They are slightly masochistic.
Remember that time we raided Antorus and just kind of walked into a shivarra torture basement.
No safe word for Varimathras.
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The Writer’s Barely Disguised Fetish strikes again.
Fight fire with fire is imo not really a thing in WoW or necessary most of the time because every magic has an opposite magic that does more damage to it than fighting fel with fel possibly ever could. (In fact you’d probably end up healing the evil demons if you felfire’d them lmao).
See: The Light ashing the souls of demons and undead
You can make the argument that undead can use Light magic themselves, and you can use holy magic to heal them, only that it is so excruciatingly painful that it’s a last resort unless you want to get stabbed by the undead party member or you’re just that much of an extremely devout undead, but…
A lightforged draenei doing fel magic is less like an undead doing or being targetted by light magic, and more like a Warcraft 2 Death Knight using Light magic to ‘fight fire with fire’.
It’s like if an Illidari went through all their rituals, preparations, and excruciating survival rates, only to go at the end “actually, I was just fine being a druid” and the setting portraying that it’s something that would actually happen or that it’s even mechanically possible to happen.
I dunno, I think the quest text provided for it makes sense. Naaru sucking at their job for 25000 years must make even the most ardent of faithful have a crisis at some point. Some people buy a sports car, others turn to enslaving demons. We should try to be understanding of how people go through their troubles
Though I know it won’t happen, having the (LF)Draenei get unique warlock spell effects that meld Light with some of their warlock spells would be cool. If the idea is that they’re using the Light to wrangle fel to their own purposes, visual representation of that is the best way to do it.
“But what about other race/class combos, shouldn’t they also get unique-” Yes. Yes, they should.
Ideally Blizzard would’ve put in unique visuals for every race and every class in vanilla so we didn’t have issues like this to start with. Demons using Light magic to heal each other, night elves bearing the signs of the Church into battle etc., it was ridiculous back then and remains so now.
I had big thing typed up but I realised I’m sick of arguing it. It’s silly and nonsensical, nuff said. It’s homogenisation of the various species, no culture can be unique, everyone can be anything, any magic can do everything. To hell with it.
Pretty sure a DH, during the intro questing blew up in front of us after slurping too much Fel. Edit : Sorry Dread, I meant to answer Meron about Fel usage.
True enough and this puts me in a difficult situation… Should I persist due to various reasons (sunk cost fallacy and generally being my comfort game) or just plain quitting all while a part of me isn’t fine with having a bunch of vandals who are handling it ruining what I like but then again I’m among the quietest voices in a chorus of players who don’t care about lore and such.
If you’re considering it, it means you’re not happy. And based on your posts, you haven’t been happy for years. It’s fine to move on.
I mean, there WERE some, even back in Vanilla. Depending on which race you picked for your priest, they had 1-2 exclusive priest abilities, like Fear Ward for Dwarves, Touch of Weakness and Devouring Plague for Undead, and Elune’s Grace for Night Elves, then there were Blood Elf paladins compared to Alliance paladins…
Then, they took them away in… I think it was Wrath?
Regardless, it’s sad that such an idea was discontinued because of it not being easy to balance or plan out at the time; to the point where now, over a decade later, it is very much possible to do reskins of spells (as proven by glyphs and the constant spell effect updates), and yet they won’t do it because of class identity or fear that they might make something unbalanced.
Yep because all the 1%er raiders where making their priests roll only certain races specifically for the racials. Blizzard found that unacceptable and everyone must suffer because of the few. Still two spells is a fairly anemic effort.
The only class that ever got a cosmetic thing that affected the visuals of their entire spellbook was ironically enough warlocks with their green fire.
I mean its not like you can stop them from doing it while being subbed, so there would be no difference between you quitting or continue’ing
And there is so much possibility for other classes aswell, as stated above…
I want my frostfire spells for Magi!
Raiders, PVPers… they take so much from us, SMDH.
I mean, I don’t blame them, honestly. I think the fault is mostly on Blizzard’s yard, who thinks that by removing stuff they’re going to make minmaxxing disappear in a game genre where even tabletop RPGs with little gameplay mechanics have ways to minmax them to hell and back.
If people can and DO minmax in Vampire: The Masquerade, removing flavour from Warcraft because 1 out of 100 players used said flavour for an advantage in 2008 isn’t just going to magically make minmaxxing go away.
Remember what they took from us
Its crazy given how easy it would be to probably make Class Skins as well tbh, Blizzard no doubt already has them I would imagine and it’s a simple case of flicking a switch to make Night Elves have silver effects as a Priest etc., now why they don’t flick that switch is a different Question.
Worth it.
Even so I’d argue in favour of more spell visuals without all the loops and hoops. Night elf priests especially, and nonhuman paladins should have unique visuals as baseline. A zandalari flipping through a human libram to cast a spell is against my sincerely held irreligious beliefs.
So BfA in 2018 with bs War, no one caring about the gigantic sword, messy war campaigns and lackluster content and dissapointing lore. Controversially mixed bag but firmly in the negative for me then.
Shadowlands has been firmly kicked into the ground in every single bloody aspect, there’s very little I can ever give it praise for so that’s another two years of discontentment.
Both I occasionely unsubbed for a lengthy periods and only stuck for the last patch.
DF. Overall, a good experience, good content and cadence… Yet still when I’m in the “Glass is half-full” moments, stuff like this blatant direction of homogenisation of race/class combo, I can only see this as a slippery slope and the custodians, even if repentant in some form, are chipping away at my investment but instead of C4 charges, they used a sledgehammer here.
So you’re right, I oughta quit. I can admit this is a love-hate situation and moving on from all the external factors tying me to the game (Discord/Bnet pals) is just as scary, but I won’t lie. The likeliness that even when unsubbed, I will at least show up for month patch or release night is high. Time will tell and try my hand staying away for good when the sub runs out.
It took catastrophic levels of bad for them to change anything. I can’t properly explain it but while I once believed that through criticism and complaints you could stave off some of the doom and gloom because at least, somewhere you want the franchise to get better… The latest changes and story beats are, I feel so done. Main personal investment was lore and RP, both have been damaged in my eyes.