Thank you Blizzard/WoW Devs, keep up the good work!

Hello Blizzard/WoW Devs,

Not a usual writer/reader of the forums, but i really felt the need to come and write this, so please bare with me in this one.

As a father of 2 younglings, and a FULL TIME 9h day job, I really appreciate how this expansion looks for the moment. I haven’t played a bg with so much hope, fun, and with actual rewards for playing it, since … ever MoP or WoD.
Love the Torghast challange and the extreme fun it offers with all the twisted anima powers.
Altough I hate gated stuff, I really love that you finally made a gated power progression with the renown system. Saying this since BFA was the first xpansion that made me quit the game for 1 full year, just cause of the psychological burden the artifact/azerite power aplied, that always left-behind, always FoMo aspect.

Love the Threads of Fate, even if people say it is a little slower then questing in campaing, whenever I have time to spare, I log an alt and do 1-2 WQ/Objective Missions. Great not to see and do all the quests that I read one by one in the first pass with my main character.

To all elitists out there that say they lack content, being geared BiS and having “nothing” to do for the rest of the week, KUDOS TO YOU, but keep in mind that most wow players that started 16 years ago, have full time jobs, have kids, have responsabilities. Want to feel more special beside being BiS on your caracter (which is a BIG thing in my opinion, since I’m ilvl159 but done L3 Torghast on Feral, and all content quests), then start getting BiS on an alt, on all alts, dunno.
And keep in mind that on 15th December you will start your journey in Mythic Raiding, enjoy the game until then, have some fun, help your friends/family gear up, cause maybe they don’t have the same amount of time to play, since you keep saying it is a MMO :wink:

For me, now I can play only what I love (PvP), and not feel that the game is a chore. And as things look, if there will be some little spare time, then an alt will be easy to always be up-to-date. Really hope that gear rewards from Rated PvP will be on par with PvE content, and that PvE trinkets and other PvE systems will not ruin the PvP content as it did with corruption.

TLDR*** Thank you Blizzard and WoW Devs, you did a GREAT JOB :heavy_heart_exclamation:***

!!!P.S.!!! please add the a possibility of leveling ALTS in Torghast in a future update. That will probably made me level all my 23 alts, hell, maybe I will start doing it right after finishing Rated PvP weekly cap.


Yup, your causal father with 2 kids and 9h a day job.

Makes …sense! Moar gated content, right?

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Actually 18 alts, and If i have 1 lvl 60 and 17 lvl 50 alts, doesn’t mean I play them reguraly. Those 17 alts were raised most from 110 to 120, and a couple from 0 to 120 in the last 6 moths, since it only took like … what … 8 hours per toon to level ?
Remember we had corruption system, a system I didn’t like and had to fill the time with something. I usually lvl alts at expansion’s end just to feel how classes are, since I try to play rated PvP and it would suck to not know what other classes do. BUT doesn’t matter if they were 17 alts since only 1 alt was doing 5 mask visions.

I know those numbers don’t feel casual, but the alts are not played/geared, and I also don’t WANT TO do M+ dungeons or RAIDS. So all my wow time SHOULD be made of story + power progression system up-to-date + pvp-love

P.S. I meant to say “As a father of 2 younglings, and a FULL TIME 9h day job”

Agree with a lot of this. Games should not feel like a chore. BiS is super important, but were it breaks for me personally is that there are still “chores”. I want my character to be able to reach ultimate BiS power by simply raiding or similar. I tolerate some side activity but it seems again that there will be a lot for me to be considered for a raid spot in a guild that can beat content with 2-3 raids a week which is already a big ask to be fair. 2-3 nights a week is a lot, but that is how the game used to be, it used to be enough and no one had a problem with that. Hardcore sweats can fuel over whatever measure their epeen in how high they can go in m+ or how fast they can clear raids. De facto is I should not feel like I lose our on character power coz I do not want to/can do useless chores for hours on end in the game. Clearing the raids should unlock my characters ultimate potential already. It did before.

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Legion AP was ok, but azerite was draining as hell. I ended up just quitting.

I don’t feel the same about SL, I’m loving it and have tonnes to do.

Really glad you’re having a good time, it’s so nice to read some nice feedback about the expansion for once.

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Totally agree with this , there’s enough to do to not be bored but not too much that you’re overwhelmed

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Sooooo, here’s me 20days later, just to be sure we’re not “disconnected” from reality: PvE gear still miles better...? - #30 by Droodprophet-aggramar

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