PvP balancing is dumb for people that gear their character

Just bring back PvP stats, literally the easiest fix in the world but apparently blizzards thinks we’re too stupid to handle another stat.


So if my country is poor our athletes shouldn’t have a chance at big tournaments?
It isn’t exactly the same argument, but equally stupid.
Competitiveness should never be measured in time spent with the activity or luck.
A less skilled player shouldn’t beat a better one because of gear if it fits better.

besides the asinine comparison who tf is talking about being competitive?

its a mmoRPG not a moba, not a fps or any other kind of competitive game

disable gear in rated then, theres your fix :roll_eyes:


That is a really terrible comparison… Gathering gear is a core part of the game and should not be trivialized for the sake of “making things fair”.

A less skilled player who spend more time gathering gear has a more powerful character and thus should be able to beat someone whos a better player but doesn’t have any gear. That doesn’t mean the more skilled player doesn’t have a chance, but if we’re talking a 100-150 ilvl difference than yeah you’re out of luck and you should spend some time making your character more powerful and try again.

Should the rules be different in a rated setting? Perhaps but since I don’t participate I’m not offering solutions nor commenting on it.


Well if its stupid for you idc, but think a bit here: in pvp at least 2 players are comparing their characters against eachother, this makes things competitive.

Killing low level/low geared enemies have nothing to do with pvp to start with, pick a worthy enemy first.
Second I don’t think oneshotting someone can be fun if they have no chance to react.

WoW forums 2020.


In a perfect world PVP scaling would… have no fridging place in the game.

Only in post 2015 games try to pull equalizers that routinely backfire. The more hilarious part is that people scream “but the better player will win” when actually it is the better base scaling that wins.


Way to take things out of context there. Well done.


No one even going to mention that it is passive procs and borrowed power that does our dmg in pvp.
You could be 480 with no corruption, useless essences with pointless trinkets and hit like a wet noodle.

In an ideal world where scaling worked properly there wouldnt be a problem, but it doesn’t.

There are and always will be 3 factors at play in wow pvp; class, skill and gear and thats the way it should be.

Having a stronger character should damn well be worth something otherwise entire gameplay mechanics can be removed.

Who needs gear from bosses? Just scale us up
Who needs gear to pvp? Just scale us up
Who needs to level for experience? Just scale us up
Who needs to run or fly anywhere? Just teleport us there
Who needs rewards? Just give us participation ribbons

Yay we can all be equal and only the bestest of the best can feel special because they cant be arsed to play the rest of the game


gearing up is also part of being competitive no? if you cant be bothered to gear your character up and i can i should have the edge over you

it has nothing to do with one shotting and nobody even mentioned that

a pvp stat is all we need, no handholding required


Scaling in there to compensate for ridicolous gear scaling. Fix the cause instead. The thing is - this could make new raid tiers too easy, or too hard. Maybe add something like the array buff we saw in the first BFA raid tier where you got some buff that increased each week.

Opening post btw.

Or maybe Blizz could get rid of this stupid scaling nonsense and make it easier to get basic PVP gear? (PVP vendors… low honor cost)
And each patch that “basic” PVP gear gets stronger, so the base is always approaching toward the best gear of the season.


There’s a simple solution for that:don’t turn warmode OFF, i know it’s crazy.

As a 480 Ilvl Alliance i always get outnumbered and killed in warmode, it doesn’t make a difference that i’m geared, i just turn it off because it’s just inconvenient.

And gearing is really easy nowadays with M+.

But the game is an MMO, if you remove gear from the equation entirely, what’s the point in gearing up?


Exactly. This is an mmo. Every mmo has competitive mode where skill matters the most.

I’ve been levelling an spriest on Alliance, which is basically running around with a huge target on my back. But at least I can put up a fight. If I couldn’t even do that, then what is the point of Warmode from a PvP perspective?

So you are implying that in expansions before WoD/Legion you didn’t need skill or skill was a lesser factor ?

Because I remember being able to one shot more undergeared players in MoP BG’s than in WoD, legion and BfA combined.

Also I can’t recall ever meeting a “skilled” player who didn’t have good gear unless it’s the start of the expansion/season.

If you were good at the game you knew how to get gear in no time so your points kind of don’t make sense to me.