PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Can’t wait for Not-Seanchan.


Oh man, I’m pretty damn hype about the Arathi Empire, can’t wait for them to join the Alliance!

Nah, they’ll kidnap Anduin because he’s the Deathtouched Chosen One of the Holy Light Tree and we will go there to beat them all up.

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As a disclaimer, I should point out that the source for this is a screenshot allegedly taken from the alpha with poor resolution and weird spelling mistakes, and none of my friends who got in have been able to actually find it. I checked every quest associated with her on the wiki and none of them have the dialogue found in that one screenshot.

Take it with a grain of salt.


Chiming in to echo this, but I’ve not actually seen Faerin say it in any other stream or playthrough of Hallowfall that I’ve saw so the poor resolution and grammatical mistakes in it have actually leaned towards me believing it to be doctored, especially because its very out of character from what we’ve actually saw of the Arathi, who are wholly unphased by Alleria being an Elf made of Void Juice and they’re happy to have her help and talk with her.

Sounds to me like Telaryn and Meronspell are teaming up to weaken the defenses of the Horde and Alliance, so the Arathor Empire can be invited as friends and take us over from within…

Ofcourse that would mean they, as Thalassian Elves, would end up in some high society and we would end up as plebeians!

Never trust a Thalassian Elf🔪

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Who controls the Horde and the Alliance? Who manufactures all the conflicts? We do…


Bonuspoints if they too bring alternate-dimension beasts and chained magic-users!

Why are people like this :frowning:

I love that song!

Back during Cataclysm, there was a “screenshot” of Uther Duskbringer, a dazed Forsaken standing at Uther’s tomb. Of course it wasn’t real, but it fooled a lot of people and, as you can imagine, discourse over it was pleasant.


Probably a better Uther than the one we got in SL.


I get there’s a narrative explanation for why he’s so utterly broken when we first meet him in SL, but I too felt a little disappointed by the jaded and naive creature we encountered. I do think he began to feel more like his true self towards the latter end of the expansion, but I had more or less clocked out of the SL storyline at that point.

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Ah c’mon. Why do everyone have to be friends. Diary of Hugcraft.

On my end I do agree that this claim seems doctored purely on the aspect that WoW and its current handlers don’t want to highlight much hatred or distaste based on race/species in the universe… Maybe barely paying lip service in regards to Orcs and Humans and it’ll never go beyond “You’re a savage! / You’re a weak pompous prick!”

While I’m not asking for edge, I ain’t asking for rounded corners so soft you’d bounce back but such is the direction.


Uther raised from the dead :-1:
A random Forsaken believing they’re Uther due to brain/reanimation damage with just enough ambiguity that maybe he’s not entirely wrong? Who knows? :+1:


But this isn’t even “Orcs vs. Humans”. This is a human/elven empire with ties to human kingdoms and have potential to pretty much destroy the old factions, shaking the political landscape of Azeroth and creating new things. Everyone being friend belong to a story for 5yos. Whom they are trying to appease with it in WoW? Definitely not us, so shareholders I guess. This was a an opportunity to have a different conflict than Horde and Alliance but we are hugging everyone now.

Why were you even expecting them to come into conflict with us? They’re an Empire made up of Azerothian races sharing Azerothian religious faith with Azerothian beliefs?

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There are people who are 23 years old today that were newborns when the main plot device of the Warcraft Saga became about the factions coming together in face of a greater threat and that faction war = bad.

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I have a lot of words to say about this topic but instead I’ll add:

Try and make a separate thread about the lack of (faction) conflict and tension. I can appreciate that it’s tangentially relevant to leaks but every discussion whirs to Warcraft’s current state and what has transpired since BFA (and then citations going back to vanilla or Metzen’s scribbled notes about Azeroth when the RTS games were just a concept, whatever ), not what we see in TWW and beyond.

I’ll then do my part and dump my 2 cents in that thread instead.

It is a more readily available “Holy Light BAD” faction than the Lightbound that are in a different timeline. We are bound to get one and at this point the Arathi expedition we encounter can be the exceptions, while the Eternal Em- I mean the Arathi Empire can just go crazy and want all of us dead or enslaved for what we’ve done to the Eastern Kingdoms.


It’s the Arathi Empire… they can easily want to reassert authority over the human kingdoms and pretty much destroy the Alliance. Elves are supposed to be more unite in Midnight, which could lead another weakining of both factions, yet they can have conflicts among themselves now, with Horde being reduced again to Orcs, Tauren and Trolls, trying to survive being surrounded by powerful Elven and Human empires. And I literally quoted the part of you mentioning Light zealous Arathi being friends with Void fused Alleria, you remember these forces are supposed to be exact opposites?

Yea I guess that’s valid point.

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Obviously we’ll have to beat the snot out of them first, like we did with the mag’har, nightborne and zandalari!

But afterwards they and their new Empress can join the Alliance!

I wish that was real… The Forsaken deserve some more Forsaken looking heroes!