else generally aware that ner’zhul was the same lich king that invaded in warcraft 3 from northrend

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The PC/DK PC could or couldn’t have told anyone about Ner’zhul. So again a Schrodinger’s case.

That is the core of the issue, yes.

Blizzard is still able to write stuff that’s focused on races, as we can see from the heritage quests.

Yet when it comes to the larger narrative, they have absolutely no interest in even thinking about the races or factions, just the characters that they want to write about, which seem to be primarily Alliance-aligned.

But it’s a little harder for some fans to break out of the Horde-Alliance mindset when Blizzard spent 2017-2019 stoking faction pride.

  • The Darkspear have to create a new home for themselves and find a new way of life as a part of the Horde, rather than trolls. Their break from tradition is highlighted when they chose to side with the Horde over the Zandalari back in Cataclysm.
  • The tauren abandon their nomadism after the Third War and actually claim a land that they can call their own in the form of Mulgore and Thunderbluff, a new society and a new nation and a new way of life.
  • The nightborne have just come out of a civil war that has involved shattering the old hierarchy and the complete upheaval of the old way of life, now that they need to live without the Nightwell and exposed to the rest of the world.
  • The blood elves had to completely reinvent themselves after the destruction of Quel’thalas at the hands of Arthas, even abandoning the old name for their people in honour of the radical changes that they had to go through.

There’s also all of the upheaval and destruction that the greenskin orcs, mag’har orcs, forsaken and Horde goblins had to go through in the last fifty years.

You might be right about the Zandalari (though even they are going through a period of upheaval), but the vast majority of the Horde has gone through periods of massive change and disruption, that has led to dramatic changes in leadership and in their ways of life.

The Alliance also has some races which have had to seek new homes or embrace change, there is some overlap here, but the Horde are typically the ones who have to change to survive, whereas the Alliance are typically the ones who are focused on the defending of what they have and the reclamation of what they once had.


Blizzard, please stop with the robots that predates life.



How about a mysterious sentient mechanical construct from another dimension that predates all life instead


Because Stormwind directly supplied troops and supported it and then nothing was done to make amends afterwards?

Simply put, if Varian’s moral convictions held that the Purge was a dealbreaker, he’d have chosen to cut ties with Jaina, or perhaps assist in her capture and handover to the Blood Elves.

He did neither. Indeed he did nothing to distance himself or the Alliance from it. Instead, the Kirin Tor Offensive was launched (per the faction description) “Ignited by Jaina’s fury, the Kirin Tor Offensive seek to seize Thunder Isle for the glory of the Alliance.”

The message to the Tushui, therefore, was the Purge was acceptable as an action to the Alliance. Endorsed, even.

A cosmos divided will not survive what is to come…

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Why must you do this

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Abolish the binary factions Blizzard. It’s no longer relevant, you don’t even advertise it anymore as some kind of important feature… Do not pretend either that you wanna do it right and take your time and stuff. We know you care little, it’d be nice if you did it right of course, but you’re very self-serving when it comes to getting into a position you want regardless of opinion of the community or your execution of it.

So just DO IT!


You simply do not understand my machinations done for the good of all, for they come from that which you do not know…

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People keep hyping this article with Maria Hamilton and Holly about the Faction War coming back but unfortunately these people just read the headline because the actual article itself says this:

And frankly, using the reclamation of Gilneas a way to bring some faction tension back is. . .a really poor example to me? Especially as a story director? Because that wasn’t at all the vibe that I got from Gilneas, if anything it felt unnecessarily forgiving of the Forsaken (even as they rain Blight down on the city again).


We are all cosmic spirits in fundamentally artifical bodies and an illusory reality. It’s deep meta commentary on us playing a videogame, like CHIM.


The “I am 14 and this is deep” of videogames.


There are no evil weapons, only evil people. And since the Forsaken were using it for a good cause, Blight is good now.

See also: Void (Elves).

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I think they’re referring to Genn’s outburst and then consequent departure because he felt out of place.

It was horrendously communicated why he did that, but I like to think it’s because he can’t see himself cooperating with the Horde and would rather do what he wants without being an actual king.

This post was brought to you by the Hateful Faction War Cope Club

Gilneas was really poorly done in terms of writing. It was far too blatantly forgiving of the Forsaken and the inclusion of the Scarlet Crusade was stupid.


“Pathetic [race]. Do you actually remember anything of your previous life before that first day at [starting zone]? Your whole existence is a lie, and I will show everyone the truth!”

~ Xal’atath boss encounter.


For a moment I thought you were talking about the real world.


I’ll grant that the deep elder scrolls lore is extremely hindu.

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There is a more than 50% chance that when we defeat Xal’atath, she will give a vague warning of that “You are not prepared for what is to come…” and that she was totally just trying to prepare against it. It’s our fault for not listening.