PvP - Alliance AV Voice Project

Hello everyone.

I guess all alliance player know the problems around the alterac valley.
Sometimes you have a solo player or a 5man guild group who takes the lead and make (mostly) good commands. Even then, the win chance is round about 50%.
But in the most AVs you dont have a commander. Some people make 1 or 2 good announces, but thats it.

But whats so different between now and the time where we qt with 40er premade raids? Ok, guess we had more healer back in these days. But the other important thing is that we were in a voicechat together.

If you are fighting, its not that easy to follow the chat. And it takes more time and its harder to call for help or make an incoming message, when you have to write it.

And so it should be really helpful if the most player of one BG would be in the same Voicechannel.

It has to be a voiceserver for everyone. Every server, every guild and every solo player should be present.
If that happens, you can Q in the alterac valley and join the channel with your BG number. If you do that and many others too… Then you will sit in there with 20-30 of your BG Team. This would help you to coordinate with your team way better.

The beginning for such a voiceserver will be hard… because its hard to get all the player to accept such a thing. But after time, it should be possible to get hundreds or thousands people.

Thats the reason why I created such a Voiceserver 30 hours ago. Its (ofc) a Discordserver.
The Discord IP ending is: /fRVTsNa
(The full link: ( https : / / discord . gg / fRVTsNa ) <= just without the spaces)

So join the Voiceserver so that the chances for winning as alliance in AV will increase.

I wish you all good cooperation and a nice WoW time. :wink:

Hello there i already have one so would you like to have a talk with me?, maybe we could collaborate as work together on a project? X

I asked many times in the battlegrounds but noone answered. For all the people I got there it was the first time they heard about smth like that as well. Only one player told me about an old premade server with over 2k player. But then he told me its closed… noone can invite anymore. And the most of this 2k players arent playing anymore… So I created a new one.

I would be happy to talk with you if you would be willing? X

sure we can

I just got home from work so will pop into discord soon. X

Do you know there is inagme voice working great with top quality?

Sure i am not only one who finds is better using just that then starting discord and adding another one of million servers…

Get over it, AV Premade is dead.

Git gud now.

yes and this is no premade :wink:

gogo it could be a good solution

use ingame voice channel :slight_smile:

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