PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Look… More Goblin-themed appearances.

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Balancing weapon variety is too challenging for current day Blizzard, hence the narrow choice of weapons for every spec.

Apparently allowing people to choose between lots of attack speed and on-hit procs and lots of damage per hit and per ability usage is just too hard to balance around.

As for ethereals, I actually find them very enjoyable and very interesting as a fictional race.
They’re cosmic nomads who lost their home and have been forced to embrace a dramatic transformation in order to survive, with many of them adopting different mindsets.
Some of them are nihilistic materialists who accumulate wealth for its own sake, others have sworn vengeance on the force responsible for their current state of existence, and others have chosen to devote themselves to that force instead. All understandable reactions to such a situation.
I’d say that it also makes sense for them to serve as masters of transmutation and the manipulation of matter and energy, considering their previous feats during the war against Dimensius. I’d say that it even makes sense for the Consortium to have branches in the most important places on Azeroth, where they can keep an eye on things and use their unique knowledge and skills to generate a tidy profit.

Now I don’t think that they would make a good playable race, for several reasons, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t very interesting and good additions to the setting, even if they are a bit on the cosmic and otherworldly side.


I want that steampunk hammer in red, but no red version has been mined yet.

The plain red tabard is also locked behind some stupid, US only promo nonsense.

I know the devs hate Red, but come on >:(


those new ethereals just reminding me of twink :peach: viktor

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Sure but that’s because this forum is largely the 1-2% total playerbase who will ever touch this race. There is already a substantial (frankly too substantial) amount of playable races who are utterly useless and only act as a form of content blackhole by being <5% of the playerbase in population.

Liking a race does not, unfortunately, erase this very universal and applicable fact. Ethereals will simply increase the pull towards the useless, unplayed races that really shouldn’t be playable and do nothing but waste resources.

Mechagnomes for example are nothing but a colossal waste of time, money and resources, because less than 0.2% of players even have one.

I can’t really fault people for wanting better representation in-game where possible, nor Blizzard for obliging; improving player choice by offering access to races that’ve been part of the fabric of the setting for decades is entirely admirable. There comes a point where the time / money / resources become a moot point, especially for a multi-billion dollar company that can easily make that money back on a reskinned mount for the store.

That said, this isn’t to say there aren’t other areas that don’t need a look-in - simply that any opportunities should be explored where they pop up.

Yeah, but they’re Mechagnomes. They lack any real appeal, whereas Ethereals at least have the rule of cool going for them and potential plot hooks for role-play are broader. Not in the least because, for example, any Blood Elf who ventured to Outland could potentially have dealt with some.

I quite honestly don’t care about ‘equal representation’ for the various playable races at this point. Not in the least because one of the two playable factions has basically been entirely neutered and reduced to a background role with all signs pointing to that not being set to change anytime soon.

So as far as I’m concerned I’d rather see cool stuff added to the game that directly appeals to my friends and I so we can tug at the stories that do interest us.


It sucks I am one of the 0.2%… but as said above, the mechagnomes, and many other Allied Races, should’ve been customisation options.

I am abit so-so about that! It does make the story difficult, with the Horde losing Voljin only because the Alliance lost Varian and other frankly, ridiculous decisions.

First off, you have made a gnemet for glife! :dagger:

Secondly, they still dont give us the easy win of releasing the two other reskins of the Heritage armour :cry:

I’d rather see playable Ogre’s, Naga and Satyr before Ethereals, mostly because those 3 races are more bound to Azeroth and its story then Ethereals are.

I don’t mind Ethereals being made playable, though! I wouldn’t play one myself mind, since I personally don’t like them very much, but who am I to say people shouldn’t play them? :man_shrugging:t3:


I just want a 6 limbed crocolisk race with an australian accent.

All their cooking recipies include vegemite and they insert the c word in every single sentence.

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Don’t you worry, you’ll get your monkey paw wish, with such a slew of new races, allies races, and liberal race+class combinations that’ll be as as wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle.


This are the kind of additions I don’t mind to see in the old world…!


Baby hyenas to match the hyena mounts!


As a former Goblin RP main this is really splendid. The best short race finally get their due from gameplay and story and we waited a long time.


Idk they feel a bit too iron horde/brf to me and i swear if those helmets won’t accommodate the glorious gob schnoz I’m gonna riot.


The plug ‘belt’ on the cloth pants not being 3d and just being painted on feels so very WoD.

All in all they’re pretty decent though. Bottom right colouring is the best for each (though the yellow plate makes me think of bad moon orkz), and it’s nice that the mail set is actually good.

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Blizz has clearly had the art direction for Undermine locked in for a while - at least since the latest Recruit A Friend promotion. There’s going to be some fantastic transmog combinations (if painfully colourful ones)


It comes in Red, we ball.
(Gonna have to see if any of the plate pieces actually work with this mog, though. And if there’s no giant hammer in red I am going to cause a scene…)

Two-handed rocket-hammer from the raid!


this is calling to me like the green goblin mask