Channeling that saint Jiub spirit.
It’s like blizz are only able to have one black dragon look good at a time, meaning that when they’re all present for a scene at least two have to be ridiculous.
Sabellian wouldn’t treat Wrathion like battlefield fodder, even at his most ambitious he’s still a caretaker of the Black Dragonflight who values their lives.
Ebyssian wouldn’t let that comment slide as a “both sides are bad”.
I guess since they wrote Wrathion as really bad in the last chapter it’s his turn to shine as someone who doesn’t want to sacrifice lives, but the roulette wheel will probably spin away from him again soon enough.
He literally said at the start of the Zarelek Caverns that he does care about Wrathions safety, lol
I didn’t really see it as more than sabellian delivering the punchline to an insult that wrathion nonsensically set up for himself by comparing himself to some random experiment. The same kind of back and forth spite they’ve had for their entire time together so far. Ebyssian however is becoming more and more useless, perpetually wiseposting at the sidelines like a BfA-era tauren RPer. And just outright leaving now at the culmination of the whole zone’s storyline at Abberus’ doorstep.
What an unlikeable baine-parody he is turning into
Baine passes onto the cowbell as Ebyssian’s eye shine a powerful grey
There must always be a lolcow.
Not much of a cinematic tbh. RIP Sarkareth, you were pretty cool before you died.
Hopefully there’s another cinematic to wrap up this story later because this one is kind of just…
Still better than the end of Ny’alotha.
Or the Shadowlands
Or Sepulcher.
Reminds me, was I missing something or was there just nothing specific to dracthyr players in this patch? There was one comment about the funny titan glove but not a trace of anything related to those whispers every single dragon and dracthyr keeps rambling about.
It kind of makes sense that most importantly named tauren are super-centrists, considering that Ebonhorn has been advising the Highmountain Tauren for centuries. He’s the proto-centrist tauren, one could say.
Portergauge found a dracthyr specific convo with a drakonid by one of the cavern entrances about like…doing your own thing I think? It was a stay-a-while-and-listen thing iirc.
And there’s also, supposedly, a legendary fist weapon for evokers only that the craft from the shards of the old fist Neltharion/Sarkareth used, though that’s still not confirmed so far as I know.
I’ve not done the story quests fully on my evoker to see if there were any differences between dracthyr+non-dracthyr dialogue.
Yea, WoWhead had 3 “articles” on it being found in the files iirc… But yea, I am still waiting for the double-bladed NB sword they found aswell, so there’s that
Blame blizzard for this, it was in all the way into PTR and then randomly removed from the full retail patch (:
I blame Blizzard for alot worse then this.
Making Sentinel’s Glaives DH-only, for example, or making the Watcher Armor available for everyone… Or still not making a viable Umbra-Crescent weapon available…
But yea, I do also blame them for the double-Edged Lightsaber being removed at the last moment
They’re really going to make me play through it all again with a dracthyr to get the whole story, aren’t they?
Use a warglaive model but bend the blade the other way around to an outward facing loop. I am brilliant.
Also, let other weapons use the warglaive rig thus making the sentinel glaive into a sword.
As for which black dragon is most qualified to inherit? Well we already did the family angle with the blues. Maybe they all pull a heroic sacrifice to stop next patch’s BBEG and we recover a new egg to pokemon train into the best of all worlds.
Well judging by the datamined strings, assuming it goes live, a bunch of them will be in-game cinematics, so wowhead will have them.
But if you wanna experience it all in-game then…yes! Also the crafting materials look pretty expensive assuming it goes live as-is.
Crap. I have so much catching up to do that I may as well be fingerpainting a cave wall in france.
Finished the campaign, save for the raid.
Ebyssian just turning around and going “nah I’m not helping with Aberrus after all” is pretty funny. “They need to do it themselves, and so I will simply not help them at all with the massive threat I spent the last section of the quest organising an attack against because it was crucial we do so.”
Thing is that they could’ve just phrased it differently and had the exact same outcome. He’s going off to help Emberthal with the dracthyr. Could’ve just had him go “I won’t let the Sundered Flame attack my brothers from behind, while they push into the citadel, we will guard their backs.”
As it is, they’ve set up the imminent threat of Sarkareth and Aberrus and then Ebyssian just goes “eh, they’ll be fine, probably, whatever” and leaves.
Takes after his brother Ebyssian I see.