It’s just a popular fan theory, but it would explain why Draka was forced to respec into rogue in a bizarre series of events. Lots of people struggle to understand why Blizzard bothered with that particular choice and the most logical answer that people can think of is that instead of Draka, it was supposed to be someone who was an orc rogue all along, Garona.
But instead, we got this confusing mini-arc about how Draka (not even the AU one we’ve interacted with, the MU one who we’ve never met before and have no reason to care or think much about, much like MU Durotan) was retrained as an assassin, in a way that doesn’t tell us anything about Maldraxxus or the Shadowlands.
It could’ve been used as a way of highlighting how the system of Maldraxxus was broken, how it bent and twisted and moulded people to fulfill the needs of the Shadowlands army, regardless of the individual’s true identity.
But no, that wasn’t the message, nothing was ever wrong with the Shadowlands except for the Jailer and the broken Arbiter, and with a new Arbiter and the Jailer gone, everything is gucci again.
Long story short, Shadowlands was an absolute bloody trashfire and “Draka was supposed to be Garona but they forgot Garona is still alive” is one of the many theories people have come up with to try and make a little sense of that travesty of an expansion.
I think, sure, AD forums are more passionate about THE LORE than someone in Blizzard HQ who’s just doing it for 9 to 5.
But conversely, forgetting about arguably key characters in the context, forgetting whether they’re alive or dead, or whether they exist, is just being a lazy / careless worker bee.
I still find it jarring that the entire hero cast is the same one we’ve been having since BfA. That’s 6 years if we are to not count Beta time. Alleria is sorta fine to be involved here but c’mon you can’t reduce a world and a cast as vast as the one we have to just Anduin, Jaina and Thrall. Thank God Baine isn’t suddenly popping over for some reason so far.
Can it just be laziness in not wanting to put the legwork in building up a new cast of Azeroth heroes? Deep down I already know the answer… These guys are more marketable and easily recognisable for as far as almost 20 decades for some. Why would an Anvilmar be on the forefront artwork after all, he’s only just a Dwarf and the last descendant of the High King of the EK Dwarves… But I s’pose we need another arch of Thrall having shamanic ED.
imagine if the void expansion had natalie seline (forsaken model) and the cult of the forgotten shadow as major players in it
or maybe a bunch of trolls due to their history of fighting old gods. maybe Zan’do, now ascended to loa, might have some opinions re: knife-wife, since he was the first wielder of her
Meanwhile I just wonder, if the Arathi we encounter in Mereldar are going to be an expeditionary force, from an Empire with an Emperor on the other side of the world, how come we never encountered an expedition of theirs before? I can’t believe it would have just been the one.
Okay, gameplay wise I know it is because until recently, the concept of a still-remaining Arathi Empire was simply not in the cards, but from an IC standpoint it does look a bit funny. Also how apparently none of the other sea-faring nations, Kul Tiras or Zandalar, had apparently ever found this empire, despite the apparently incredible storm?
Great mist and storms that hide the continents that lies on the other side of the world. Same excuse that existed for Kalimdor (until it turned out that people could come and go from there as much as they wanted) and then for Pandaria.
Earthen Ring be like “huh this area is full of constant storms, wonder if the elements have anything to say about that? Maybe we could ask our buddy Neptulon? Oh well, whatever lol”