PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

It does feel that way given that Arathi went from being a bit more ambiguous on Beta (albeit because we had almost 0x actual information) vs their in-game retail appearance where the Priory people have lost their connection to the Light, have to bend it to their will and have to bend the Sacred Flame to their will vs wielding it naturally. The friendly dialogue of the Arathi has also increased hundred-fold on retail, to the point where the Earthen had buildings constructed specifically for the Arathi in Dornogal, they keep trying to make peace with the Kobyss, they’re generally very welcoming of outsiders and curious and they also have ambassadors at the Haranir camp who are very eager to make new friends with them and ask your aid to help the diplomacy.


Okay, so I completed the Ringing Deeps campaign and ended up more than a whole level below the minimum level for Hallowfall (73, almost 74).

What am I supposed to do? Side quests? Random dungeons?

I’m still not entirely convinced the Empire as a whole is gonna be a good-guy faction though.

If for no other reason than because it’s…kinda boring? Like there’s this huge super powerful Empire that was hidden and they’re all just chill? Okay? What story do we get outta that?


We know they’re not entirely chill and just without issues, General Steelstrike “earned” the honour of commanding the Hallowfall Expedition by defeating a rebellion in imperial territory.

I guess it depends if we end up on the side of the Good Guy Rebels (Nightborne Rebellion) or the Good Guy Empire (Drakonid Rebellion)…

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(inhales hopium)

So I think we might yet see the Rootlands zone. The Khaz Algar map is shifted a bit to the east, and there’s a gap in the southwest that’s about big enough for another zone. The last time a map seemed oddly shifted to the east, we got Amirdrassil in the gap.

Lux Vult, I suppose.


One the one hand more class options tend to be a good thing.

On the other…y’all better prepare for the second wave of Drakthyr. There’s going to be a lot of new faces in Stormwind soon.

The HD Judgement hood/mask does slap tho.

Inject this warlock tier right into me (and the ignore the horned smelly in the middle of the image - their kind are sus if you ask me.)

I’m really looking forward to seeing the ones they didn’t show. The glow up is amazing.

All of them are here.

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The event being an entire patch is great! Really takes off the FOMO pressure a little bit and you can have a relaxed chill vibe with it instead.

I wonder what the updated Timewalking rotation is going to be and whether I need to buy any gear (for mogs) and whatnot to ensure I have all of the old items by the time for rotation in case they become inaccessible.


The updated druid set gives me life. I need it.


I hope that the sets are available beyond the anniversary event, perhaps cropping up in all future anniversary events, but I’d expect they probably won’t be.

Big fan of the monk+DK sets though.

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I always assumed I’d stay with the Kaldorei herotage set for my Druid…

But this set changed my mind…

Awesome, going to be the Scourge, Night Elf and Human one for sure

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Pretty sure the Coreway also has a 2nd destroyed entrance and my money is that we’ll clear the rubble up and that’ll unlock the .1 and .2 zones.


Zandalar flashbacks.

(okay they had some nuance but they rolled over for the Horde real quick)

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Did we all just collectively forget the mythical Pandaren Empire that was hidden by mists and had a (partial) crime army that could beat the Mantid back every hundred years or so???