PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

blizzard forgot they were in two places at once


It’s called a Shadow Clone no Jutsu for a reason…

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It can also make portals to protected areas and and and cannot be detected ever at all because mom said its my game and my rules.


It does what it wants!

Another bit of writing that probably isn’t going to go over well. Forsaken representation in the game isn’t great.

Why is she there?

this question could apply to any post cataclysm inclusion of lilian voss and still be valid


She was never a great character, but her cataclysm arc was serviceable and she was fairly unique and interesting for a forsaken.

But they’ve really botched her ever since Scholomance and it’s been very obvious they don’t know what exactly they want to do with her.


I am getting so g o d d a m n tired of seeing Lillian Voss shoved in everywhere as the Forsaken rep.

One of the three least forsaken characters around and she gets shoved in left and right.

Give me Belmont or Faranall or Velonora(sp?) Instead. Or any character with a proper tie to the Forsaken.

Even the Night Elf Dark rangers have more connection to Forsaken lore theb Voss lmao


It’s Velcro*.

I believed they were going to destroy Dalaran’s crystal.

Apparently, in the mage comic, it was stated that Dalaran was kept afloat because there is a crystal keeping the whole thing in the air. Without the crystal, all of Dalaran plummets from the sky. Which yeah, it sounds quite the major weakness. Glad they forgot about it.

But the whole “Oh, this was just a disguise, now behold my evil plan YOU FOOLS!” feels a bit cheap. We have been through that with Zovaal. Stop giving me masterminds.

We need more straightforward villains.

Voss could have had a compelling “accepting the Forsaken as her new family” story. No great surprise for Blizz, they forgot to write it and just had it happen offscreen between MoP and BfA.



Ugh… no offence to Aysa, but training earthen while there still are the Tushui and Huojin in the Broken Temple, not to mention the duties of a Pandaren representative in the Alliance sounds a bit not fitting to her sense of duty?


Atleast Earthen Shaman(Gryphon Riders), Monk, Warriors, Mages, etc have a lore background to build upon…

Trained by Danath Trollbane, Aysa, Wildhammers, Proudmoore themselves

Also Lillian’s Human Potential are shining right through: If there is an Elf that needs help, she randomly pops up(and knows them well enough, apparently). First Shandris in the Emerald Dream, now Alleria in Dornagal :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Lillian the Elffriend.


That’s a lot of Alliance names huh

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Hey! Gorgonna’s there too! (Nobody knows about this random background character, why is Nazgrel not with Thrall instead)


Well, you tend to survive/not be banished when you don’t start 3 genocidal world wars to conquer the world :smirk:

Honestly, Baine(yes yes I know) Mayla, Lor’themar Theron or even Thalyssra should be there.

but on the otherside, if they do not add characters like Gorgonna, Geye’rah or others, then they can never become more then background characters, tbf

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TWW being more Alliance leaning is a fair trade off if Midnight is Horde heavy.

i look at the camera