In the broader narrative, it’s the people who won’t just move on that are the villains. Noteworthy in the face of the known corporate culture and efforts to regain good faith with the player base.
When you know the background, a truly suspicious amount of WoW lore and narrative seems horribly close to projection…
Keep an eye out for anti-union/rebel, pro “good bosses” questlines.
What, you mean the Vulpera AR quest?
It’s certainly a weird choice to make the treatment of peons even more sinister with some outsourced PR work to placate the dummies, silence the workplace agitator and play it off as a good thing.
It’s one of the wierdest bits of Warcraft 1-3 to cling on to like grim death, and yet drop other, cooler stuff.
The Horde: “We will no longer be slaves, our destiny is our own!”
Peons: “Work is da poop, no more! Jus’ cos we not da smartest all times…”
The Horde: -eyes flashing red- “Cowabunga it is!”
Just when you think they’ve moved on from helotry we get another unsettling, abusive quest to remind us of the orcish caste system.
Don’t get me started on the Themes of Warcraft that seem to only spring up once in a blue moon, the rest of the time the writers either leaning hard on Projection, Ooh New Shiny or simply Rule of Cool, rather than any deeper, meaningful narrative…
The Horde should just let them starve and die, like the Alliance does with their citizens instead
Oh, as for the Alliance writing-!
-starts ranting for hours on end-
I disagree but not entirely. I’d say that they have been focusing far too much on realism for a story and setting that isn’t, never has been, and never should be about realism.
Christie Golden said that she inspired the War Crimes book, the fantasy book about a fantasy setting’s end of a story arc involving dragons, eldritch gods, orcs, and elves, on the Nuremberg Trials.
Then, there was the whole Before the Storm plot that didn’t make any sense; and I am not speaking about Calia, I am speaking about the Alliance doing an open diplomatic effort with the Forsaken when the whole plot of how they came to blows with one another is that no matter how much the Forsaken tried, every diplomatic effort ended with envoys getting killed on sight - but that is discarded because “it would be realistic for them to have normal diplomatic relations now!”
And, of course, you could also say that I am merely overthinking things and that it might’ve just been a slip in her writing; something which I have even thought myself in the past, in fact.
Then, she quote retweeted a video about the destruction and desolation in the Ukraine War with a quote of Anduin Wrynn in a dialogue she wrote, which was part of a book she wrote, quoted as Anduin Wrynn himself as if it were some kind of third person that actually exists.
One of the main writers of this setting saw a video of real people fleeing from their destroyed homes and going through the hardships of war only to go “damn this is just like this character i wrote fr let me quote myself real quick.”
It’s seriously disheartening, and honestly, pretty disgusting that they have to reference such horrendous real events both in lore and in meta commentary because they have such a lack of creativity that they genuinely don’t know how to do anything else but that, and to a much lesser but still significant level of disgust, how they are forcing a fantasy setting to be put through the lenses of realism.
I usually think people give Golden too much flak because, well, it’s the Internet; people have really weird parasocial interactions with people they’ve never met and get Really Weird about interests and hobbies.
But hooooo boy. That’s a ‘Yo, what the f-’ moment there…
When people started calling her out on it and pointing out how messed up it was that she was quoting some writing she did of Anduin Wrynn on a vid about the Ukraine War, she posted for three days about ‘humble-bragging’ how many ‘twitter trolls she’s had to block as of late’, only to then delete the quote retweet with a meek apology and move on almost instantly.
Any empathy I could’ve had for her because of how much flak her writing gets died that day.
It’s an Internet Catch 22 really; a disconcerting number of people aren’t happy with an apology, and demand a person prostrate themselves upon the Public Altar of self-flagellation forever more, or just flat out ‘once a person has committed WRONG it is Over!’
And that results in a reluctance to be seen to make mistakes or be wrong, because aside from the weird societal normalisation of ‘don’t admit being wrong, it’s weak!’ it also results in the mass pile-ons of the modern media/net.
People need to stop being so weird…
She wasn’t apologising though. She was doubling down on it. She said that if you thought that her tweet where she quote retweeted “hope always wins - anduin wrynn ” on a video about the Ukraine War’s destruction and loss of life was insensitive, you were trolling, and deserved to be blocked.
Yep, doubled and then tripled down right away until finally conceding with a half-hearted apology. People were right to be dissatisfied with it and with her handling of the entire situation.
Cannot imagine quoting a video game teenager character you created to try to show “support” for the horrors of War
I’m generally of the belief that a higher degree of professionalism is required when it comes to employees making use of social media even when it comes to their personal accounts.
I think the internet was a lot more tolerable and saner in general when there was less performative commentary weighing in on the latest world events.
Watching a guy that worked on stratholme in wc3 without a hint of irony begin spitting bars about how the right thing for arthas to do would’ve been to just leave and let the entire city get corrupted + let the scourge wash over the continent while also dropping in a covid comment or two