Complaining about the brothers/sisters of the Light style orc and tauren priests worked.
Maybe the same can be done for his flavour texts to set him apart a bit more.
I always liked race/class restrictions, so what’s been happening in that regard since Cataclysm-going-forwards has never appealed to me. However, that’s the way the winds are blowing, and I will say this in defense of making lightforged draenei and night elves warlocks: Just open the flood gates, let all the race/class combinations roll. The ship of ‘protecting the artistic quality of the Warcraft universe/lore’ has sailed a long time ago, and it’s not worth the hassle of being frustrated over. Let madness reign, because, quite frankly, Warcraft lore does not deserve your respect anymore
Yes, but I’d like them to write some lore when those happen like they did with orc priests when it’s a combination that would otherwise not make much sense.
The problem is that with Legion, they gave every class and spec a very defined identity, and have kept it up since, and now, they need to either make new fantasies for these race combos, or they straight up need to delete the fantasy that they established for these classes to begin with.
A warlock that makes a pact with some otherworldly or magical being or other kind of magical patron and thus gains powers from this could work for a Lightforged Warlock.
But right now we don’t have that, we have the demonblood-snorting, demon magic-casting, void-dabbling warlocks being made available for a race that is so full with Light that their racial makes them turn into holy hand grenades when they die, who put themselves through a light-infusing ritual to kill demons that is so brutal that if you’re anything short of fully devoted to the Light or borderline fanatic, you die midway through.
Soon the zandalari troll will be the first race with every class (minus the hero ones)
also regarding the madness that is LF warlocks?
all reason went out the window when nightborn monks where a thing.
you mean to tell me a race of elves who lived under a magical rock for 10.000 years somehow picked up and learned a new type of magic and fighting style entirely opposite of what they have been used to for 10.000 years and then master it in less than 1 year?
So I will be happy to roll out a pandaren destro warlock, who cares about lore anymore? blizzard certainly doesn’t.
TBC gave us the objectively coolest rendition of Blood Elves, only to swiftly take it away from us once more. Thus my feelings on TBC are conflicted to this day.
The sins of the Father. . .at least I can :copium: that it might be due to it being easier back in 2004 to just paste existing healing spells over to NPCs. Still highly egregious mind you.
It’s literally what happened with every other race at Mists of Pandaria’s launch.
Yes, draenei warlock has no explanation whatsoever in that quest.
Yes, that quest has an extremely convoluted and counterintuitive way to make these guys into warlocks.
But at this point, Valven is right. Should you really care? WoW’s older lore is being completely rewritten. In a few years most of the old lore won’t make any sense. It doesn’t matter anymore.
But the Light doesn’t really have a will, it doesn’t reward anyone.
If anything, it’s the in-character interpretation of the Light, who stands for values like hope, compassion, and the value of life. Aside from maybe hope, fel magic stands in opposition to this. Phenomenologically, that is, the way in which you experience them, is basically like two polar opposites.
The thing with fel magic is that it consumes stuff and turns it into, basically, non-fertile things. It numbs all the feelings associated with positive, altruistic values. Souls? Consumed. Life? Done. Precarious use of fel magic from a mass of people literally destroyed all life on Draenor, making it a dying world even before Ner’zhul broke it.
Fel should be a big deal in the lore, but in game at this point it’s just “oh, I summon demonz, demonz is dangerous!”
Also, wished they’d explain more where the dreadlords stand in regard to demons and the Shadowlands stuff.
I don’t overly agree with the “may chaos reign, why bother caring anymore” attitude, though I do understand it but when something has been a very long part of your life and you used to enjoy the years of storytelling it gave you only to see it butchered right in front of you it can leave people a bit. . .miffed to say the least.
Perhaps but I can accept that humans, orcs, taurens even draenei have had the possibility to be exposed to pandaren culture for years by that point.
Plus humans already had combat monks, at least the scarlets did.
These elves literally just come out of lock-down.
Its made even worse with the bosses in the battle of dazar’alor where you face off against a mag’har who is in a similar situation and is somehow a power house.
I’d still like the old lore to make sense - in a way, DF is that. Dragonflight focuses and improves upon dragons, but it does so because it’s keeping the new lore in the shadows, and because the plot is relatively simple.
The company - who owns the game - doesn’t care or respect it.
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they made fun of people who voiced their complaints in Shadowlands. Surely they keep adding references to that expansion, so that we can all remember how great that was.
I am convinced the Dan is in denial and still think everyone else is wrong about shadowlands, and gets out of his way to remind us every chance he gets.
meanwhile the rest of the team tries very hard to limit our exposure as much as possible.
There was literally one (1) pandaren going around Azeroth before MoP launch, and Pandaria was surrounded by Mists, they absolutely weren’t.
The Scarlet Monks from MoP were trained by a Pandaren after the mists had been lifted from Pandaria.
A race beginning to pick up a new kind of thing after their isolation is not comparable to a thing made of something that opposes demons because they oppose demons suddenly becoming demon fan number one, no less a demon fan number one that USES demonic and void magic.
There are mag’har orcs that have been a part of the Horde since the Burning Crusade.
No not those.
you can find what is now called “Risen Monks” in Stratholm
they were scarlets monks who fought with fist weapons
They also have advanced chronomancy. They could just repurpose one of their arcwine stores into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and then unlock their inner monk there in less time than anyone else.
And if the only known Scarlet monks as of MoP were of the pandaren variety, why would these Risen be any different?
Chen was the most famous, but not the only one.
There were absolutely sightings of them since vanilla
at least rumors
“I swear, people have actually seen them. Pandaren really do exist!”
Maybe, I could accept that, I still find it unlikely but everyone should have monks so screw the how.
Because they outdate them?
Unless you are telling me a pandaren taught their monks to fight in vanilla?
It’s basically the excuse for draenei shamans repurposed for witchcraft.