PVE Realms 2024

Hey All.

So I am on Firemaw at the moment and while I have found many people to be nice and helpful the ganking is out of control tbh. Cannot walk around for 2 minute without a level 60 curb stomping you.
I want to go to a PVE realm but it seems like they are all low population.

What is the most active realm out of them??

Realms are stuck together. All pve realms are actually one. Pve is alive. Getting dungeon groups won’t be easy. But once you pass 60 - plenty of raiding guilds


There is one PvE cluster: Pyrewood Village which is connected with Mirage Raceway and Nethergarde Keep, so that’s the cluster you will be looking for.

The other PvE realms (Celebras, Auberdine etc.) are not connected to a cluster - they are RP realms and/or realms for other languages.

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I leveled some characters on firemaw (not stealth) and the ganks were very rare, just avoid areas like redridge and stv, if you have done all westfall quest go to darkshore then darkshire (not during darkmoon faire), arathi Highlands/desolace, you can also doing several numbers of Scarlet monastery lvl30/43, then feralas, tanaris, un’goro…

Also consider doing some grinding, its pretty easy and often faster and more lucrative (gold AND XP) than doing FedEx quests, especially as a mage in aoe farm!

Ganking is not really a problem at this moment of Era, a lot of lvl60s pass through these areas only to farm a few comps and just ignore you.

Pyewood Village

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