PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Because only WAR and CONFLICT are good writing, not this hugcraft rainbow fuzzy stuff!


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Because it would be an interesting story. Arathor has claims for Stromgarde (humans), Gilneas (worgen), Lordaeron (undead), Alterac (dwarves, orcs) and Dalaran (humans+Thalassian elves). They could also view Hinterlands as their own, since the place wasn´t owned by Wildhammers while the empire existed and could have easily controlled parts of the area, meaning Wildhammers and Highvale elves could be seen as enemies to them. The motivation for Arathi could simply be “These are our lands, we´re taking them back”.

Arathi, if hostile, would be a great big enemy for us to fight together, allowing for a storytelling device where both Alliance and Horde can come together against a common enemy. And, since their homeland is far away, they can return even if we completely stomp them in our lands. We could spend years dealing with their invasion forces, until we are finally able to strike back and get their continent as setting for new expansion.

It would also get rid of the Saturday morning cartoon Scarlet Crusade, that keeps somehow getting new armies. Even better, what if the reason why Scarlets were able to rise from ashes in DF is because of influence from Arathor as preparation for true invasion, similar to how Horde and Scourge were used by Legion as precursors to their own attack on Azeroth.

And, the ideals of Arathor where your actual race is meaningless, what matters is your identity as Arathi, could lead to humans, elves, dwarves, undead and worgen defecting and being accepted by the invaders. There´s huge potential, both in lore and RP, for stories about betrayal and switching sides.

Or they could make Arathi into nice wholesome people who follow the good and awesome Light and are just so nice and good and happy and we love each other very much. Now go fight Dungeoner and his Pitsworn in Avaloren.

TL, DR: There is severe lack of not-Seanchan in this game and it must be fixed ASAP:


Do you think there could/should also be a not-Shara out there?

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A nice idea. As well as having the Army of the Light, either MU or AU, using the Scarlets as their proxies. Teaching them, supplying them, recruiting those who have proven themselves and most importantly, promising salvation, power and vengeance to the poor souls that would otherwise join the Cult of the Damned or the Twilight’s Hammer. Simply because there’s no one else to put their hope into.

The more the merrier, I say.


I still have alot of gripes with the Lightbound and their portrayal. Because honestly, I think Grommash and the Mag’har orcs were most likely lying about the Lightbound suddenly out of nowhere becoming “evil” conquerors and the Mag’har totally did nothing wrong.

AU Grommash and a majority of the AU orcs and clans already proved that with minimial outside influence(and completely without any demonic corruption), they were some of the most barbaric and morally evil factions in Warcraft’s history, taking extreme levels of sadistic pleasure in humiliating and torturing, particularly civilians and innocents. They also almost immediately turned to necromancy, void magic and soul enslavement and defilement completely unprompted(Which was also Grommash’s idea).

TL:DR The Lightbound were and are most likely very much the good guys, and everything said in the Mag’har recruitment quest about them is a lie from already proven untrustworthy villains.


Yeah people have a really convenient oversight for the uh, sheer level of genocidal atrocity that the WoD Orcs inflicted just because they wanted too. They completely broke the Horde and Alliance forces all the way up to Blackrock and conquered it, laying waste to entire zones in the process and then on Draenor they committed Draenei Genocide 2 But Actually So Much Worse combined with all the demon summoning and blood rituals and Grommash initially planning to conquer and enslave both Draenor and Azeroth.

Also, Gorgrond was wiped clean of life by the Mag’har in AU Draenor after they destroyed the last sporemounds, so their actual target should be themselves.


You can’t say the orcs are untrustworthy when the draenei minus Velen immediately jump to villainy at the drop of a hat.

There’s simply no way anyone reads the Sermon of the High Exarch and sees the Lightbound as the good guys.

Sir, the alternative is literally Orc Hitler. Or Gey’arah I suppose who is also just Orc Hitler but Female.

Being forced to go to war for unity and peace is a tale as old as the Human race; if you want peace you must make ready for war etc. etc.


Was just about to say didn’t Geya’rah immediately side with Sylvanas too before I saw your edit.


She did and also bemoans the idea of the Horde council and doesn’t seem to like Thrall or. . .pretty much anyone else in the Horde actually.

Why on EARTH is she even part of the Horde after Thrall’s “executing” of all the Loyalists.


I’ve said it a few times before on the forums, but the biggest stand out compared to so many other villain factions in Warcraft’s history is also how specifically sadistic the Iron Horde is/was. Your average Warcraft bad guy will do something bad. Torture a prisoner, kill a civilian, plan to destroy the world. But it’s then essentially limited to that. If you fight them, they will cackle about how you will lose and then try to kill you.

The Iron Horde is very consistently portrayed to absolutely relish in causing as much suffering and mental trauma as possible before even considering killing anyone. In particular towards those who can’t fight back. The average Iron Horde soldier would: 1) Actively seek out an innocent family, torture them in front of eachother and humiliate them as much as possible. Then most likely as painfully as possible, slowly kill the children of the family while the adults watch. 2) Continually mock the survivors while they do everything like this, then as a final mockery, enslave the children’s souls and use them in some foul ritual. 3) Then kill one of the last family survivors, repeat the process again until one person left. This last person would then be kept alive and mocked and tortured on a daily basis until they get bored.

That is the consistent characterization of the Iron Horde. And they do this completely willingly with absolutely no prompting. There’s no dark influence, it’s just something they think is fun.

The only time we see this for the Draenei is in the Mag’har storyline, which again, is from the perspective of some of the most evil villains in the Warcraft universe.

Tbh, we do know that the Lightbound believed that the Mag’har was killing Draenor. And based on absolutely every piece of evidence we have, they were right on that.


Yeah the uncorrupted noble savages were cool

Really scratching my chin wondering why my planet is dying when I poured fel magic all over it (Tanaan), tore open the veil between life and death (shadowmoon), laid waste to two entire ecosystems post-legion war (arak and gorgrond) and tried to break the elements (nagrand), real chin scratcher that one.


If you’re of the opinion that Grom, freed from outside influences, couldn’t be reformed into a good person then I frankly don’t know what to say. The text of the scenario states outright that Grom and Yrel were friends. They clearly weren’t before we left, so that could only have happened afterwards.

But yeah man, sure, sure, the text clearly indicating the Lightbound are the baddies and the Mag’har were oppressed? It’s all a big conspiracy. Blizzard are just that subtle in their writing.

EIther that or Yrel was best friends with “Orc Hitler”, and in that case it doesn’t really sound like the Lightbound are good guys as you and Vixi assert. Just a different shade of bad guy.

The sporemounds were all killed by either Grond or the Breath of Rukhmar?

At what point should she not have done?

We have no evidence at all other than Yrel - the villain of the scenario - saying so.

Orc Hitler.


I don’t think Hitler could’ve been reformed post-everything he did, for the record, he would have to labour over 1000 years of his life to even begin repaying the abhorrent atrocities he committed. So no, I also couldn’t give Grommash a pass on it either given he tried to do it to 2 whole planets. It doesn’t matter if Yrel can forgive him, she’s stronger than I in that case, but that doesn’t mean he’s absolved of everything the Iron Horde committed in his name under his command.


The only influence he had during WoD was a random orc(as far as he knew) telling him to conquer the world, because it would make the orcs strong.

That is all it took for him to become a full-fledged villain who directly oversaw genocide.

We do, it’s called “Warlords of Draenor” and was an entire expansion.


Also just want to throw it in there that Anachronos was acting kinda sus in that questline.

Secret Infinite agent a lot?


TBH this just convinced me that if Grom had survived Mannoroth’s explosion he would have burned Teldrassil down between Warcraft 3 and WoW.