PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

agreed. so how about them spoilers huh. yeah those sure are spoilers

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It’s the internet, hyperbole for dramatic effect is used as often as punctuation. Translate “some of us are still scarred by Cataclysm” into “some of us still remember how bad Cataclysm was.”

Despite the length of time between now and then, I still encourage people to remember the bad old days with all of their flaws and mistakes.


I actually really liked both of those quests very much.

Cata has simultaneously some of the worst questing zones and experiences, and some of the best ones. No zone holds a candle on how cringe Uldum was, but also I feel like very few zones hold a candle to Southern Barrens and Stonetalon mountains, regardless of whether you are Alliance or Horde, regarding how good and nuanced they were.

Can’t comment on Diablo as I never touched that, but Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty was my first introduction to the Starcraft universe. Then I started watching playthroughs of Starcraft + Broodwar and holy hell, the difference is night and day. Also big shame we never saw the UED ever again, the only thing reminding of it being Stukov in HotS.

( And okay his killing of Narud once and for all was just straight up cathartic if you know the history those two have).


A good thing?

Whats wrong with Kelsey?

Latter latter. i shouldn’t post before 3pm.

While im keenly aware it was an act she pushed the cutesy gnome act a little too much for me.

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Oh yeah that.

Dunno, I thought it was fine for the role she was playing but :dracthyr_shrug:

I feel like we really glossed over this one. Can you elaborate?

Dark Heart added this NPC to the Telogrus Rift and while her being a dark ranger isn’t outright confirmed, she is an undead farstrider with the dark ranger skin loyal to Alleria.

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ew, brother ew, what’s that, what’s that brother

I liked the goblin story.

I found it refreshing that we might have real development and conflict in the goblin factions that isn’t based on whoever has the most absurd, cartoony levels of greed, but characters actually talking about their people and their place in the world.

Gazlowe isn’t abandoning profit and becoming a saint, he’s thinking long-term, strategizing and considering his place in the Horde, and their relations with other factions. When he gave Thrall a discount on the restoration of Orgrimmar, he still turned a profit - he just also made sure he gained Thrall’s respect, cementing his future ventures. He also isn’t arguing for taking care of his workers and their resources purely out of altruism, he considers these things to be investments for the future.

Playing the long game vs. immediate profits is a very in-character conflict for goblins to go through.


I´d say the issue in general with whatever and whoever we see in Telogrus is whether they´d be allowed in other Alliance places. It´s one thing to have a Darkfallen in Telogrus saying how she is loyal to Alleria, it´s another thing to have that Darkfallen walk the streets of Stormwind.

However, even here, the problem with high elf DRs has always been their affiliation with the Horde and loyalty to Sylvanas, and subsequent actions that stemmed from that loyalty. Allowing a high elf DR into Stormwind would be effectively the same as allowing an orc or Forsaken into Stormwind. If Verana was never part of the Forsaken, her presence within the Alliance wouldn´t be in any way worse than presence of a death knight such as Thassarian.

No Earthen Death Knights!


This makes sense. They’re living rock, there’s no flesh there to die.


Would be funny if they would fall down into a pile of rock, and then if you put them back together in just the right way, they can continue fighting cause they’re death, lmao…

Anyways, I wouldn’t mind them becoming Death Knight, I think this is better, but Earthen being able to become Death Knights would be on the same level as Lightforged or Void Elven Death Knights, or Lightforged Undeath… >_>

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You could contrive a reason for it (“A glitch in the creation forge caused you to be imbued with an odd concentration of saronite” or something like that) but it is, admittedly, easier to just…not.


I would have envisioned it as the same as the Mawsworn (inanimate objects that were then animated by something evil rammed into them), just in the case of Earthen DKs it would be whatever granting them life mixed with Domination/Death runes scrawled on their bodies.

That said the primary issue would be who’d even approve or acknowledge such Earthen in either the Horde or Alliance, particularly with how Shadowlands ended.

Sounds rather like mogu constructs. Which could make sense if the two races ever make contact…

Let’s pretty please with sugar on top not attach Shadowlands lore to a new playable race if we can help it.