“Isn’t Falstad dead?” 2.0.
What a strange deckchair. Queer, even!
We’re done being diplomatic. Chaaarge!!!
I will be fabulous.
Some is definitely more fad than fact and others assume too much about one’s inner workings or lack thereof.
Divorce, vanity mount, new hot gf. You read it here first.
Pic missing, what’s this?
Why? She’s a living human (for some bloody reason).
Reality is whatever I want it to be.
Yes, here it comes, corporations insincerely feigning support for LGBT people in jurisdictions where they’re commended for that rather than fined.
I will not, however, complain about the memes coming out of it.
Though I don’t usually peruse his content, Bellular posted something that caught my eye. To avoid giving him views, I’ll just post the pertinent bit.
Modaln, an earthen visitor to Orgrimmar, has this to say about the city:
On one hand, it could just be a little flavour text to highlight how industrious the earthen are and how backwards the orcish city is from an earthen’s perspective.
On the other hand, people (like Bellular) are hyping up the possibility of this serving as a teaser for a revamped Orgrimmar, which I think is very necessary. Compared to Stormwind City, it’s not exactly well-designed.
Both the ‘Capitals’ (since Blizz are loathe to do more than one per faction, heaven forbid ) are in dire need of overhaul.
Org because it’s Bad, and SW because it’s just outdated and the mono-colour roofs look really bad in 2004 era graphics, and it pales in comparison to Boralus.
(All other places pale in comparison to Surumar, of course, the One True City Size City give us a Neutral/not-full-of-mobs version Blizz, you cowards!)
One could do with some sprucing up with new textures and a few new models.
One could do with a complete design and layout overhaul on top of everything else.
For a second I thought he was talking about Blackrock Mountain and not Blackrock Foundry and I was very confused…
That said, I do hope Orgrimmar gets a massive update to make it comparable to Stormwind!
No argument here
Imagine if all the energy which they put into Reforged were put into a WoW graphical revamp instead.
You mean, the outsourced energy that resulted in an awful job (in no small part thanks to Blizzard’s own poor communication between teams and such as well)? Do you really want to see that revamp in WoW?
At least do the basic research before trying to cast shade bruh.
Why is [Team X] not working harder on [Totally different discipline covered by Team Y]?!
Activision shot Reforged in the head for Diablo 4 because Warcraft 3 “wasn’t an iconic flagship” or whatever the corpo boardroom talk was.
And as was mentioned, it was mostly outsourced to a company called Lemonsky that have pulled their weight on a lot of good games.
Doesn’t it make that weird that it failed spectacularly then?
The company, as far as I’m aware, generate graphical assets. The entire game wasn’t outsourced to them. but rather the updating of graphics - thus doing most of the legwork with reforged. Though as mentioned above there was seemingly a lack of communication between Blizzard and this company as - notably - the naga models were uh. Well they weren’t quite a one for one conversion in some instances.
And like I said, Activision didn’t give it the care or attention it needed. So it was just a graphical update - in a style that isn’t quite arguably a continuation of Warcraft 3’s. And all the promises of revamped campaigns, new campaigns to come and all that were tossed in the bin. It was cool seeing Anasterian, but it’s eerily quiet and there’s no dialogue when you encounter him or when he’s killed. Iirc, this is probably the biggest divergence from the O.G Warcraft 3.
There’s probably a lot more criticism you can find out there.