Can’t post on the beta forums coz Blizz hasn’t graced me with a key. Doesn’t mean I don’t have any suggestions to make though, so here I am!
Remove player power from the Covenants.
Why are we still discussing this?
Can’t post on the beta forums coz Blizz hasn’t graced me with a key. Doesn’t mean I don’t have any suggestions to make though, so here I am!
Remove player power from the Covenants.
Why are we still discussing this?
Keep player power in the covenants.
No discussion to be had.
Yes, contrasting statements leads to no discussion.
Remove player power.
Whenever someone tells me not to do something I get the irresistible urge to do it anyway.
I was merely commenting on the OP’s insinuation that there’s no discussion to be had with their “why are we still discussing this”. Of course there’s plenty of discussion, and from what I saw from beta, Covenants look like so much FUN. And that’s all I care about. To me, having the ability to freely swap covenants or take away player power from them would make them less FUN.
In my eyes, it’ll be like removing power from classes. Imagine if every class did the exact same thing, only had different class skins. All of a sudden… WoW is Fortnite, not an MMO.
MMOs are all about complex mechanics with tough decisions to be made. That’s all the reason I play an MMO. Nobody plays an MMO for the combat or for the gameplay. We all play them for the progression and the systems.
I absolutely play WoW for the combat and gameplay.
Nobody wants the ability to swap covenants, just the removal of player power.
I don’t see it being fun that I have to stick with an AOE ground effect for PVP and raids just because I wanted it at the start of the expansion when I was doing HC dungeons for gear.
But I do.
Don’t care about the stupid covenant system one bit, i’ll literally look up what my BiS for m+ is and then never think about it again xd?
Yes, that would take away all the fun. Covenants will be about as fun as farming Nighthold for transmog. Yuck.
What’s wrong with you
I don’t think the average WoW player understands what it means or what it refers to.
You should absolutely put in the direct quote from the game director Ion Hazzikostas or possibly the clip where he says it.
It would be nice if you could include the US Forum thread that has gained a lot of traction and possibly the Preach and Bellular vids.
That way, people know what this is about. Otherwise, they don’t.
Here is the US forum thread.
I refuse to believe you are being serious. Nothing you tell me will convince me that you are not either trolling or mentally insane to think that nobody plays a game for the gameplay. Actually the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard so far from pro-locked people.
you’re not the first one suggesting the removal of powers from covenants and them being something that’s available for everyone like a talent tree instead, while covenants would be about story and cosmetics and mounts and so.
But blizzard loves to do what they always do.
Create an overwhelmingly complicated system they think they can pull off. And then it ends up being something they can’t handle.
somehow you’d think that after shooting themselves in the foot for so many times before, they’d learn by now.
But who knows? Maybe 20th time is the charm and this time will be different than the past 19 failed attempts.
so much this:D
I’d say this is also worth checking out. 4000 likes on the original post at the moment, over 6300 likes in the entire thread, 36k views.
Compared to literally any other action game, WoW’s combat is absolute trash. Remember Kingdoms of Amalur? The single player flop that tried having MMO-like combat? Nobody played that. If I wanted to play an action game, I’d play Darksiders 3, or God of War or Bloodborne. TERA, BDO and Blade & Soul have good combat, and I would play them if they were single-player games, too… but not WoW. Do you think anyone would play this game weren’t it for the progression and the MMO aspect? Because that’s what I mean. WoW has a decent enough gameplay… for an MMO. As an action game, it is a 2/10.
Of course I love WoW, I wouldn’t be playing it otherwise. But the reason to love it is the same reason why I like power inside of covenants.
Yes, please.
I have no idea what’s the fuss is about but I do want to know what’s going on
I’d feel very safe to bet all my gold that you are a part of a very, very small number of people who actually enjoy the game itself but don’t like the combat and gameplay. You must be holding your opinion to a very high regard to state the opposite as if it was an obvious accepted fact. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to even think that.
The much bigger NA forum equivalent of this thread
The reason it exists
A very recent video addressing Ion’s direct quote and explaining what’s going on and why the hashtag caught on
M’kay the muricans.
I’m in the huge majority of people who wouldn’t be playing this game weren’t it for the progression. Just log in and check how many people help you for free to do a dungeon they don’t need, how many would show up for a raid they don’t need. I’ll kill Bloodborne bosses for fun. Not because they’ll give me something. Nobody kills bosses in WoW for fun. They do it for the reward.
In fact, even Blizz knows nobody will play their game unless there was a reward at the end, which is why the weekly chest exists.