PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

“Sparing Garrosh may have been the morally correct thing to do”

not sure about that one chief

Also the moral high ground has just been given to the Alliance so firmly in this book that its starting to get weird.

The book states, twice, that the Alliance champions sent to Rastakhan tried to get him to surrender, and they were forced to kill him to save themselves despite it all.


He was reaching.

No you can’t see the body cam footage.


What a bizarre way of wording that entire plot point.

Anduin Wrynn truly led the Alliance to a complete Moral and Cultural victory on Azeroth during BfA :saluting_face:.

The Light clearly favors us.

It’s okay to invade a city, butcher its citizens, and kill its leaders so long as you feel a bit bad about it afterwards.

It’s when you don’t feel bad that there’s an issue. Sylvanas taught us that, for both sides of the coin.


Should’ve just surrendered then. . . :hugs: There’s a place for everyone beneath the guardianship of the Golden Lion of Azeroth Elenthas. The Light is all-welcoming.


We get the fourth Chronicle and the first thing that Argent Dawn does with all of the information contained within it is reignite tired old red-versus-blue debates.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, the priorities and preferences of this particular community are well-known by now. Is there any other WoW community that cares quite as much about faction conflict and the lore behind it?

Never change, AD.


That isn’t the first thing they did. Frankly they’re not even doing that. Meronspell is clearly memeing, and there were a whole bunch of posts about lore stuff before we got to that point. You can engage with those if you’d hop off your high horse.



I think(?) Shogg is being tongue-in-cheek this time about the faction stuff.

But it ultimately stands to reason there’s going to be a lot of Faction discussion about Chronicles 4 because even in the neutral expansions of Legion and Slands they get quite a fair bit of recurring mention and in MoP, WoD, etc. they’re the primary focus of the Chronicles writing. There’s retcons, rewrites, adjustments, a lot of faction-centred stuff being changed and written into the world in this book so it’ll absolutely be people’s primary focus I think given the sheer enormity of people’s faction pride in the WoW community. For reference, it would absolutely not be exaggeration to say a good 70% maybe even 80% is either Faction-centred or Faction-adjacent in this book.

Darkly amusing that despite Vol’jin being front and centre on the book’s cover he barely gets mentioned.

Also, on our FAVOURITE topic of the Mag’har

The bronze dragonflight’s involvement isn’t mentioned, instead relying on the Nightborne’s chronomancy (which, frankly, makes more sense than what we originally got). If Levey was hoping for any confirmation on who’s to blame for the death of the planet, she’s going to be disappointed. The implication is that the Lightbound initiated the conflict, given how it’s written.

Also Grom confirmed dead. No great surprise, but there it is.

Turning back the clock a little, they give a little bit more for Grom not getting slapped down in Hellfire:-

In this case it appears to somewhat contravene the events of HFC, with Grom fighting essentially a one-man battle until we come across him, at which point we make use of him during the raid since he’s good at chopping people. His influence was then needed to help broker peace with the Iron Horde remnants, which is why they didn’t just chop his head off.

It’s not perfect but it’s at least more than what we had.


Its again, one of those things where a series of epilogue quests at the end of the main MSQ would’ve helped to clarify and answer lingering doubts/questions. Questing with post-HFC Grom to see him brokering truce with the remnants etc.


In death, how he was in life.


Another weird time shuffle.

Throne of Thunder concludes, then immediately transitions into the first three bosses of SoO in the Vale, which then pauses itself for the events of 5.3 and then 5.4 with the rest of SoO.

Gotta be a pain to get done with Lei Shen and be ready for some downtime only to immediately have to fight the Sha of Pride.

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Now called the Machine of Origination (huh?)
So like, can we just agree now that its absolutely Titans and Danuser was just crazy?

I thought the Origination machine was in Uldum?

The damage that Slands did, good god…


To be honest, with how it was the Nightborne that brought the AU mag’har into action… again, where are the bronze dragons? I understand that it’s a rather soft retcon, but with how the time rifts were going, it should’ve caused an instant eradication of everyone involved. Or perhaps our guardians of the true timeline do play their own game…?

Blizzard won’t give an answer, but if I had to give one it’d be that the bronzes were still diminished from other stuff (which is why they were increasingly relying on the Timewalkers for assistance) and can’t police everywhere at once.

By the time they found out or could do anything about it, the Mag’har were already under the Horde’s wing, and they chose not to go to war with them over what - in the end - was a minor infraction, one that was only possible in the first place because of what Kairoz did.

They still haven’t given names to the Winter Queen or the Primus. They remain just titled, unlike Archon Kyrestia and Sire Denathrius.

An apparently permanent peeve I will keep.


I can’t get over how little the WQ v. Elune stuff matters to me when it should be Night Elves v. Elune, something which basically went unexamined despite how focused on Tyrande was in the narrative. I’ve gone over it before, but I hate it. What a waste of time and character/worldbuilding opportunity.

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Apparently Chronicles 4 was largely written by Danuser which is surprising given how late this book is coming out but I suppose that clarifies why it doesn’t even cover Dragonflight which was the end of that “saga”, its been wrote and scheduled way in advance and then released post-danusers mysterious and silent leave of Blizzard pre-Blizzcon.