Punishment system for mythic+ leavers

How many people experience this?

Everytime I get a +20 key on my main (Frost Mage) the key gets broken, usually by one singular player.
For example last night I had a +20 everbloom, easy mythic except for second boss which can be tricky depending on how synced your group is with kicks.
Now we are all doing around 170k dps, but this one person an insane amount of Dps around 250k to 300k, after the boss was downed nice a smoothly too he or she said “Bye folks I don’t boost people”
Now considering all of out Dps was more than enough and we were all geared more than well enough this to me seems like an elitism attitude.

Here’s my suggestion and I’d be interested in hearing what you’d add or takeaway from it.

  1. If you leave a Mythic group you get a 30 minute timeout similar to heroic and normal dungeon finder.
  2. If you do it multiple times in a day you get longer locknouts.
  3. If you do it more than 3 times you get a lock out on being able to loot any gear for a few days.
  4. Blizz could add in a system like Raid io except it player rating and it’s done like commendations, if you do well and finish etc your player rating goes up
    If you leave you get a time out / lockout and your player rating goes down.

What do you think?


if you use search feature on the forums it would bring up 1000s of these threads with the same idea’s of you.

"Funny you should mention this. We’ve had several internal discussions about this very topic, and while there’s nothing to announce yet (and, realistically, not likely for a while), this is a concern very much on our radar. It feels a little disingenuous to say “stay tuned” because nothing is going to be immediately forthcoming, but if and when something comes of those discussions, this is your forewarning to not be surprised. :slight_smile:


Blizzards offical post on it.

It was discussed a lot. If you forbid players to leave, they will go AFK, press alt-f4, grief, etc.
My opinion of this matter: no good solution is possible while players are responsible for forming groups. Only when Bliz will come up with matchmaker, which will have full control of group forming, only then automatic punishments would be possible.


So essentially they’ve spoken about it, but they’re not going to do anything about it in the near future, maybe in the distant future they might consider it basically.

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We’ve all suffered the frustration of leavers but I don’t agree with your suggestions.

As other have said there is no easy solution for this and Blizzard aren’t going to add any kind of negative data to the mix. Certainly not any exclusion from loot. That’s on par with getting a game ban tbh, something only GMs should be able to do.

I am not a fan of commendations myself it’s kind of useless information, it’s just a form of ‘like-farming’.

I don’t really want to end up with players afking until their punishment time is over. You’d also catch a lot of people in the crossfire with blanket rules like that. When I play with friends we will often try a key decide we’ve messed it up horrifically, and just leave and do some other key. Nobody should be punished. Also who is the one getting punished, do leaders just sacrifice someone and boot them out. They take the hit and the rest are okay?


If they were blasting that hard wasn’t there enough time left you could finish it with 4 people?

I feel a better answer is to reward positive behaviour rather than punish negative.

I propose we bring in the “Endorsements” system from Overwatch, where at the end of a dungeon, you have the option to endorse players.

When a person applied to join a pug, their endorsement rating is shown with the regular information, and as such people are encouraged to work hard for endorsements, so that they can get accepted more readily into groups.

Leavers would in time, have their endorsement level lowered, as time goes on without getting any endorsements, and will find it harder to join keys.

So people playing keys above 20 are just going to be perma low endorsement and it doesn’t mean anything, lol.

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did this often enough, because one dd got but hurt. One example: The person got no res, because a release was faster and the player said: “insert rnd insult” res me
and we were already fighting the next pack xD

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that he was right ? its a council boss where you can cleave almost all the time.

170k would be kinda okish dps more on lower end for ST fights - if oyu do 170k on cleave it means you are likely ding 130-140k ST - which is low for +20 this late in season .

the fact that you think that its “insane dps” - tells a lot of why your keys get broken often .

if this is a common occurance for you - then well - you are just bad at putting groups toghtehr .

next time put people closer to your skill level instead inviting like 3500 score player hoping to get boosted for free just because people need GV slots.

This, try and pick players within ~200 of your own score, so that the skill level should be similar.

he can also name key "weekly " - then people will be muhc less likely to leave.

sure you will get much weaker players - but they wont leave :slight_smile:

something tells me though OP is butthurt because he didnt get his boost - and it was so close :stuck_out_tongue: after all he had a blaster boosting him

so i get where he is coming from :0 he is just dishonest about this :slight_smile:

For a +20 it is insane dps single target. My frost DK can do up to +20 in time and is simming 128k single target. People need to get real. The highest frost DK who is doing up to +29/30 is simming 195k single target. 170k while playing is big.

in 485 + gear ?

i dont think that comparing the length of fight in +20 and +30 has sense. those people would be blasting so much more in +20 where fights are much shorter.

Gear is irrelevant. The numbers are enough dps for a +20.

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sure mate sure :0 especialy its irrelevant if you expect a boost like OP did :slight_smile: and when people refuse to boost oyhers when they see how they perform :slight_smile:

Ah so you mean you expect people to heavily overgear and +3 the dungeon and then project that onto others by calling the numbers low for the content, while they are plenty high enough.

You are not getting boosted when you bring yourself enough to the table for the content.

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well isnt that exactly what OP wanted to do ?

you people are just hypocrites.

he clearly invited very scored very geared players expecting a free booost and then made surpised pikachu face when booster left.

dont invite those players to your keys and you wont be crying that people are leaving . simple as that.

Yeah i was gonna ask, is it really a boost if u’re carrying your own weight for the content? Idk what qualifies as enough dps or not for that particular key on a +20, but it didnt sound low to me. Some players will be better and blast more then others but as long as no one is being hardcarried i wouldnt call it a boost.

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You are not getting a free boost when you do yourself enough for succeeding succesfully the content.