PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

One of the ads for Cataclysm was a one minute long Chuck Norris meme.


I remember those ads. We also had an entire Mr.T promotion for a few months.

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I don’t think the decade has anything to do with it. Other MMOs of that time, namely GW2, SWTOR, and FFXIV, all take their stories seriously.

But the early 2010s do seem to have been a phase for Blizzard, seeing how they also released Diablo 3 and Wings of Liberty around that time, both of which were a massive step down from their preceding games in terms of drama and seriousness.


I actually logged onto the characters on the server i originally played on eons ago to see if i had any of the Mr T grenades still. Alas.


the human starting experience was great. you went from the old kobolds and murlocs to csi westfall to rambo to a stormwind werewolf in duskwood.

which stuck itself to goblins ever since. on that subject: kelsey steelspark…

the ozzy osbourne ad of old…

i swear whenever i bring that up people tell me i made it up.

i agree i more meant that it was kind of around the height of the “MLG” phase and when meme culture was starting to become what we know now. they certainly coincided and while the MMo’s you mention there were all launching, WoW -did- just come from an immensely heavy story expac with wrath that was the culmination of events since WC3. i think that influnced cata’s lighter tone at times compared to those mmo’s that wanted to start on a strong serious note.

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only world of warcraft advert i care about

It was peak era of Uncharted 2(Which came out 2009) and games like it. I guess they wanted some of that audience and tried to write their games differently.

Sometimes it feels like it was a fever dream.

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honestly it was an odd era for mmos. we had a surge of them coming out, each claiming to be the next WoW killer but ultimately none of them initially drew wow’s audience for any substantial time. to this day wow players still hate gw2’s combat coz it aint tab target stand in place. weak.


I remember Rift being the most blatant by directly namedropping WoW and throwing jabs at it in their trailers.

And I think that’s one of the MMO’s that died the fastest.

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the fact i forgot that one til you mentioned it says enough. i played rift but dont remember a thing about it.

meanwhile even if they dont have wows numbers, gw2, swtor, ffxiv (debateable on the numbers front thesedays) and eso are still going strong so they must have done something right.

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Rift actually was active for quite a long time IIRC. It just dropped out of relevancy very quickly.

Certainly lived a lot longer than my beloved WildStar


do not speak its name for the hurt is still too near :pensive:

any gw1 gamers in the chat


I remember downloading it to try cus I heard it was good. I played around a little bit, and found while it had some clunk to it, it was pretty fun and I liked the surfing board. I thought I’d get back to it later.

Next time I decided to check it out again and try more, the game was shutting down forever.

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Before clicking it I thought “this better be the dumb truck ad”.


It was not without it’s fair share of issues, but I wanted it to succeed more than I have ever wanted anything.


by all rights it would have but theres always been talk that there was one person on the team that was heavily responsible for its downfall.

and while i wouldnt want to get anyones hopes up i remember seeing last year that some people are trying to revive the game and working on getting it back up. dk if they got stopped or how it went but…one can dream.

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My old raiding guild uprooted to go and play WildStar at the end of MoP, rather than carry on playing WoW. Not a single one of them came back to WoW nor plays an MMO anymore.

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I jumped to GW2 in 2013 and was smitten with it. The visuals, the lore, the gameplay, the innovative design that made combat and exploration actually fun, the active RP scene. It seemed like my perfect MMO. I hosted a short Durmand Priory themed RP campaign myself, back in the day.

And then megaservers crippled RP, and Heart of Thorns cranked up campaign difficulty to the point that I simply didn’t care to do it. I haven’t played that game since.


similar story to mine. they jumped to swtor during firelands. then jumped to gw2 coz swtor was boring for them. then to wildstar. then they quit mmos altogether.

i suspect its a common story for most

you hit everything i loved about it. i wont lie and say i dont anymore i still do. gw2 captures a sense of wonder and exploration i just dont get from mmos anymore. i wasnt much of a rper back when the community was at its largest alas. i started gw2 rp during legion so it was on its last legs state… asura rp was. kinda yikes.

the future expacs ramped their difficulties down tbh so id say its always worth looking back. new builds and specs have also made HoT a lot easier since those days. if nothing else, path of fire and the crystal desert were beautiful. and i never say that about a desert.


I’ll reply in the pet peeves thread to avoid derailing this one with off topic discussion.