PvE gear still miles better...?

So we can play Loot Roulette all over again and be disappointed every Wednesday? Sounds like a lot of BfAIDS to me.

do not buy your weapon with cp. that’s the dumbest thing you could possibly do. buy the cheapest cp items you can get first and wait for the rest to pop up in your vault.

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You’re going to be 1000x more disappointed when you wait 4 weeks for you weapon only to get it in your vault the next week. Do not do it. You’re going to regret it. You’re basically throwing 4 weeks worth of conquest points in the trash.

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The fact that this is the only logical course of action is incredibly bad. We want to get our weapons through reliable progress, not RNG. But sadly, you’re actually right.

If the changes I’d listed in my petition were applied, we would have an actual satisfactory solution to this problem.

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I know. The gearing system is embarassingly bad. But that’s the best way to do it.

well good luck climbing in 16 weeks with a 197 weapon when everybody and their mother will have at least a 220 from world questing. the great vault is the exact same crap that were archavon’s vault and such. you’d buy your piece of gear then loot it next week. who cares, at some point you gotta buy stuff instead of hoping you get it in the vault, especially since you can get items you already have in the vault so in the end you could end up with 26 rings, 21 cloaks, 19 adaptation trinkets and still be with your 197 weapon bc it might appear in the vault.

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I’d say if there was no such time gating and 200 ilvl would get unlocked this reset - we are fine. We are still behind but not that much. The true problem is time gating honor gear updates with Renown. 22nd Renown for 200 ilvl is just miserable considering conquest cap being 550.

Amen. A couple extra things to do tho, if you ask me.

Tbh I wondered already if I had to do this cause my ilvl is 185 and seems like when I check people everyone is already between 195-205ilvl.

I wonder if having to wait for a weapon really worth it, if yes that means I can’t arena until I get it cause people got 10 or 20ilvl more than me :s

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Sooooo, this is me 20d from my CONGRATS BLIZZARD POST

I am ilvl 188, played 400 2v2 games and won 204 with alot of sweat.
I was 1.8cr in BFA ONLY after I’ve forced myself to farm M+ even I didn’t liked that .
Now I really can’t get at 1600cr, been 1566cr. Playing only pug, just like I did in BFA.

Got 1650conquest, farming it for the weapon, just as everybody.
And got 15000Honor, even after I have bought both legendary recepies and other stats on cloack or neck, just for the sake of it.

I really cannot hit 1600 so I can upgrade my 2x207 items to ilvl213.
The main pattern I keep seeing is I’m fighting mostly 30-32k HP people (NOT PRIESTS or LOCKS), and I sit at 28120HP. That means people I’m fighting against are minimum 200ilvl, that means they have PvE gear, cause … why would they have PvP gear but be 1400cr, right ? :slight_smile:

SO, Blizzard, please use your damn stats, cause you started with the greatest PvP Gearing system that this game has ever seen, but at the same time you are turning it into nothing just because you made the gap between PvE and PvP so large that we, the majority, we cannot compete :frowning:

Possible solutions:

  1. Lower the notch 1 level down so the higher ranks 6 and 7 are active now.
  2. Lower the notch 1 level down, so we can get ilvl 213 at 1400.
  3. Remove the damn conquest cap, so who grinds till his eyes bleed, can gear with 207, just like the PvE M+ players do.
  4. Make an upgrade cost 5000Honor, so I can both improve my gear and use my Honor.

Just some thoughts.

Come to think of it, why would they have a chance at gear, every mythic + they clear, but I have to wait 4 weeks for a Weapon ?

Dunno, but now, even though I was really glad I didn’t had to PvE so I can be competitive in the only mode I play in this game.

Please fix it, either make PvE geared ppl compete only with others like them, I rather wait 10min for a queue that end with a based on skill game, rather then ilvl gear > skill.


Farming conquest for Weapond is not to smart choice with courent loot system , its better to try take expensive parts from Vault and spend conquest on cheap parts

“The thing is he also got extremly lucky with Loot.” Or then he is in guild group doing the raids and basicly gets free loot handed over when needed.

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