PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Because of course the rulers of Stromgarde and Kul Tiras have nothing better to do than personally train students of a race they only just learned about.


What I have to ask is this:

Has anyone seen any spoiler content that depicts Thrall, at all? Regardless of grumbling about the Horde or the Alliance, itā€™s pretty alarming that one of the front-and-centre characters who is on all of the promotional material doesnā€™t seem to be appearing much at all in this expansion.

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Ever since Jaina became Lord Admiral, how long has she actually spent at home taking care of state matters and actually -ruling- her country? Maybe those few years during the timeskip? During BfA she was too busy fighting the Horde, in Shadowlands she was mostly running after Anduin after being kidnapped. Iā€™m presuming she actually did some ruling during DF aswell.

Inb4 he gets the Shadowlands Baine treatment, cursed to sit in a corner throughout the whole expansion.

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Genuinely havenā€™t seen a peep about him.

Thrall reveal is just waiting for the announcement of three epic cinematics about Thrallā€™s fatherhood tbh


Thrall wanted to go on the adventure but his baby woke up and now heā€™s onto his thirtieth episode of Hey Duggee while making the most batpoo crazy noises to keep their baby occupied while watching the entire roster of Alliance characters since 2007 have fun out the window.


He has a Quest in Isle of Dorn to help out with the issues.


Havenā€™t seen screenshots but - i asked some folks - and heā€™s summoning storm gryphons and helping with shaman stuff. Supposedly.

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I mean, I would like to see more of Thrall! (And other Horde leaders like Thalyssra and Lorā€™themar Theron). But I do find it kinda neat heā€™s out there doing Shaman stuff, even if its way less then what I want him for! Heā€™s the Shaman, atleast he should be at the forefront of helping Alleria and co defend their home and world against the Void!

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The monkey paw curls ominously.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Thrall was only written into TWW after Metzen came aboard, while 11.0 was already heavily into development.

One hole in this theory is that heā€™s in the cinematic, and we know cinematics take a long time to produce. Adding some story quests involving Thrall would probably be a lot easier than making a cinematic with him.


Apparently, the first thing Metzen did after his return was write the cinematic, so itĀ“s possible Thrall was his addition entirely.


A more tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is that Danuser was planning on killing off Thrall in the War Within, which Metzen vetoā€™d when he came in and as a result, thereā€™s a weird void of Thrall content.

But thereā€™s nothing to support that at all. Itā€™s more likely that Metzen pushed Thrall when he rejoined the company.

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Talking about heroes who appear or donā€™t appearā€¦ AndI know youā€™ll have Night Elf-fatigueā€¦ BUT shouldnā€™t atleast Malfurion appear as the Druid of Azeroth?

He was already shoved aside during the Emerald Dream patch in favor of a overgrown giant gecko whoā€™s story had already ended, contributed nothing, and had already had her title and rank passed on to her daughter.

For once I would like Malfurion to actually (help) save Azeroth in the actual game instead of in books ! :frowning:

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I feel like they pretty definitively said at the end of 10.2 that Malfurion and Tyrande are taking a vacation.

If you need Druids, thereā€™s plenty of Druids to go around to be fair. Dreamsurges have Hamuul ordering you around for example.


Racist Grandpa Turalyon returns.


Now taking bets on him being a vehicle for ā€œLight also Bad, actuallyā€ in the not too distant future?


When Alleria divorces him itā€™s going to be all over.

Extremely stupid funny to have him talk about Horde savages like this when we just had a short story where he was in a Horde capital. Yeah yeah, elf vs. orc, whatever, but if thatā€™s his standard attitude toward orcs it makes his presence in a Horde city all the stupider. BElves are still Horde, if Turalyon is being racist against them just in casual conversation they should probably politely show him the door.

Also reminder that racists go to the Maw. He better not die before reforming :pray:


Some people will ship it.

Seeing your wife of 1000 years leave you for the barefoot Harbinger of the Void puppeting an elf corpse will drive a man to madness.

And in that madness, he finds solace in steel.

No, not steelā€¦Iron.

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