Honestly, imagine if he had lived, he could’ve sat down with Genn and Danath, and have multiple conversations of "We’re getting too old for this ". Maybe Thoras , despite being a DK, feels like joining too given he was also a King during that time and knew those men.
Where are the rest of my Earthen sets!.. Was that this patch or?
Oh god, why are you here?
Kayt! He escaped confinment!
For everyone’s information, this is Erevien and he thinks 2nd War Horde was best Horde, as are the RPG Blood elves.
I switched alliance and now I am much happier.
I’m not with you here
You are stuck with me now sorry.
Truer words.
No I stopped caring about the Horde. I realised Blizzard will never make them better so I switched to the winning team.
I just want Troll content.
Even the missing link troll-elf haranir have been written out of the War Within with 11.0.7, sadly. Unless we get the Rootlands for 11.2.0, Orweyna’s all that we’re going to get from them.
Magni and Moira are also getting their send-off, though Dagran’s sticking around. Not like the future emperor of dwarfkind has anything better to do with his time than be our tag-along nerd.
Wait, why me?
Well, I do partly agree with you, but unlike Anduin, none of the main Dwarves is in danger of dying anytime soon, and the line of succession, in case of the Dwarves, is pretty stable if not abit odd.
the Council of Three Hammers is currently keeping the 3 Kingdoms stable, and incase of Ironforge the Line of succesion, should the Council disband, is pretty stable aswell; with the former King of Ironforge returning, his daughter being in the good graces of Ironforge and its people, and then his two brothers also still being around, there should really not be a succesion-crisis. the Dark Irons also have Queen-Regent Moira leading them into stability and prosperity for now, and her heir, could always take over should she… Fall away.
Ofcourse if both died, it would be a weird time for the Dark Irons, but ehh.
So yea, led Dagran learn about Azeroth, its people’s and the Titans for aslong as he is able, Titans know it might make him a better ruler of Dwarfkind and allows him to create a better relationship with the now free Earthen!
Yeah, I won’t be that harsh on it. As much as we’re all sick of the “world leaders of Azeroth constantly adventure alongside us” trope, Dagran is still an adventurous youth and isn’t yet weighed down with any major responsibilities.
so chat how we feeling about the cartel wars huh.
Reskin of the Azj-Kahet pact system, though it’s nice that it’s tied to characters and factions we actually care about now.
I find it curious that the Blackwater raiders are a full fledged cartel now meaning i guess Revilgaz broke away from the Steamwheedle.
Im putting a solid bet on this venture company girl replacing Gallywix as the long awaited trade princess though.
All in all its looking like a good patch for goblin lovers
They’re removing the ‘lone ranger’ aspect of MM hunter and forcing you to accept the aid of a nebulous eagle.
I guess this is tauren-ish flavoured at least, so that’s nice. It coulda been worse. It coulda been a sentinel owl.