Probably yeah, sadly.
Maybe glyphs?
Probably yeah, sadly.
Maybe glyphs?
Glyphs are one-time use and I doubt they want to add any Trade Post items that are either consumables or take up bag space. Everything in it are cosmetic unlocks.
If it were glyphs we should have had some evidence of them adding an accompanying UI or system that lets us customize spells the same way we use the barbershop or rostrum, but that’d be a bigger undertaking.
Depends, if they add spell visuals to the barber UI, it might work.
yeah that’s what I wrote
I glossed over the word somehow.
Or add it to the class trainer to give them some relevance.
Considering they keep adding bits, it is possible.
Fair enough, we’ll see soon enough I guess.
Also, I vaguely remember from a Blizzterview that they wanted to add the brutosaur skin colour customisations to the Trading Post???
Or was it that they wanted to just make them available???
For those wondering about the blue dragon questline.
Nice! Can’t wait to stop questing with Sabellian, Wrathion and Ebyssian for a while!
I can go down the proper shadow/void summoning warlock.
More shadow, less fel!
Love how they have a normal fire, Felfire and Void version!
I will go all in on the Felfire on my NE Warlock, tho
Also I suppose this means nobody will have to farm for their Fel-Succubus anymore?
when do the incubi get new customizations
Now you can take a break from focusing on black dragons rediscovering the bonds of family to go on a quest of blue dragons rediscovering the bonds of family.
Yea. But in this case its a Blue Dragon (re)discovering the bonds of a family he disbanded, instead of a drake who murdered his family(and started a cult with loyalty only to himself) except his elder brother, and then discovering his eldest brother actually having a family at the street next to his…
Nevermind; the Black Dragon family drama sounds, on paper, way more interesting…
Edit: gods thanks to Fentonius; I cannot wait for the Bronze and Infinite-drama… Atleast they are not family to each other in most cases, which isn’t that hard when you have only 2 main-characters
But this time with a poorly disguised anduin clone! Woo!
Me too.
My affliction warlock is going to be so happy.
On the next episode of Dragon Family Drama: Who’s the father of Alex’s new egg?!
Rebuilding the blue dragonflight with.
Checks cue cards.
The guy that dispersed the blue dragonflight.
It’s so funny that they don’t acknowledge that at all. Also as much as the Blue are involved, they don’t exactly scream “family” with only a couple of instances such as Tarec and Senegos being close to that but more like work colleagues at the best of times.
The flight already came together to do stuff in the legion mage campaign too. It really ought to amount to one snarky dragon piping up that kalec really needs to make up his mind about wanting them around.
I believe this is a problem with the writing team going a bit too hard on “”“positive””” (read: Christie Golden’s) values, like empathy, love, altruism, renewal, family, pacifism, and all that.
And most of the times it feels like they’re choking down this universal message down your throat while the story goes another way entirely. Take Emberthal, a seasoned commander.
She is tired of fighting, thus she chooses renewal over retribution. Does it actually change anything for Sarkareth? No, of course, he is still to be killed and she says that. But we are presented her choice as her backing down from Deathwing’s path, while at the same time we also see in-game that Sarkareth’s death is necessary. I get that for her character, it’s a decent arc, and even if it is repeated with Wrathion and Sabellian, it’s still good to me, yet narratively it feels a bit “eh, okay, moving on…”.
I actually like Sabellian. And Wrathion is a nice character so far. After doing the questline a second time he’s a bit at risk of a flanderization, in that he just keeps repeating how awesome he is and criticizes everything Sabellian does, while being this dandy figure all the time, and it doesn’t always land (even if the voice acting is quite good). Just keep him a little bit more in check.
Then you have the other male dragons, which are Kalec and Nozdormu. I used to like them, key term being: I used to.
These days I feel my stomach gripped with anxiety and pain when they are on screen, as they are all about externalizing this interior suffering they have with their “friends” (not even colleagues, as it would be with Kalec and Khadgar, there really isn’t conflict between them because conflict between friends is toxic) and everyone just feels like they’re ready to hug and take their hands and cry in a corner and OH MY GOD. Please stop, stop stop stop, you’re telling me that Nozdormu, that Nozdormu, who has seen his own death and is the personification of stoicism, all of a sudden talks as if he has had ulcer for a month? And of course you can’t have Nozdormu without making time puns, so you won’t find a paragraph without him going “I need a minute of your time.” Huhehehehahahah so quirky, because he’s the aspect of TIME. That wasn’t clear enough, obviously.
Thank the Aspects that Chromie is there. Up until now I believed she was the boring bronze dragon meme-generator, but now she brings a little bit of cheer, and feels like a genuine adventurer/hero of her flight, and overall helps me digest Nozdormu.
And Kalec, Kalec who was a few-man-hero, a John Snow type of character, suddenly has these warm emotional outbursts in every cinematic, with his face expressing more tribulation for a dead mana serpent than he did when Anveena died?
Khadgar. He is also tired of fighting, and wanted to visit the SL because he’s old (is he though? Shouldn’t Khadgar be like in his fifties?). Then you have Malfurion, a guy who hasn’t been shining since WC3, perhaps the most powerful asset in the Alliance, who commits suicide because “he is sooo tired.” Nozdormu is also “sooo tired” and keeps sighing. Kalec also feels like he hasn’t had some sleep all day.
And of course, let’s not forget Malfurion, who hasn’t done anything noteworthy since WC3, and is the strongest asset of the Alliance, and he is soooo tired that he commits suicide.
Hey, positive values right?
Do I see a pattern?