PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

TWW removing all the ‘add extra range to melee abilities’ talents is a bit annoying. It’s nice on Ret Pally being able to smack stuff that’s a little bit further out :<

Oh well, glad I didn’t take Acrobatic Strikes on my Timerunning Rogue yet lol

I’m not sorry, this is so lazy lol. Absolutely smacks of them forgetting Vereesa existed entirely and having to quickly write something in to explain her absence after a bunch of people said “where’s Vereesa?”

Oh, the LEADER OF THE SILVER COVENANT who LIVES IN DALARAN just decided to move out randomly to somewhere else (???) a few years ago? lol, okay.


It’s very much a “Poochie returned to his home planet” situation.


Warcraft Devs write a believable, living world challenge; Apparently Freaking Impossible


Isn’t Ret Paladin like, one of the only melee classes who don’t lose the extra range? Which is really funny, but also really frustrating as a Feral main.

Right now it really feels like a reroll class angle if I want to play TWW, or maybe somehow bite the bullet and just respec for Restoration. Every change I’ve seen feels really bad for Ferals.

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Think you may be right, and it’s only Crusader strike that’s losing range?
But, yeah. I’d feel less ‘eh’ about a lot of encounters and end game/game design if it wasn’t always a battle of “How do keep making this awkward for the players?”

I would accept the reduction of melee range capabilities if everyone lost it(as it did get silly with how you’re able to strike air and still do damage), but I don’t understand why Ret Paladin of all classes retains their range. Ret Pala is like, the origin of a wheelchair class for a reason.

I think they should reduced ranged classes ranges instead.

Drop them all down from the 30-40y or whatever to 10-20. :slight_smile:

I might be biased, but comparing Ret Pally to, say, Outlaw Rogue that I’m levelling through Timerunning at the moment?

One of these feels streamlined and intuitive and powerful, and the other, while still fun, feels like it suffers from chronic button bloat, wonky cooldowns/rotations and very RNG heavy power spikes/dips.

Dunno, if anything when I leveled my Ret Pala, there were so few buttons. My Outlaw Rogue certainly has far more.

But that’s also not the argument, we’re talking about mobility and range. TWW’s changes aren’t even in effect atm.

Put Ret Paladins on a wheelchair again.

What does a wheelchair have to do with anything? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m… really not sure where you’re going with that analogy. Seriously.

“Wheelchair” was a joke about Paladins having bad mobility back in Legion.

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Wheelchair classes are classes with limited mobility and ranged options, according to the old jargon. So, Nerathion want Retribution Paladins to be saddled with limited mobility again. That’s all that is being said.

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Hmn. I get it, and I wouldn’t say Pally’s are super mobile as is (though there’s definitely worse out there coughPriestcough)

Just feels unnecessarily mean-spirited/borderline accidental ableist to me, even if it is old jargon. -shrug-

No, but they can strike you from across the room, which is the problem.

I get that, but if you’re starting to think along those lines, calling any spec with mobility issues ends up being ableist.

Ok, fair. I don’t quite get how that’s a problem in PVE, if it make it more likely classes won’t Stand In Fire isn’t that a good thing? :stuck_out_tongue:

For PVP well, probably. But also Lol, Lmao, PVP.

I just don’t get why wheelchairs specifically. ‘Mobility Issues’ in a game sense is fine, understandable and a mechanical reality.

There’s probably wheelchair users could move a lot faster than me. Especially if we’re talking in Hero/Adventurer terms a la WoW. Anyway - probably a bit of a reaction to ‘Discourse’ in another setting.

Because a class who has historically been the class people poked fun at for being a class that has no mobility or range, being the single melee class without those problems in TWW, is very silly to me; and somewhat of the complete opposite of their historical design. If Ret Paladins of all specs don’t lose range on their abilities, why do other melee classes?

The entire bluepost about how melee classes had absurd range potential now was the reason they’re removing it altogether, so why isn’t Ret Pala? Are you implying Ret Paladin players are somehow the really dumb players out of all WoW players that they need the extra range so as not to Stand In Fire?

Because that sounds ableist to me, Kaytlinne!

Rings of Power viewers: “Where’s Celeborn?”

Writers: “Oh crap, Galadriel’s supposed to have a husband? Quick, insert some throwaway line about how she lost sight of him”


Serious face a moment, that’s not even remotely equivelant and you know it. Don’t be a jerk.

All that aside, yeah, fair points. Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve given up trying to decipher Dev decisions at all levels at this point, because it’s a total coin toss on whether it even remotely seems to make sense.

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Vereesa sold her stocks in Dalaran two days before its destruction, coincidence???