PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Black leather trenchcoats datamined for 11.1

may god have mercy on you all


:cocks_gun: seems hunting werewo… worgen is back on the menu, boys!

Some of you are alright. Don’t come to Stormwind tomorrow.


From the sound of it, 11.1’s Pack Leader is currently a little weak and buggy, especially with the complete randomisation of the pack animals it summons, making it heavily reliant on RNG unlike the other summoning-based hero specs.

Rolling my eyes a little at the sheer number of people complaining about the selection of animals and asking for glyphs or options to change them though. It’s a valid concern and a valid suggestion, but I just dislike how people are only talking about Pack Leader needs glyphs so that they aren’t forced into the fantasy of Rexxar, while the same issue with the other two hero specs goes ignored.

Blizzard: Here’s Dark Ranger, which forces the fantasy of Sylvanas Windrunner on your character.
Players: Sounds cool. :slight_smile:

Blizzard: Here’s Sentinel, which forces the fantasy of Tyrande Whisperwind on your character.
Players: Sounds cool. :slight_smile:

Blizzard: Here’s Pack Leader, which forces the fantasy of Rexxar on your character.
Players: I mean, I’m not really a fan of this, I would really like to be able to choose the appearance of these abilities and the animals that they summon and to completely alter this spec so that it’s got nothing to do with Rexxar at all.

I guess it just boils down to people liking the fantasy of being like Rexxar less than the fantasies of being like Sylvanas or Tyrande, but a part of me is a little salty that this criticism is being focused on one of the few (if not the only) hero specs dedicated to the fantasy of a hero of the old school Horde.

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There was plenty of complaining about DR+S forcing a fantasy back when they released, but that’ll have been mitigated by the other class hero specs also sucking up conversational air.

Since PL is getting a rework now mostly on its lonesome, that’ll probably contribute to its prominence in the discourse.


A lot of people are asking for the MM eagle to go in the bin, so not quite true

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matrix roleplay is SO back right now

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It’s their time. It has always been their time.

iconic clip

wish that was me in that queue


Whilst it’s easy to draw a connection between a lunar/solar-themed set and Elune or An’she, the actual inspiration for the set, I believe, is alchemical symbols and general esotericism, something that ties this together with the Darkmoon Faire motif that is likely to become a Trading Post theme in the spring.

Medieval artists often portrayed celestial bodies with a face, especially the sun, and such a symbol can be found all across Hermetic heraldry. In alchemy, the sun is representative of gold (the colour of the sun-themed set), and the moon of silver (vice versa, the moon-themed set). Both sets portray both metals, and both icons, representing a unity between opposites, a key to achieving spiritual enlightenment in the Hermetic tradition.

Even the name, “Radiant/Shining Vestment of the Heavens” evokes the hermetic principle: “As above, so below”, meaning that one must look upward to the heavens/universe (macrocosm) to understand oneself (microcosm).

The Darkmoon Faire, which takes many inspirations from western esotericism such as tarot, has a Sun in Splendour displayed prominently in places like the tonk arena:

The sun/moon motif can be found across virtually every culture in our world, and so this set could fit any number of characters from any number of races; personally, I believe it’s one of the best looking sets produced by Blizzard in years, but maybe that’s just because it lies within my interests.

As above, so below.


What is this fungus?

While the wording roughly implies it anyway, the slavery background of the Goblins at the hands of the Zandalari is getting what looks like a soft retcon

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Non-Elon link. Also dracthyr paladins would be lit, pun intended.

Dracthyr Paladins before Night Elves… I would hate it😩

Also I am not a fan of retconning the slavery part of the Goblins backstory, but alas playable races between eqch other need to have almost perfectly sanatized relationships, because god forbid 2 of them have beef with each other and it could lead to interesting developments(Pandaren using Zandalari in their childhood horror stories &Shrunken Night Elven heads being used as renowned trophy’s by Zandalari being completly ignored by Nightborne, etc)

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It’s fixing a discrepancy where the Zandalari were meant to be above slavery not for any actual moral reasons but simply because they were so prideful it was ‘beneath them’…but then used slavery. It’s not fixing goblins, it’s fixing the Zandalari.


They also had no qualms about working with Mogu, who used slavery…

That is probably gonna get retconned too btw

The Zandalari alliance with the mogu was because of mutual convenience and both sides had the full intent to betray the other the moment it stops being useful. The mogu needed the troll methods of preserving their souls, while the trolls wanted to get their hands on the Titanic technologies (likely including the corruption-cleansing ones since Uldir was a problem already in Dazar’s time). Same as the world conquest, each of them thought of themselves as the future ruler without the partner in tow.


Slavery is a word that performs poorly in google’s algorithm and public polls, Warhammer Total War did the same thing with Chaos Dwarves where the word “slavery” was simply replaced with “labour” but everything else remains the same (like executing the “labour” to improve morale).

There can be no edges in the product.


The corners will be smoothed just like the consumer’s brain, they cannot handle such topics after all.


Consume the Content, meat…