PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

The most difficult thing to implement out of all of it without needing to upsize the entire continent. If it were something like ESO where every zone is connected to other via portal, sure.

I would love nothing else like having all the lore villages in game that we know of. Sunnyglade my beloved.


Would it even be possible to “upscale” the world like that??

Yes, and no.

Strictly there’s nothing stopping them from doing it. They could cut EPL out and replace it with EPLx4 in the same worldzone/phase. The only issue is that they’d then have to make adjustments to any old content/quests/flight paths/etc. that old EPL relied upon. And for a non-corner zone like Hillsbrad or Badlands, they’d have to adjust adjacent zones too, which can have a knock-on effect. Doing Hillsbrad would basically require them to fix up everything north of the Thandol Span.

There’s no tech reason stopping them, it just requires more work than creating a new zone since it’d got older interactions they’d have to fix and bug test.


What if they just make a new “layer”(a zone like how they made Outlands, Draenor, the Emerald Dream, etc?) of Azeroth, where they just slowly, over the course of expansions, add more and more zones until they have a completely new Azeroth, next to the old one? :thinking:

Would give them time to work on Azeroth, without the pressure of having to replace it all in one go?

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How would you picture the edge of the zone?

They could make a New Azeroth phase too instead. It’s ‘easier’ in the effort required, but it might feel a bit less coherent in the moment until it’s done.


The same as my teleport spells now display.

Green screens.

Or just endless waters

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Alterac mentioned, I manifest at the centre of a pentagram on the floor

The survivors could easily have been written as allied to the Horde back in Classic - they still shared all of the same enemies they initially did when Orgrim Doomhammer and Aiden Perenolde struck their accord, and you’d think that the kingdom’s complete destruction would have solidified their hatred of the Alliance. They could have been the same kind of dubious, finger-steepling ‘token evil teammate’ to Thrall’s Horde that the Forsaken are (Halfsilver here went from one to the other pretty seamlessly with his death).

I know that the reason the writers drove them apart by retroactively introducing this idea that Perenolde wanted to enslave the orcs must really have been about coherent signage: it would detract from the well-defined visual (semiotic) identities of the Alliance and Horde to give the latter human settlements, and especially actual playable humans. I get that. And I know the whole kingdom was a complimentary plot device that hasn’t been relevant since Warcraft II - the only canonical Alteraci perspective we ever got was Perenolde’s in Aaron Rosenberg’s Tides of Darkness. But it still feels like a squandered story to me.

Isiden I don’t really care for, but Hath ought to have been kept around. He’s clearly an Alliance character in spirit and his disobedience had major implications for the war. But we don’t even know how Aiden Perenolde himself died - that’s how scarce lore on Alterac actually is.

He’s a great villain in Rosenberg’s book, for the record. Very catty and sarcastic. I kind of love him.

Edited because I mixed the author up with Knaak for some reason.


The full trailer is now out.

I have a higher opinion of it than the previous version, if only because of how much attention they’ve devoted to the environments. I still would’ve liked less harronir interpretive dancing and less Faerin armouring up in a convenient featureless void, and more shots focused on the zones. Hallowfall, Azj-Kahet and even the Ringing Deep all look incredible.


To be fair, the fact their kingdom got destroyed was because of their (secret) alliance with the Horde.

So could see why Alteraci didn’t like the Horde, then again I’ve always been a fan of Alteraci Forsaken working with the Horde to reclaim their nation for the Horde! (And eventually succeeding because the Forsaken deserve to exist and become strong enough to survive aswell)!

Same here. Would have liked more Nerubians and assaulting rather than a gearing up scene, the Harronir could have been fine if it was less self indulgent with the dancing.

Looking forward to every Earthen RPer to say “Can your species lift tons of metal repeatedly? I don’t think so heh!” making this canonically the greatest feat of strength accomplished by a playable race.

Dwarves going stoneform or whatever that racial is called :smirk:

“Nothing personel kid”

Stoneskin, son! It hardens in response to physical trauma!


It’s the same nothingburger cinematic that we got for Shadowlands with some cool scenery sprinkled in.


Alas, the coolness of this trailer is ruined by the “Pre-purchase expensive edition for early access” message at the end.

Blizzard has been inserting this into all their promotional materials, even pre-selecting Epic Edition™ in the shop, and it reeks of being desperate for money. It’s offputting.

Yeah the 3 day early access rly grinds my gears. Its not because I can’t afford it but because they are charging u premium price to play a game early.

And because whales buy it they do it.


You consider getting the Epic version for the 3-day early access, I consider getting the Epic version because I’d get 4 new Battle Pets.

We are not the same.


I could agree that they are probably able to lift exceedingly more than most, given their stone nature and all. - But I also like to think that they designed the operation of their forge to be so efficient that it can be operated with the requirement of a minimal labour force. Just one of those fantasy dwarven tropes I like personally.


A pseudo-revelation regarding Khadgar’s fate.

He’s now clinically senile and infirm?