PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Developer Insights: For the Anniversary event, we want these epic new rewards to feel both special to players and well-earned. To that end, we have worked to create a rewarding system that should help players earn their first Tier 2 set in the first 2-3 weeks depending upon their play style. We know that there are a lot of people who are excited to earn more sets, if not all of them. To accommodate this, we have both discounts and increased abilities to earn currency that kick in after those early weeks (detailed further below). This should allow players who play through the event regularly to have the ability to earn all thirteen of these Tier Sets and many if not all of the other new cosmetic rewards tied to the anniversary. If you run out of time this year, donā€™t worry, we will have the sets available from the anniversary event in future years.

why not just have the discounts and increased abilities to earn currency from the start huh

At least they confirmed the sets will be available in future years too.


Gotta roadblock that 5% of the playerbase that speedrun all new content, the other 95% be damned and can suffer.


Yea, makes me afraid I wonā€™t be able to farm them all in one go, with work and such!

But I decided on a top 5 anyways for now:

  1. Mage
  2. Druid
  3. Warlock
  4. Paladin
  5. Rogue

The rest iā€™ll try my best to get my hands on, otherwise iā€™ll get them another time!

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Iā€™m not seeing League of Arathor rep commendations >:(

Also, bunch of currencies to keeo track off, it seems!

They were removed in an earlier build.

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fun detected


Why!! I want that tabard but hate PvP

You need rep for the tabard?
Why did I think you could just get it with marks

You can just wait for Comp Stomp week and get to Exalted in one weekend. Each game lasts about 5 minutes tops and if you know how the AI operates (itĀ“s against bots), you can pretty much assure quick victory in every single game.


Waiting for Comp for my Worgen, want the BFA first gladiator set but I canā€™t even get BGs to pop and PVP stresses me out, soā€¦

Well even against AI I suuuuck D:

Stand at the first base afk and let the gang kill the AI and itā€™s pee easy!

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Comp Stomp is very, very easy. Usually it proceeds with the players killing all the computer opponents and then spawn-camping them at their base while resources are gathered at accelerated rate. It takes five minutes, tops, to for all intents and purposes a guaranteed victory.


Thatā€™ll be rude!

Oh ok, sounds doable! Should I do it on my human for extra reputation?

I thought that got removed.


New (old) Items now finally available during WoTLK Timewalking!

Argent Shield is pretty cool!

And an Explorerā€™s League Tabard for Alliance!


It was removed with TWW. They got a hearthstone buff instead.

The argent shield has been in the game files sinceā€¦Cata definitely, maybe Wrath.


The recolor of ā€œSeetheā€ sword should have been called ā€œCopeā€.


Ah damnit! No fun allowed :frowning:

Noice, more stuff!