Put in RDF as it was originally please!

Obscure reason? Its classic. lol. A recreation of the old version of the game based on the old game design and philosophy.

Yes, it’s a recreation of an old version of the game that had the feature you’re complaining shouldn’t be in it.


Yes, it kinda fits.
Even if they released RDF, you have choice to not participate. The same choice a player would have ( with RDF ) to avoid spending 2 months ( casual player ) leveling toon through obsolete content. The same content players went through countlesly before.

And social aspect. Damn. I though … guilds ? are for social aspects of the game. Not pugs or world chat ( spammed by dkp boosters ).

You know, you can still pick players for your RDF run.

Now question for everybody : Can anyone explain me, what is the social aspect of the game ? I thought it was being part of the guild. RDF would take that part away ? doubt it. RDF would take away talking in dungeons ? Right, who dont want to communicate, you just cant force him :
Hello, dps / heal / tank inv. Thanks. Can I have that for off spec. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Many and many and many times I was in , silent , dungeon. The social aspect of the game were 3-4 friends on discord. All the chatting was : Hello, dps / heal / tank inv. Thanks. Can I have that for off spec. Thanks. Have a nice day. Or should I force myself onto their discord to promote social aspect and make everyone uncomfortable as hell ? :smiley:

I just dont buy the social aspect argument. The ship had sailed long time ago when we became bis list item driven meta slaves.

I am just sad, that the main argument is social aspect and design pillars. It is like they dont wanna see how terrible is the state of the game when it comes to communities :smiley:

Sorry for long post. Think about P O T A T O :slight_smile:

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This video linked on the reddit recently is a great example of “the social experience”.


Only reason i would support RDF is if they add votekick into the game and do not punish players who use the votekick option often with no limit. I personally would use it all the time. And i also want the votekick option to be instant and useable at all times, even in combat.

I would also demand that they make it so i can blacklist players/guilds with no limits towards players and their guilds.

Votekick is literally a baseline feature of RDF, what’re you on about?

Edit: And you NEVER EVER get grouped with people on your ignore list, again, a baseline feature of RDF.

Do you know what’re you’re railing against at all?

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And if your friends are not online when you want to do your dungeon instead of waiting half a hour or so for them while doing dailys or something you will most likley just queue up becouse it means you will “waste” less time. Dont come and say you would never do that maybe you wouldnt do that if you knew the person would be on in half a hour but you could also maybe get a extra run in if you are lucky in that half hour that you would wait.

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Absolutely, and my working schedule would likely make me a heavy user of RDF too.

Would I go with my guildies given the chance? Absolutely. Any day. Any hour. Any minute.

RDF was only part of the last phase on Wotlk. Even though that phase lasted a whopping 10 months it was still the last phase.

My strong opinion is that RDF should not be in any version of Classic. Not even Cata classic if we get that. Or MoP Classic or any classic ever.

RDF symbolizes a whole different game design and philosophy that it is the modern way. Not having RDF (or LFR) is the classic way. I prefer Classic to stay Classic. In Classic we form groups manually for dungeons and raids.

Yes, you blatantly made it obvious that you want “a recreation of the game” without features of said game, i.e. not a recreation at all.

We’re starting on patch 3.3.5 though so at any level it’s not the same game.

You’re the only one bringing up LFR right now btw.

No I absolutely want #somechnages in Wotlk Classic and that is exactly what we are getting. One of these changes is to not have an automated cross realm group finder that teleports you to instanced pve content.

I agree fully with the official design pillars for Wotlk Classic and I hope that Blizzard will stay true to them forever in Classic.

So not a recreation of the game at all, what you want is WotLK SoM?

“Did i ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?”

Nah fam - we’re good. It stays out.

So you’re working on the assumption that you’ll be playing classic shadowlands?

That is basically what we are getting right now. They are making some adjustments for pve difficulty, we have an xp buff and it’s officially #Somechnages. It’s also more or less a 1 year experience.

OK, but you do understand that people aren’t playing classic for SoM which is clearly evident from the fact that they’re not doing TBC Era/SoM right?

Sir / Body type 1 Bodiebro,

What is the social aspect of the game, was it present in TBC classic ? Can you explain your view on that ? What do you consider as a good social aspect within the servers now ?

What is your opinion on PvP crossrealm / porting to BGs without the immersion of being with your fellow pvpers around the bg masters ?

Please it is not to mock you or anything like that. I am just curious what the social aspect is, because I have very, very, very and very different and toxic experience. For example I was overlooked many times because my class and spec did not fit … social aspect of the game. I guess.

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Yeah, being a melee at the start of TBCC definitely gave you some insight in how the classic community really is.

Hahahah, I watched the video you posted. I cant agree more. I have exactly same experience. I am too old for this classic spirit :confused:

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Block guild invites is easily one of the best options for levelling alts where you just wanna be left alone for a bit :stuck_out_tongue: