Punishment for leaving BGs

Stop bringing in new people if players leave. 90% of the time they leave because its a lost game. Stop ruining a BG queue for 20 people who are forced to circle through a 10-man WSG match where your team is GY farmed. People leave? Fine, the remaining 3 will be out of there in 40sec anyway.

I’d put habitual quitters in a separate queue & use them to backfill the spaces left by other quitters until they see a game through to the end.

MMmmm, delightfully ironic. If they implement this they should not mention it in the patch notes though, so they will never find out and just go afk till the end of the match.

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This is getting completely out of hand.
The 3 bgs I did today I was put in as replacement, 1 of them I loaded into the score screen. 15-25m queue for each one

Edit: Update, 4th in 4

Agreed, its totally unplayble and unfun.

give leavers lowest priority to get a pop again account wide. And make it so it shows on your statistics how many times you left a bg before it ended.
Increasing the deserter debuff timer is also a good idea, maybe even make an exp deduction to discourage it from happening in lvler bgs where I see it being a huge problem too. Sometimes if the opposite team lost the first big mid fight, half of their team begins to leave one by one, pretty much deciding the match outcome already and makes it a sad game for their former fellow teammates who didn’t leave.

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Why do you want to punish me when i get teamed up mostly with clueless players , probably 2018-2019 accounts , not even 1.5k rated , mainly roleplay/PvErs?

I simply go afk or even leave the bg if my team who is getting gy farmed refuse to afk as well so obv we lose faster.

Im not flaming but im not there to get in real cancer as well just because a bunch of people discovered PvP in mid 2019.
Its kinda late tbh

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Leavers are fine. I leave if I see it’s hopeless. The only thing you get with your crazy punishment, is people afking. Getting into combat sometimes to avoid kick. Does that sound better than a leaver that gets replaced?

The afkers will learn to stop queuing at all when they get bored of pulling this crap. People that actually want to win will queue more and report afkers more often. It’ll fix itself.

8 hour account wide deserter debuff. Pls.

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what happened with team work and fighting back? what is this loser mentality. Increase the rewards for winning a bg. That should solve it.

Increase the reward for losing bgs, cause currently you get nothing from it. At least last time i played, there was nothing after the daily win. Don’t say honor cause after i lost a ton of honor levels going into bfa, not bc i used the exploit in darkshore, but because they said it’s too hard to catchup if they don’t remove earned levels.

Bfa really is a feast of middle fingers pointed in players faces.

And theres also different types of quitters.

Some leave early as soon as they spot a hard fight, they believe they good players but in reality they just farmers and usually let out one or two farts that sound like “noobs” or “u guys suck” before leaving, many times they’re replaced by indeed good players and the battleground turns into a win.

Then theres the late quitters, they will leave bgs that are well past the point of turning them around, many times bgs that will finish in the next minute. These I really dont understand.
I have to classify them as “queue griefers” wich on the ally side isnt a big deal with the 2-3 mins queue but on horde is very annoying with 15-20 mins for that.


This is the only way I can see Blizz improving the situation. I just can’t see them further penalising players because as already stated - the more you play the more you pay. Turning a 15 min debuff into an account ban is just not gonna happen lol.

The best thing they can do is make the loss more attractive or give a forfeit option.

Or just leave it as is for another few years which is the most likely scenario let’s be honest.

I can only tell you my opinion and that is that i leave when i see that there is no hope at all because i have no energy or interest staying in bg match that basically is shooting fish in a barrel why would i torture my self staying in a doomed boring one sided slaughter fest where chat is full of toxicity and trolling most of the times.

Alliance side pvp just sometimes makes me want to throw my computer out the window so its cheaper to just leave and let muppets be farmed at the graveyard.

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