PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

In her defense, barefoot elves are really cool.

(Their walking corpses, not so much…)


I don’t disagree that having a ‘story mode’ for the last boss only is a cop-out, but I think the overwhelming majority of boss fights are very much inessential to the story of the expansion, especially outside of TBC (in part because of how much that re-uses existing characters from earlier in the series). Every raid in the game conjures bosses out of basically nothing and you easily could skip all but one or two without any real issue. It’s easier to list the raids which aren’t 80% (or 90%, or even 100%) misc characters made to fill out the evening clear.

You could easily skip to Cenarius and Xavius, or to Elisande and Gul’dan (and maybe Krosus), or the Avatar and Kil’jaeden or to Aggramar and Argus. Nothing before them had any significant story development (which is strange, because Ursoc being corrupted definitely should have been a big deal, but they never really go over how it happened or when).

The only ones I can think of would be Ulduar, Icecrown Citadel, and Dazar’alor where many of the bosses had all that much to do with the zone story arcs. The rest are one or two encounters at best.

Raids just aren’t the intended vessel for story in the game.

There’s definitely raids where more are ‘skippable’ than others but out of all of the raids, EN isn’t one of them. The only boss I’d consider “skippable” in EN is Nythendra.

Il’gynoth’s got his whispers.
Renferal is a returning character.
Ursoc is Ursoc.
And the Dragons of Nightmare are likewise returning characters.

Yeah, they might not be a big deal to most people, but I’d refer back to the “write story for people who are invested, not those who aren’t”.

There’s someone out there who has Renferal as a favourite blorbo and they deserve to see what happened to her, without suffering through LFR or watching it on youtube.

Maybe if there was a robust and fully functional story mode they would/could be like they should be…

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I feel attacked Vixi!

Based Grandpa Turalyon… #MyRegent!

Guy spend his younger years fighting demonic orcs on Azeroth, then Draenor, then he spend centuries fighting actual demons and then he came back to Azeroth to fight another war against orcs.

Kinda can’t blame his attitude with his history.

Zuljin and every Thalassian elf is in the Maw? Also not with the new Arbiter, who wants to empty the Maw!

You can’t be much of a racist when the simple descriptive word “Greenskin” gets you censored. Granted this Orc isn’t one.

Also… Selective moments. Being a discriminatory towards Orcs on the Vindicaar with a majority of Draenei who know or have gone through the tragedy on Draenor, Turalyon sleeps. The moment he sets foot on Azeroth, his limiter got removed temporarily until the First Ones came on high to silence him.

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Recolors of the TBC Blood Elf sword!

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Truth be told I would’ve rather had an updated model for that sword. It hasn’t aged well.


Big agree, but I take what I can get😩

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There’s so many ‘could be good’ armour and weapon models, that are like that Overpainted Space Marine meme; “Brother, I have no mouth but I must scream”, albeit in 2004 low-poly messes.

But hey, Only New Shiny, right? ._.

Honestly, at this stage I’m expecting it to be updated in Midnight - that and a lot of classic blood elf-themed sets.

If the War Within’s levelling sets are anything to go by we’re going to be eating good.


Praying, manifesting, etc :weary:


It’s hyping up the launch of their newest shiny, either a patch or an expansion. But their planning is a tunnelling sort of.


Another toy for roleplayers, sweet!


Fun detected. Nerf incoming.


Apparently if you queue and complete Theramore’s Fall at exactly level 35 in Pandaria Remix you receive the Mini Mana Bomb (H)/Theramore Tabard (A) in the post.

Just for any gamers out there who don’t have them and want them.


Great, so now I have to lvl a Alliance character to Pandaria aswell, because I want the darn Theramore tabard!


Can confirm it works!


Where do you even start Theramore’s Fall in Remix?

Group finder, queue for specific scenario


Pain is dinging 36 during the scenario. -.-