Imagine being yet another AU Gul’dan, being summoned and then learning that you are the THIRD Gul’dan to try to attack this timeline.
The original Gul’dan’s death was at the hands of thousands of his own ghosts, that all failed and are still haunting the Tomb of Sargeras
A convenience you get with transcending all realities! You can infinitely pick up any Illidan, Gul’dan and Lich King you need and or want!
This is the seventh Gul’dan we have unleashed upon this timeline, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
Unrelated, I’m still likely not going to play TWW, but seeing the blood DK hero specs comparison on Wowhead is uhhhh
San’layn having these in the minus section
Woefully undertuned
Gets in the way of every single aspect of your spec for very little payoff
is not a great look.
Going through some of the other specs (Herald of the Sun Ret - “Significantly worse DPS”) sees similar issues.
I’ve been telling people, but they keep denying the reality of the situation that this is just adding another 39 balance hurldes for them to jump over and tune and try to get right. I think come launch a lot of people are going to get a rude awakening when they realise how different the balance between hero talents really is.
Yea but me RPing a San’layn Blood Death Knight Darkfallen Kaldorei sounds pretty neat!
If you put that in your TRP I’ll fight you IRL
That’s a pretty scathing review. If I had the nerve for tanking I’d be pretty sad at that state of affairs right before launch.
Xalatath saying “your world is dying” got me thinking “man Azeroth’s been dying for like nine years in-game, most people would be used to it by now”
Maybe they’re using it as a clever metaphor for Gamers saying that WoW is dead with every expansion.
Xalatath’s at it again
“Death comes for the narrative consistency of your world!”
Can’t kill what’s already long dead.
I’m not too bothered about getting maximum numbers out of my characters so I’ll just be picking what’s thematically cool for my OCs re. hero talents.
Some of y’all will be so sick of that smirk by the end of it.
Already kinda sick of it NGL.
Me when I’m phoned in as Zovaal 2 because Blizzard managed to blow an Old God, Azshara and the Black Empire all in one expansion 6 years ago.
I guess Xal’atath saying the Blade is empty just double confirms N’zoth is indeed dead-dead going by the Nerubian cinematic as well where his rotting corpse explodes in Ny’alotha.
She’s only fine when a small segment of the playerbase is aware of her and doing their own memes about fixing her/making her worse, bae-blade, knaifu and so on and so forth.
Putting her front and center while draining the tig ol’ bitties goth gf (go ahead mod, censor this) angle before the expansion even properly began and promising us we’re gonna suffer a one note character for the next six years is absolutely dreadful when you think about it.
I’d say Xal still has ways to go before she gets on the level of Sylvanas in terms of “How tired am I of her?”
I also hope they don’t give Xal’s eventual raidboss fight a similar description as Sylvie’s in Sanctum of Domination.