Punishment for leaving BGs

Some BG’s are even worse than witnessing a horrific accident in a tunnel! Traumatizing I tell you.

Account-wide, 8 hour, instanced pvp ban.

I’m sick of losing BGs because half the team leaves after the first engagement and then my chat is spammed with new people joining a BG that’s now lost because we’ve had half a team for 5 mins.

Why waste time in a BG that players are not playing to the objective? The deserter buff should be removed imo, especially when you consider you get a 30 min deserter for leaving a pve instance!

It should be the players choice of whether they participate or not, the fact that Blizzard want to make everything a grind so that they can milk your cash, is the only reason these “deserter” tags are applicable.

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That will make even more ppl quit pvp and even the game.

Imagine if someone DCs followed up by an 8 hour account wide pvp bann…

Frankly, I’m so sick of it that I don’t even care. Who wants to play with quitters anyway?

You could make a workaround for disconnecting but then people would just disable their internet to get around it, so bollocks to them.

We’ll I’d rather leave a game and log on my alt than play with afkers or people that are like “oh no russians, we lost”, “just afk we lost”, etc.

Why should players be penalized for that on account wide basis?

So they stop abandoning BGs.

So instead of leaving people will just afk.
And this is casual pvp we’re talking about, you should be free to leave the game if it’s not enjoyable.

They get kicked for being flagged afk.

Nope, you can “defend a base” and move every couple of minutes to avoid afk detection.
And it takes 5 players to report player for being away to remove him from the battle.

Only 5? Easily done with long bans.

Let me put it this way for you:
With current afk detection system it would make 0 sense to implement accound wide deserter debuff.
Alliance battlegrounds are often a total stomp where more than half of the team decides to:

  1. Leave the game
  2. Afk the game
    They don’t report each other cause they just want game to end.
    So on that end nothing would change except people would stop leaving games and afk more.

People who don’t care to win would stop running BGs. The ones that want to win would report the others afk. Guaranteed.

And blizzard doesn’t want that. They want more players queueing bgs.

I have started to leave bgs, way more often than I used to do it, for a couple of reasons. I mostly now play healer in bgs not at max level yet.

  1. I use the minimap and se what my other team mates are doing, if I se them doing stuffs like staying in middle not bothering to get our flag back I leave, if they for example in AB manage to spread out way and loose all bases I leave.

  2. if anyone on my team says a word on how bad healers are, due to them trying to solo 5 others at once, I eighter just leave or stop healing them totaly.

and why, becuse if I get 15 deserter timer I can do a dungeon or some quests instead, cant bother to waste my time in bgs that none is bothering to actualy try totaly worthless.

I have even hold the flag and not a single person going to get our flag back I have just dropped our flag due to it, also if they decide to leave me as healer alone to defend a node, I eighter just afk out or leave it undefended.

BGS alliance side is horrid for the moment anyways atleast while you level, so no real need to bother if you se they going bad after the first 3 mins or so.

We’re talking about what I want. The final solution to plebs. >:)

Its just the norm these days. Ppl want free handouts and 100% wins.

Its just the way this generation thinks.

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Most things in WoW (excluding Mythic) have a guaranteed 100% success rate because players are a lot more fragile and sensitive these days and cannot cope with failure. Even just 1 or 2 wipes.

So when people enter PvP and realize that only one team can win, their poor little hearts cannot handle it.

But hey - there was the Arathi Basin AI Brawl which gave you a 100% winrate and some people I played with were genuinely under the illusion they were fighting real players. In chat they were patting themselves on the back, “gg all, we fought well” ect ect until I revealed to them that they were fighting AI and the "WTF"s came out.

You can expect this will be rolled out as a standard option in all BGs eventually. Everybody’s a hero, everybody’s a winner, well done you! :sunglasses: :+1::+1::+1:


No wonder. The AI played better than half the players :partying_face:

You mean they didn’t even read ‘COMP Stomp’ and what it meant? I’m all for implementing this system in the level 1-119 range though. It’s impossible to get queue to pop in certain level ranges and language groups.