Pugs and Gbid - What a stupid idea

The issue is ppl joining this kind of raids.

No, it’s not. It’s their choice and it’s a win win scenario for hosts, buyers and those who didn’t get items because they earn some cash. Think before you judge.


the only issue are ppl that cant accept that alot ppl like to play the game diffrently.


Got to admit that (since I never joined raids like this) I didn’t realize the money would be spread amongst the raid members and always thought that only the RL guild or himself would.

Totally my bad, under these circumstances I change my judgement. Those raids can help ppl do a bit of golds while also raiding instead of farming stuff 24/7. Kudos to the organizers (in case this sounds sarcastic… I’m serious, I think they are good).


GBID does not mean the gold gets split among the raid members, in every case ive encountered the gold goes straight to the raid leader

Another communist kid who doesn’t understand supply and demand. Try to define “doing your part” and you will probably understand why you’re wrong.
But ofc its easier to think all the people running gbid raids are stupid and you are the smart one.

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And in every case I encountered the gold was distributed among the raiders. Guess you are joining the wrong ones.


Tbf, if all the gold went to the raid leader and/or his guild, as Felgar assumed, then I’d not join such a raid to begin with - unless, like, I’m the only one being carried or something. Because why would I want to join a pug MC and get absolutely nothing for it?

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Yes, you wouldn’t, but that doesn’t make the idea itself bad or stupid, it would just mean the leader would have a hard time filling the group and mostly get very undergeared people. Its all about supply and demand, if people are content with joining gbid pugs then it makes sense for them, and if it was so easy to just make a group and get a ton of gold as a leader, then everyone would be doing it. But that’s not what we see, so it has to mean people who do make these groups deserve the gold they get.

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I don’t like certain types of food, still I don’t rant about how bad it is.

As long as people don’t break any rules, who cares. Azeroth is a free world, dont like the food? Well eat something else :slight_smile:

I am yet to encounter an Alliance gbid pug on Firemaw where all the gold goes straight to the raid leaders. Most of the time it’s 30% to host 70% to raid, few times I even saw 20% / 80% and have been a part of 50:50 one aswell.
You have to look at just how much gold many people have amassed. After reaching a certain amount you no longer really have much to spend it on. Epic mount, professions, alts, consumes… then what? You still have a crapton so it’s only natural to spend it in gbid runs to gear yourself easier.

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The problem is: its apparently unfair to have more gold than others. :frowning: /endsarcasm


I really wonder what type of people are willing to pay 1000 gold for an item but can’t be arsed to join a normal guild and get it for free.
Sadly this will continue in TBC, but you can just ignore them and make your own group without the reserved and gbid cancer.

Some people prefer to farm gold instead of running an instance 10+ times, especially if someone can make 100g+/h by farming and can make more sense to just buy an item in a raid instead of having to run the raid countless times until the item drops and he wins/gets it.

this… this seems like a very good idea, lol i always assumed gbid runs meant that the host guild would snatch all the gold for the raid leader or split it only amongst their own guildies.
splitting it evenly amongst all the raiders (deducting gold from the obvious afkers/slackers) seems like a very profitable idea for everyone involved.

I dont think GDKPs are a problem, i never went to any but as far as i know the used gold is basically summed up and at the end its divided by the raiders so even those who didnt get to bid on a item will get some for of compensation with gold.

I think what u mean, and i agree on that, is the random pugs with MS > OS rules like onyxia where the leader for some reason thinks the head, for example, is supposed to be “Paid” for and the leader gets the gold. Now that makes absolutely no sense since you would have to pay for an item you also contributed to be dropped by the boss, and if u dont get the item u dont get gold compensation as you would on a GDKP because in this case the leader gets it all. Its a very toxic atmosphere and people only accept going to those runs for convenience, mostly the fact the leader takes the effort to create a discord chat (as if anyone needs discord to do a raid these days, thats another myth created by the “raidleaders”). If the game had an actual usable in game voice chat the discord raid leaders would pretty much be redundant, and they would have no claim for gold on a raid every1 contributed to. Im not saying that if you contribute to a raid you are entitled to loot, just saying that given your expected contribution i dont see why anyone should be expected to pay in gold for an item when they took as much of their time, consumables, etc to clear the raid. It should come down to a /roll

I think the epytome of the kind of raid im describing would be something like “LFM ZG, mounts res, idolS and hearth on gbid, need tanks and healers”

-reserves a 2k gold + item, puts the arguably most valuable item that drops (idols), BOTH for sale, same for the boss trinket, and then still needs the classes that usually are lacking. Its basically a scam. I personally never join those, only those where at least one idol is being rolled, and where nothing is resed.
The case i mentioned is a clear abuse that could ammount to a “white collar” scam. But people join those and both you and me cant do anything much other than ignore it. The problem is that those raid leaders are so abundant (no wonder, the raid is easy and doesnt even need a proper raid leader), that they end saving everyone’s IDS since they are always up on the world chat, and then the usual honest runs become rarer

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Thank you for explaining.

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