PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

If not for the giant Elune crescent moon symbols on the shoulderpads and the belt that literally has Tyrande’s upward crescent moon on it, it would be generic!

It “looks” generic in the sense that it doesn’t have the words “Elune adore” on every piece of it, but its quintessentially and undeniably Kaldorei armour through-and-through, light blues, purples and dark silver with crescent moons on every inch of the armour. That’s like, Priesthood of Elune dialled up to 11.

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It doesn’t actually look that Elunite in nature. Night elves tend to depict their moons in a certain stylistic way and only the belt buckle conforms to that. The shoulder pads are a little unusual, as are all of the stars. It looks more astrological in nature, rather than night elven.

Which led me to do some research and it turns out there’s a solar variation of the set.

Not particularly appealing to look at, in my opinion, but I wouldn’t say that this set is designed with night elves in mind. One variant just has a moon theme instead of a sun theme, which some night elves might make use of.

For anyone looking to find the set using the 11.1 dressing room on Wowhead, the keywords are “radiant X of the heavens” for the solar variant and “shining X of the heavens” for the lunar variant.


Priesthood of Elune is known for the white-coloured clothes and armor, functional but with a completely diffirent style. This feels like what a Night Warrior of any non-casting class would have worn… if they still were a thing or mattered in the story.

Damn can’t believe the Darkmoon Faire was Elune coded this whole time


This tbh.

Something about it says tourney to me. Maybe the blue stripes on the legs.

Like the Argent Crusade hopping on the zodiac craze.

Honestly, I wouldn’t say that either variant closely resembles any known style in the setting.
The helmet comes across as vaguely Titanic, as does the imagery on the shoulders.
The gloves, belt and the 3D assets to the sides of the legs come across as night elven in design.
The four-pointed and eight-pointed stars anywhere aren’t really associated with any culture.
The colour scheme of the lunar set is a little too blue to be really night elven, and the gold and purple of the solar set doesn’t really fit any known culture, except for the Zandalari, and they look horribly out of place wearing that design. I checked.

I can see the shoulders and the helmet of the solar set being used by some human paladin and priest roleplayers, maybe blood elves too, and night elf roleplayers utilising bits and pieces of the lunar set. But as a whole, this armour set doesn’t really have a place in the established setting. It’s something new and a little weird.


The first thing I thought seeing those faces was that really freaky rogue set from Ulduar.

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I swear ‘Night Elves are always whining!’ posters are always more salty than the actual Night Elf posters :thinking:


There’s no real value in going “heh, you are mad and i am not, guess that makes me the cool sensible person and you the dumb hysterical person,” no matter what side you are on. People are allowed to be passionate and annoyed about things, to whatever degree that they want.

What matters more than how angry someone is, is why that person is angry, which has always been the source of my irritation with nelfposting during periods like 10.2.5, during which some nelfposters were outraged that the entire zone being given to their race was in the Dragon Isles rather than Kalimdor. While this is valid criticism, I found the fact that they found that minor issue more important than the entire zone that they were getting a little jarring and bewildering.

I can agree that getting mad about imaginary nelfposters at this point in time and in this particular situation is silly, but there were absolutely points in the past where nelfposting was something worthy of ridicule and exasperation.


It’s almost as if being happy for one another when our favourite races get something isn’t an option.


The only thing I hate are bigots and racists.

And dracthyr.


Oh yeah, I’m no contesting that because it absolutely was. Like, unhinged.
But making stuff up to be mad about is just… also a bit unhinged?

I won’t clog the channel with past (also semi-valid) gripes about stuff, other than saying that all of this, regardless of ‘side’ can root back to the devs poor handling of both implementation and intent, and just general communication issues along the way, imo.

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Drakonids really were right there.

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Potential hot take, but they still have never even done Tauren right (too short, female model too dimorphic, not that that’s a unique issue across species, huh devs?) so Drakonid would have been a let down too.

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Isn’t this set more tied to like, sun and moon in tarot/those kind of vibes rather than… an actual Elune set? The companion set to this is a sun themed one.

I’m sure people would use it on their night elves but I don’t think Blizz design it with Elune in mind.

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Fair point.

One way I think they could’ve solved this would’ve been to have drakonids be a sort of hybrid class/race with the class being (for example) Dragonsworn and it being available to all races with the drakonid form working just like the worgen form, albeit preferably non-dimorphic (as they currently are - yay).

So for example if I were to roll a tauren dragonsworn I would then have the option to only be in my drakonid form in combat or use it constantly. If you then want to throw in some differentiator to make them stand out from regular “mortals” when outside their drakonid form you could give them the dragon eyes some dragon NPCs have in their visage forms.


Given how visages turned out in reality, you’ve given this far more attention than the devs did, IMO.


This took me a couple of minutes to come up with.



I’m sure I’d have people saying “Don’t be so mean about devs, you have no idea what they have to work with!” absolutely raging at me (sometimes correctly, mark you), but as someone who did at least study animation and, by proxy, film and game design elements…

Some of the decisions throughout the various disciplines of WoW just baffle me. The neglect of the Glyph system, the full overhaul of the character customisation system only for the Player-side elements to just stop dead and dry up beyond really… odd choices, like Eredar and whatnot. Visages being this weird hybird no one asked for.

They can’t even seem to stick to a coherent story bible, and I definitely had that drummed into me during my course! So what’s their excuse?


that’s a lot of emotions for pixels on your screen