PvE Pyrewood cluster field report

I’m leveling a hunter on Horde side on Pyrewood PvE cluster since few weeks. Main lowbie zones like Barrens are full > 50 while others have like ~10 people peak time but it varies… You can get people to do quests, but also you won’t get competition for quest mobs and alike.

There are some HC people but not many, they come from overpopulated Hydraxian Waterlords.

  • Barrens: https://i.imgur.com/JeQm4OS.jpeg
  • Ashenvale: https://i.imgur.com/UAEbrIF.jpeg
  • Desolace: https://i.imgur.com/ma8oLRM.jpeg
  • Tanaris: https://i.imgur.com/NVzg3Nc.jpeg

People are joining daily, not everyone continues but the rate seems good - on the Horde side there is a leveling guild “Broken Few” and there are daily mass invites (and kicks for inactive people) and with that the 1000 people guild limit is a problem :smiley:

Groups for dungeons do happen, some spam-run SM and alike but usually there is some wait for a tank or healer so rolling hybrids have an additional bonus (Uldaman Shaman tank :D)

Level 60 activity is rather low, like 2 Horde guilds that do Naxx, seen few ZG/AQ20 PUGs in the chat and Orgrimmar WB for few more level 60 guilds. There won’t be any freebie carries when you hit 60 :wink: Still with AQ and ZG gearing should be way easier, especially when the new wave is still at max level ~50 and isn’t ending at the other end.

Bugs: water and “tent” pathing is bugged - you can’t attack turtles in water (Barrens), while NPC pathing through water will cause them to fall down through the map and the go back again :smiley:

  • Bugged pathing mob: https://i.imgur.com/QFHgxLv.jpeg
  • Chicken falling through the map: https://i.imgur.com/dvkYXdx.jpeg

BoE Epics:

  • Tanaris: https://i.imgur.com/D1kUkVf.jpeg
  • Hinterlands: https://i.imgur.com/wY5aeEe.jpeg

Pogs in the chat: https://i.imgur.com/7UV9fnX.jpeg

ToDo: hit 60, check gearing an 20-man options. Farm the freak out of Silithus and use templar summons for initial gearing.

IMHO it could be interesting if Era could have some seasonal events/activity instead of funneling people into “Fresh”. Like a repeating scourge invasion, silithid war and alike :wink: Maybe something like Fallout 76 scoreboard?


It’s definitely in that sweet spot population wise, not too busy and not too quiet. I really hope the HC community doesn’t all come over to the PvE cluster though…they already completely swarmed Hydraxian and killed any chance of non HC people playing there.

Not sure why they don’t just roll on one of the dead PvE clusters like Lakeshire. They are literally empty. Why choose the growing PvE cluster that non HC people are playing on already?

Lit overview. The horde PvE community in PV is what Era is all about. Super good to know the pop is growing and you have a very positive vibe about its development!

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Love this review! Thanks for the support <3

Totally agree! Having a blast playing on Alliance side. Can get groups for quests and dungeons! Welcome here new players! :slight_smile:

Once pop streamers reach 60 and do some s*** they will move on. Rest will leave to play d4. So after that the servers will be quiet again.

Started a new character here, fleeing from the mass gankings happening on pvp. Pretty sick of getting stomped 10 seconds after leaving a town. Looking forward to some relaxed leveling.

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Alliance is way more populated than Horde anyway we have reached 3k+ items on AH but yeah pve cluster is okay tiers now but at least low-medium than medium-high

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Isn’t Lakeshire German?
Maybe HC people go to PvE cluster because only English language place? Not PvP. Not overcrowded like HW, which was chosen because of no layers and still ENglish?

It’s no longer a German realm on Era, it’s with all the English realms, and it’s empty anyway.

You will be pleased to know we have a growing community of classic era players on Auberdine aswell and everyone is welcome and well treated there are for exemple people from sweden and the u.k and they find a guild and group and get some help easily.

There are raiding multiple time of the week and discord altough the auction house can be described as not too big and many things are missing to buy.

We are lacking horde players though :confused: only one strong guild horde side at my knowledge.


I found Classic PV Horde AH: 4191 and alliance AH: 10378.

Classic Firemaw Horde AH: 36125 Alliance AH: 49622

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It always was like that. I was starting Classic on Nethergarde Keep PvE and at best A:H was 3:2 if not more, yet H was completely playable.

And looking at leveling ranges most people are very low - like 20-30 and still only few “rushed” to 40-50 or 50+ level ranged. If the leveling wave is stable and enough people reach 50+ and decide for crafting professions instead of milking existing lvl 60 then the AH should start seeing traction :slight_smile:

Still I think some are in waiting room mode for D4, next SoM, official HC realms or whatever Blizzard is doing, especially when more and more twits go out from them.

I just joined PV on horde side and I’m a bit worried. World chat and LFG chat’s are VERY slow. Are there any guilds that would be willing to help out fresh 60’s? Could someone tell me what are the guilds that actively raid on this cluster? :slight_smile: Should I just reroll alliance? Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

AFAIK there are some raids with buffs on Thursday and weekends. LFG isn’t used, LookingForGroup is and world.

Is it clustered with English Realms?
Or just same page?
All non-Russian Era realms are one page. I know not why. Save space, or what?
Still Lakeshire German, same as Auberdine French.

All 3 English language PvE realms are Medium Pop (sometimes High) Like HW). No fun for Ironman.
But I not want to play in German to go to Lakeshire or to Razorfen, or in French to go to Auberdine.

Blame lies with Blizzard for making only 3 English PvE servers.

Yeah I’m using LookingForGroup, still very slow ;s

Ally has a lot more people on Pyrewood. If Horde is too quiet for you, I’d recommend trying the Alliance side.

Lakeshire and Everlook are German Servers they are in one Cluster but nearly dead
Blizzard made befor around 2 years free server changes to Pyerwood from this Cluster and that’s why most Germans are now in Uk Cluster
befor I played on the only Guild there who got nearly Daily Raids
On German Cluster happens nothing anymore

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Stop populate empty / low server and join cluster as you like PvP / Pve . All 1 language server should join cluster, how is fun to level 1-60 whit nobody playing at your level or not be able to do a donjon whitout to be boosted by lvl 60 or because you cant align 5 people ?

Pve cluster is medium pop and sometimes you can’t find enough people to donjon like heal or tank as always so imagine on low pop server . Stop be stupid join healthy communoty on Pyrewood village no boosting or toxic players activity ofc horde side need more people i think we are at 60 / 40 or 70 /30 idk .