PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

And the Shatterspear’s appearance in BfA was meant to be the last remnants of this tribe already destroyed by the night elves in Cata going out with a fiery vengeance.

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You know that whole “there are always as many elves as the plot requires”? Well, elves come from trolls, so…

Hate it when my multi-billion dollar corpo is infiltrated by malicious literature poltergeists playing epic pranks on me and I am powerless to resist them.


Guys, the sarcasm in this thread is laid so thickly that I don’t know which comments are serious anymore.


One of the reasons I always liked ESO so much.


To dispense with the silliness for a moment:-

In the aftermath of people noticing that Exploring Kalimdor (authored by Sean Copeland) had a number of questionable storytelling decisions (illiterate Zekhan, goblin anti-semitic tropes, writing Gazlowe as if he were Gallywix, saying the Dark Portal existed during the Sundering, WotA happened 1k years before present day instead of 10k years ago) included, people mentioned it on twitter dot com.

Copeland’s wife spoke up in defense of her husband and said that he wasn’t involved in all the bad parts and they were written by an unnamed mysterious editor/writer who apparently had final creative control over the lead historian for Blizzard who was also the principal author.

Hence: Malicious literature poltergeist.

For better or worse I believe all such tweets are now deleted due to harassment (which is bad, it’s not worthy of harassment of course) so verifying the exact words is difficult, so I guess part of this is Just Trust Me Bro if you weren’t there, but, well, I was, so trust me bro.


I’ve said it before in Pet Peeves but the Copeland saga was a truly magical journey.

“We don’t know who wrote this, but we will publish it anyway.”

On the subject of night elf relocations/horde owning Kalimdor or what have you: If I were a night elf I would be eager to leave Ashenvale and Darkshore behind because those two zones have succumbed to such an unmitigated combination of natural disasters and Horde weapons platform testing/resource harvesting/biochemical aggression in the past ten years that I am amazed they are more habitable than Felwood.

Also, I know people like to say her alienating the shaldorei was Tyrande’s biggest political blunder of recent years but I would argue giving the entirity of Aszhara to the Bilgewater Cartel with more or less no strings attached probably trumps it.


Prolly outsourced to some poor sod in indonesia having to clobber something together on an eldritch deadline, a prominent and trustworthy name slapped on the cover for authenticity and bait for the nerds to buy the book…

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Land concessions to an invading force is always a mistake. Add to this the guarantee that conquered kaldorei land will be plundered of every resource, sacred places razed and the very land rearranged to suit its occupier. The province of Azshara should be an eternal reminder as to this grim reality.


And yet there are people proclaiming the Night Elves should just do that, and relocate to the Dragon Isles :pensive:

Once read an argument that the Night Elves should up and leave, because aslong as they’re the Orcs neighbours, they’ll keep getting into wars, so they might aswell move to the Dragon Isles…

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Can’t have orcs for neighbours if you eject them back to the Eastern Kingdoms

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NElves shoulda just joined the Horde. Then everyone wins (except the Alliance).


Every post I see about the non-in-game ‘lore’ stuff makes a part of me get stuck in a feedback loop between ‘Let me just expire’ and ‘You cannot kill me, I’m too damn angry about all this horse-:poop:

Genuinely hate having a creative mind and yet no ability to work on a bigger project. Meanwhile, Small Indie Companies over here with previously beloved settings and characters apparently playing blind darts for key plot points and canon consistency has been turned into soylent green :roll_eyes:


True they should, the forsaken too (after they minecraft chunk error lordaeron because I don’t want to throw the GoT fans a bone). Make both continents, aside from their TBC pocket dimensions Azuremyst and Quel’thalas (ideally those two also but we know those zones will never be touched again), fully controlled by either faction.

That’d be pretty lok’tar freaking ogar I would say

We love the ink-and-feather wielding spectre that haunts the halls of Blizzard HQ we do.

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Nobody even knows why they’re in the Alliance either… So it wouldn’t be a loss for the Alliance either!

Thats what the NElves should’ve done the moment the Third War ended… Alas

I would seriously dislike that :frowning:

Drags mouse, selects all of Durotar
Mashes Delete key

No excuse for such block, 2004-era drek these days.

(Nah, in all seriousness, Capital graphical updates WHEN, devs? Its been decades for heck sakes…)

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They let Garrosh redecorate orgrimmar, then decided it was a terrible idea, resolving to do nothing ever again.


“X was terrible, never touch it ever again (and don’t undo the Terrible)” seems to be the dev MO for way too much stuff :roll_eyes:


Exactly there thinking when the remebered Vashj’ir, so we got the atrocities thats Nazjatar instead…

Fml Vashj’ir was awesome and to this day I wish they had done the same with Nazjatar. It could’ve been properly glorious!


I’ll get the book out after dinner and take a peek at what pages.

The s is because of how I wrote the srntence, the th/d is a fluke, I got lucky.

While I really get what you, I can’t do that, the book is canon wether we want to or not.

If we go by that we could all pretend the RPG is canon lore and we’ll know what a mess that’ll be. (Stormwind has more Bronzebeards than IF and a higher pop then the entire Horde).

Honestly, they make more sense as Horde, or neutral, then as Alliance.

But they gave the Horde the Scourge-lite, so here we are.

Also, I oppose either faction getting any continent all to themselves, because that’d mean the belves would be permanent hostages of the Alliance as they’d control the Sunwell and could cut them off at a moments notice.